Mephisto Genetics S.O.D.K.-MegaCrop, AutoCob 3500k

Great Job MiDiN, lol
Thanks buddy. Now the wait to try her, this is the suspense I hate. Lol. All though I have several to smoke now, I want to try my new toy dang it. But I'll wait. Hopefully she doesn't put me to sleep in the deer stand again like the Skywalker lemon Haze does. Or maybe I shouldn't build a couch 30' in the air in the middle of woods.
Oh ya I use it as well, love it.i been maxing out at 2-2.3 g/gal further in to flower I go.
I started that on this grow @ day 14 I dont weigh it I start it @ 1/4 tsp per gallon then up 1tsp per 5 gallon
I started that on this grow @ day 14 I dont weigh it I start it @ 1/4 tsp per gallon then up 1tsp per 5 gallon
Ic ic, once I got to 2.5g I noticed red spots on leaves so started working down and was able to hold at 2.3 but try staying at 2-2.2 probably little over 1/4tsp from my scoops shape anyways if that makes sense.
Ic ic, once I got to 2.5g I noticed red spots on leaves so started working down and was able to hold at 2.3 but try staying at 2-2.2 probably little over 1/4tsp from my scoops shape anyways if that makes sense.
This grow I'm also using GL B alive and Element X they no longer have either of these on the website
I wanted that redline bad I should of nabbed it when I ordered it was still
No little scurred of that it :LOLStoned: due to what it is
available, ya that's what is holding me back on it but at same time I wonder its worth at say quarter of the dose recommend or half dose but twice as much water?
@Dabber that B alive I thought about but then seeing the sweet candy and knowing about crushing b vitamins for humans and putting in water to feed photos outdoors is an old trick I was taught so I opted to kinda create my own if needed.
I wanted that redline bad I should of nabbed it when I ordered it was still

available, ya that's what is holding me back on it but at same time I wonder its worth at say quarter of the dose recommend or half dose but twice as much water?
I have Red Line also but agree with GL not needed since BE has same stuff minus the N I reduce the base nute as it gets closer to harvest last feeding or 2 only SC