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Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
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Currently Smoking
Due to the Success of the [HASHTAG]#groweroftheyearbattles[/HASHTAG] we will be starting More New Growbattles starting 1 st September 2017.

If you Think you are Ready to be Crowned [HASHTAG]#Autogroweroftheyear2017[/HASHTAG]...Save a space in your growroom.

If you would like your Favourite Vendors joining the [HASHTAG]#growbattlechallenge[/HASHTAG] let us know.

If you have a Team/team name you would like to enter..let us know..

Details as they come in...:headbang:

Winners will go forward as the [HASHTAG]#growbattleoftheyear[/HASHTAG] Challengers to Beat in the 2018 Full Season legs.
Do they have to be autos or can photos be included with a set time frame?I have 1 more batitle after the indoor to do but after that I doubt I'll fool with autos but still like comING to this site

I Think @Rebel may be setting one up for the Photo section...I'll Ask.
A @mephisto sponsored grow sounds wonderful. Starts in Sept., finishes by Halloween !!

Honestly I couldn't compete for size or yield with any afn members. People pullin 2 to 3 elbows from one lady. Puts my .25 to shame. I'm just happy to be here.
Now THERE'S an idea!!!

Sounds like @Rebel is Up for it...:d5:..

A @mephisto sponsored grow sounds wonderful. Starts in Sept., finishes by Halloween !!
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Honestly I couldn't compete for size or yield with any afn members. People pullin 2 to 3 elbows from one lady. Puts my .25 to shame. I'm just happy to be here.

Yes..I Think a [HASHTAG]#mephistogrowbattle[/HASHTAG] would be a Winner... :headbang:..and with [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] it is not so much about your result..aS the Fun you have along the way..:amazon:..
You Learn more when you are having Fun..

I would love to get in on that!

Great...:d5:..does everyone Know that there is still a chance to get on the [HASHTAG]#outdoorautophotogrowbattle[/HASHTAG] for [HASHTAG]#outdoorgroweroftheyear2017[/HASHTAG] Cup ...?
I am down like 4 flats on a Cadillac.

Good Timing @derek420colorado :bighug:..I just had it Confirmed we'll be starting a [HASHTAG]#mephistogrowbattle[/HASHTAG] Starting 1st Sept

This will be a 1 round battle to confirm [HASHTAG]#mephistogroweroftheyear2017[/HASHTAG] year we run the full 3 legs.

It will be Open to all comers or Teams..if you Love [HASHTAG]#mephisto[/HASHTAG] ..let's See what you can do with them...:vibe:
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