New Grower Need help choosing soil & fertilizer for outdoor


collecting exp
Dec 1, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Hey ^-^
First of all, thanks for taking your time to maybe help me out a bit & share your suggestions, I really appreciate it :d5:

So I'm relatively new to growing in general and I'm going to take care of a few autos (Honey Peach Auto CBD & Jack Herer Auto) next season. The enviroment is a southern sunny balcony in a mild but overall pretty good climate.
I digged my way through lot's of blog posts, forum threads and so on in the last couple months and gathered many informative stuff, but I'd still need help choosing a solid soil & eventually an organic fertilizer.
I want to keep the whole thing as easy as possible and don't want to use any synthetic/mineral additives as well as bottled fertilizers. I don't live near any grow shops so I guess I'll have to work with what I have.
I've read a lot medium-related and don't really know any further. Many sources say that the seedling will be damaged from any NPK nutrients, but I also read that you should place the automatics directly into the last pot (around 11l?) as re-potting them would maybe shock them & harm their growth for a few days in a crucial way.
But if I'd fill the final pot with growing-them earth with no relevant amounts of nutrients in it, the plant would have to less nutrients for both vegetative & flowering stage I guess?
So should I use regular potting soil from the garden center nearby & put a layer of growing-them earth on top of it to give the seedling in the first week or two a nutrient-poor terrain? Would this even work as the roots will stretch down a lot for sure?
Or should I consider re-potting from a tinier pot without any nutrients into the 11l final pot with nutrient-rich earth?

I also thought about using the organic "Easy Boost" slow-releasing capsule fertilizer from RQS as I don't really know if the feeding from the earth's nutrient content itself will suffice for the whole lifespan of the plant.

Maybe someone out here could drop some of their thoughts and suggestions on this topic, I'd be very, very glad'n'thankfull:toke:
Or should I consider re-potting from a tinier pot without any nutrients into the 11l final pot with nutrient-rich earth?
This is close to what I do...either direct seeded or transplanted, but into a small area (12-16 oz cup sized hole) filled with plain non-ammended soil
Thanks for the Feedback!:jointman:
So, I feel like it's more simple & safe to directly seed it into the final pot for me, luckily I got the required space & amount of light indoors for the first weeks after germination.
Which regular garden center ligh-mixed soil after the seedling phase could you recommend? I don't really need any brands as they highly depend on the country's filial chains I guess :D But some catchwords would be nice. On what is important regarding the containing NPK or different specific raw materials which the soil should include. Would have to be a pre-mixed bag or at least something what's really easy to buy & mix on your own. And could you recommend to use the additional "Easy Boost" slow-releasing fertilizer or will the soil do the job? Unfortunately, I only got access to some default garden centers :sad:
I don't really know about the premixed soils, mine is a home made mix from a recipe from @Eyes on Fire, he has some informative threads here.
Thanks tho for your help!

But I guess I'll go with pre-mixed soil as this is the low-effort alternative for me :smoking:
So far I've chosen a potting soil containing peat, compost, perlite & lime. The nutrition stats are the following;
N : 180-600mg/l - P : 150-600mg/l - K : 500-1500mg/l
Maybe somebody could tell me if this is a solid choice and if I'd need any additional fertilizers for the whole lifecycle of my autos? :smoker1:
And if so, should I go with the capsule slow-releasing fertilizer which will get mixed into the soil directly or should I chillout, wait for any signs of underfeeding and then buy a liquid one from the garden shop nearby? :help:
Sorry for asking this many questions, but I didn't really find any relatable info's on this kind of stuff :shrug:
So if you know any usefull guides/threads, I'd be very thankfull! :thumbsup:
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I grew out the Honey Peach Cbd for my wife. Very good head and body high. IIRC I used roots Organic soil and their terp teas, grow and bloom. You can check the sweet seed section for my journal. Wifie Honey Peach Cbd. Something like that. Lol..
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