Genius Pipe SoH's Wife Steals His Genius Pipe

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
We've had this pipe now for a few weeks and I figured it would be a proper time to give a proper journal and review now that I have a few minutes!

For starters, let me precursor this, I am not a pipe guy. I actually hate smoking out of pipes. I prefer water pieces for the filtering/cooling. So I went into this going "ehhhh…. okay."

The pipe came in a discrete packaging, bubble wrap package.

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No visible indicators of what's inside.

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And the nice box inside!

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And the instructions (front side:)

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The backside of the instructions:

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I enlisted my Mrs to help me with this unboxing. I'm an awful camera man.

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Everything was packaged up nice and neat.

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The genius stone:

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The genius pipe:

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An interesting design, all magnetic, three pieces (I actually love this about it:)

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She's enjoying it!

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The flower test!

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I have to say, I think this metal plate is GENIUS. How many times have you smoked out someone new, or you're a-hole friend who just can't control his lighter function, that TORCHES the entire bowl at once? No green hit for anyone but him, "thanks PAL," kind of stuff. This eliminates that.

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Well, I don't know about "coughless." Everyone that ripped off it coughed their asses off :rofl: But there is definitely a "breezy" channel feeling when you draw in, very different feeling than most pipes on the draw.

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What is very interesting though is the genius stone.
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We happen to enjoy our concentrates in this house. So a pipe that I can rip shatter or wax with a lighter? Whaaaaat?

Let's check this out!

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I don't remember what this was called, but it was amazing:

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Loaded up!

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Let 'er rip! I noticed (in my experience) that you had to draw in slowly while holding the flame to the concentrate, letting it first melt into the stone. There almost is NO first hit, unless you roast it (my fear is the butane taste.) Over time with the pipe now, I've notice there is definitely a lot more "tane" taste because of simply having to hold the flame to it more. Upon suggestion, we tried out some hippy-wick, or hemp-wick, which VASTLY improved the taste of concentrates smoked out the pipe.

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And another type of wax, with some heat applied:

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And yet another consistency:

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I've got to pull the pictures off my camera for the next set. This thing has gotten more use out than any other smoking device in the house for concentrates. It's so damn convenient to just plop your concentrate on the stone, melt it in, and then if you want? Pop on the metal plate and go golfin'. Rip that shatter on the go, bro! :rofl: Sure, dabber pens work too, but this is a nice, lightweight, no-battery option for tearing on some concentrates. Grab some hemp-wick and you're in flavor town.

It's sitting next to me right now. In fact... I'm gonna rip on it RIGHT now. Hey-ohhhh!
Excellent right up!.....Even better pictures:smoking:

The fact that you can smoke concentrates with just this pipe, and a lighter makes this very cool. Nothing is a bigger bummer than reaching for your pen only to find out it is less than useless when dead.:cuss::slap:
Putting it through the paces, this thing gets oily haha!
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To clean this it's really easy, you just wipe with an ISO wipe or a bit of ISO on a cloth/towel. I found you should clean throughout the piece even if it doesn't look dirty, a white cotton cloth pulled a lot of grime out what appeared to be untouched, so be thorough!

We had some fun with this:

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And some more fun:

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Apparently I thought it needed more:

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Uh oh... someone bought Bordello distillate... the flower tests on the upper of 34% (to be fair, on the lower, around 24%.) Distillate, oooooomg.

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That's the Mrs dab. Goooood night sweet heart, yeahhhh it's time to gooooo (bah dah dah dah dahhhh…)

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Not done yet...

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Sugar.... !


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