Shoutout to Mossy


"Russian warship, go F yourself"
Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabbing Sour Stomper
(This may be the wrong forum for this -- mods please move as appropriate)

I just finished listening to the Jan 15 Shaping Fire podcast with Shango Los and @FullDuplex where they talk about some of the early leaders in auto-flower breeding (many of whom were founders/members of AFN), and specifically the work @Mossy did with her early strains and the impact it had on autoflower development in general.

Just wanted to express my appreciation for her work and all that she did developing autos into the fantastic plants they are today. Thanks Mossy!
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(This may be the wrong forum for this -- mods please move as appropriate)

I just finished listening to the Jan 15 Shaping Fire podcast with Shango Los and @FullDuplex where they talk about some of the early leaders in auto-flower breeding (many of whom were founders/members of AFN), and specifically the work @Mossy did with her early strains and the impact it had on autoflower development in general.

Just wanted to express my appreciation for her work and all that she did developing autos into the fantastic plants they are today. Thanks Mossy!
Sweet!! ^_^

She's shy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ... so here's some more to go with your appreciation post! (from 420 celebrations) ^_^

AFN: Hall of Heroes Spotlight:

Mossy aka "Aunty Mossy"

Our AFN Leader aka "the Boss"

Here's a huge shout out to our Host and Leader Aunty Mossy!! :D wOOp WooP

Not only is Aunty M our good friend and mentor - It may be news to some of our members that Aunty Mossy is actually one of the original Pioneering autoflower breeders that helped take something amazing (yet mediocre .... lowryder 1) and create a masterpiece that no doubt helped pave the future for the autoflowers that we have today.

A huge cheer for Aunty Mossy on 420. We literally wouldn't be here (at AFN) without her! ^_^

Smoking one with @Mossy on 420! :D

Mossys Purple Jem!!
