Indoor Nutrients


Jan 6, 2016
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What nutrients do you guys use?
Do you use their full line, if not which do you use?
When and how much do you start with?
How much did it cost you?

Its so much fun browsing nutes and additives, but which actually makes a worth difference?

Im looking for something real simple, one or two parts that cover the entire grow. Did anyone use The Guano Company Super Tea and Budswel?
There are so many nutrients and additives on the market these days it sometime gets overwhelming trying to choose what to use.I am a firm believer that less is more when it comes to nutes.You should read our nutrient threads to get some idea what growers are using and what they recommend.You have to decide if you want to use all organic or chemical nutes first than pick something that fits your budget and is fairly simple to use,especially if your just starting to grow.General Hydroponics,Advanced Nutrients are both widely used and have proven to be very succesfull in growing weed.I am using Dyna Gro nutes and have found they do a very good job and don't leave much salt residue like many others and they are basically a two part system of a veg nute and a flower nute and they contain trace nutrients that some others don't contain.So my advice is start off using one of the well known and proven nutes that are easy to use than once you get a few grows under your belt you can experiment with different things to see what works best for you.
How do you grow? Soil, hydro?

I grow in soil and like the Go Box, they intend that as a starter kit. But for someone that grows a small number of plants, that works.

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I tried doing a link to the General Organics Go Box at Amazon, but the ***** software is acting even flakier now.
There are so many nutrients and additives on the market these days it sometime gets overwhelming trying to choose what to use.I am a firm believer that less is more when it comes to nutes.You should read our nutrient threads to get some idea what growers are using and what they recommend.You have to decide if you want to use all organic or chemical nutes first than pick something that fits your budget and is fairly simple to use,especially if your just starting to grow.General Hydroponics,Advanced Nutrients are both widely used and have proven to be very succesfull in growing weed.I am using Dyna Gro nutes and have found they do a very good job and don't leave much salt residue like many others and they are basically a two part system of a veg nute and a flower nute and they contain trace nutrients that some others don't contain.So my advice is start off using one of the well known and proven nutes that are easy to use than once you get a few grows under your belt you can experiment with different things to see what works best for you.
I was about to order DynaGro just before getting the BioBizz try Pack. DynaGro is super cheap. Do you just use the Grow one or Foliage/Hi-N Pro?

How do you grow? Soil, hydro?

I grow in soil and like the Go Box, they intend that as a starter kit. But for someone that grows a small number of plants, that works.

Amazon product

Thanks I looked it up! :D

Im doing soil atm but I have a bunch of coco bricks to. Got the BioBizz try Pack and i have Canna Coco a+b, pk and calmg for coco.

So far BioBizz is doing fine, they just had one feed so far though. :D Cant wait to try their seaweed Alg-A-Mic.
Ive had good luck with dynagro foilage pro,seed to harvest.