rick simpsons oil

i saw a docomentry on you tube its called"clearing the smoke... the science of cannabis.its american made. it tells how our bodies produce cannaboids and our bodies have two receptors one in the brain and
the other is in our inmune system.they done tests and they believe that cannaboids are a cure for cancer it makes cancer cells commit suicide.but because cannabis is a scheduale 1 drug no research is allowed in america.:peace: sj
sniper..Remind me about this after christmas Bud..I know with what I have going on now I'll forget..but I Honestly Think if I could have a Talk to him...he might appreciate My Theory...and might be in more of a position to get funding for a Test group that will be able to say yay or nay to the Homework.

hereb4...You were my First medical experiment here at AFN...
I picked you up...:D..Lucky Boy...and I gave you my most valued possesion..my Black Dragon..

When nobody but the admin had her..
If you had been a ripper I was screwed..:no:..

You hadn't grown canna before..but you were determined to give it a go..and I remember telling you at the time that I couldn't Promise to change the Length of your Life..but I could guarantee I could change the Quality of the time you had left..

I did..didn't I..?
You followed what I recommened..you followed it and you felt better..

I was following the PH thing all along..I just didn't explain it to you..I Told you what to Do instead...

It Has to be Worth a Go...:wiz:

That is the whole 9 yards...I have been telling you so for ages...and the ph miracle book is where some of my homework started..:thumbs:

I swear I'm trying...absolutely no meat,no dairy products whatsoever, almond milk instead of soy...and I brush teeth 3 times a day with baking soda....no alcohol nor sugary sweet drinks...ph 7.0 water with ph 8.5 icecubes is all I drink...and 1 cup of coffee sweetened with stevia for alkalinity..

the ph of my urine when I wake up is usually high 6's to dead on 7...night pee is low 6's to mid 6's
heres my urine test results..notice the ph is bang on 7..even though I'm sick

we really have listened and learned,but this beast isn't playing by the rules.
you really wanna climb on up towards 8... cancer can survive in the 7 range... so your are doing well, but need to go up a hair more even. :toke:

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note cancer cells starting form even at ph 5.8

from seeing your plants performance at different ph's, this should register with you that it take s asignificant change to overcome that. :smokebuds:

hope this helps mate
what about bubbling drinkin water would that help with adding more oxygen
absolutely good call snipe... and even just extra water helps flush... i have to "force" myself to drink water all day... or id just slug back coffee after coffe... and the days i forget and do.... are the days i feel shitty later in the day... PH!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZXGH6mYr3Y just my two cents you should use what rick simpson uses or he also uses 99% Isopropal !! Im friends with janet sweeny she runs the Phoenix Tears Foundation in Colorado !! if anyone wants i can get in touch with her for any info!!!!:peace:
thanks jm i just thought my plants don't like when i don't bubble and mossy is always saying more oxygen helps healing

also won't the ice cause the ph to drop in hereb4's 7.0 water or will it raise back up from the body heating it?