Sugar Feeds Cancer..


Daenerys Targaryen
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Jan 2, 2011
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More and more sugar link are showing up in our Cancer homework..:wiz:

It is One of the reasons we ask any chronic med patients to give up SUGAR and SODA as part of our Treatment Plan.

Up to now it has been showing up mostly in Alternate/Holistic treatments..but now it is moving to Mainstream meds.

Future treatments to make cancer history

Oct 2013 00:37

A new treatment aims to starve breast cancer cells to death by targeting
their appetite for sugar

Amazing: High-res camera detects small tumours

I remain optimistic about finding new treatments for breast cancer and
technological advances to ­diagnose it.

One staggering piece of new ­technology allows doctors to look inside a
tumour and trace the type and ­aggressiveness of its cells.

I remember 15 to 20 years ago this was a dream no one thought would come true
in our lifetime. But now it has – and it works.

It’s a special high-res camera called a molecular breast imager and because
it works at a molecular level it can detect extremely small tumours made up of
only a few cancer cells as they begin to grow.

If treated at this molecular stage, a cancer need never develop.

This puts the “gamma camera” way ahead of mammograms, ultrasound and MRI,
even when these three scans are used together. It’s particularly relevant to
young women whose breasts are dense and “hide” small tumours.

A new treatment aims to starve breast cancer cells to death by targeting
their appetite for sugar. The University of Southampton has come up with a
­treatment for chemotherapy-resistant breast cancers.

The treatment exploits a link between the way cancer cells gobble up sugar
and the way they grow and divide.

A feature of cancer cells is they gorge on sugar from the blood, enabling
them to multiply. Chemicals called cyclic peptide inhibitors can stop
sweet-toothed cancer cells from growing.

Researchers at Southampton have developed chemicals designed to block sugar
processing by cancer cells.

They’ve selected the most effective chemical, CP61, which they’re developing
for use as a breast cancer treatment.

What makes this discovery exciting is that CP61 targets only cancer cells by
blocking the sweet tooth and should cause less damage to normal cells with
fewer side effects than existing treatments.

Dr Blaydes from The University of ­Southampton says: “Because this is a
new approach to ­treatment, the drugs we’re developing could be effective
against breast cancers that have become resistant to chemotherapies in around
one in five women.”

And there’s a brand-new test that could save about half of all breast cancer
patients the distress of chemo.

It’s called the Oncotype DX test and it will be available on the NHS.

It examines genes taken from the tumour to establish if it will spread and
could prevent thousands of women being overtreated.

Doctors will use the test alongside other information, such as the size and
grade of the tumour, to decide if chemo would be beneficial.

"A new treatment aims to starve breast cancer cells to death by targeting
their appetite for sugar"

"The treatment exploits a link between the way cancer cells gobble up sugar and the way they grow and divide."

'Nuff said huh..?....:wiz:

Starve Cancer of don't wanna be Feeding the Beast...
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Strategy for Selective Starvation of Cancer Cells


According to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, sugarposes a health risk—contributing to around 35 million deaths globally each year. So high is its toxicity that it should now be considered a potentially toxic substance like alcohol and tobacco. Its link with the onset of diabetes is such that punitive regulations, such as a tax on all foods and drinks that contain “added’’ sugar, are now warranted, the researchers concluded. They also recommend banning sales in or near schools, as well as placing age limits on the sale of such products.
Sugar does not stop at diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hyper- and hypoglycemia, GERD and heart disease. Sugar and cancer are locked in a death grip yet oncologists often fail to do what’s necessary to stop their patients from feeding their cancers with sweets.
But mainstream medicine insists on promoting the belief that the link between certain types of food with an increased risk of cancer is “weak” or only “nominally significant.” They believe that research “linking foodstuffs to cancer reveals no valid medical patterns.” We find such superficial attitudes promoted in the medical press—all of which lack any kind of medical depth.
An increasing number of medical scientists and many alternative practitioners know that the most logical, effective, safe, necessary and inexpensive way to treat cancer is to cut off the supply of food to tumors and cancer cells, starving them with a lack of glucose. The therapeutic strategy for selective starvation of tumors by dietary modification is one of the principle forms of therapy that is necessary for cancer patients to win their war on cancer.
Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah were one of the first to discover that sugar “feeds” tumors. The research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said, “It’s been known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumor growth,” says Don Ayer, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah.
Dr. Thomas Graeber, a professor of molecular and medical pharmacology, has investigated how the metabolism of glucose affects the biochemical signals present in cancer cells. In research published June 26, 2012 in the journal Molecular Systems Biology, Graeber and his colleagues demonstrate that glucose starvation—that is, depriving cancer cells of glucose—activates a metabolic and signaling amplification loop that leads to cancer cell death as a result of the toxic accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).[1]
Refined sugars are strongly linked to cancer, not only as a cause of it but also as something that feeds the cancer cells once a person has the disease—Nothing could be more important to consider in the attempt to improve the outcome of cancer treatments. The kinds of sugar so prevalent in today’s standard American diet lead to cancer directly by causing inflammation throughout the body but in some places more than others depending on the individual and their constitution. Listen to this video and hear how simple this all really is. Once cancer cells are established in the body, they depend on steady glucose availability in the blood for their energy; they are not able to metabolize significant amounts of fatty acids or ketone bodies,[2]. so they need sugar.
Suppress/ Delay/ Slow/ Kill Cancer

Carbohydrates of one of the three macronutrients—the other two being fats and protein. There are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally in foods such a fruits and fruit juices, sodas, some vegetables, white bread, white rice, pasta, milk and milk products, most snack foods, sweets, etc. But let us not forget the simple sugars added to foods during processing and refining that we may have no awareness of. It’s the simple sugars that get most of the credit for causing the insulin response and thus inflammation that can lead to cancer.
Thus by reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet, the emergence of cancer can be suppressed or delayed, or the proliferation of already existing tumor cells can be slowed down, stopped and reversed by depriving the cancer cells of the food they need for survival.
Drs. Rainer Klement and Ulrike Kammerer conducted a comprehensive review of the literature involving dietary carbohydrates and their direct and indirect effect on cancer cells, which was published in October 2011 in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, concluding that cancers are so sensitive to the sugar supply that cutting that supply will suppress cancer.[3] “Increased glucose flux and metabolism promotes several hallmarks of cancer such as excessive proliferation, anti-apoptotic signaling, cell cycle progression and angiogenesis.
Eating white sugar (or white anything) causes magnesium mineral deficiencies because the magnesium has been removed in the processing, making sugar a ripe target as a major cause of cancer because deficiencies in magnesium are not only pro-inflammatory but also pro-cancer.
More Ways to Cause Cancer with Sugar

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) causes cancer in a unique way because much of it is contaminated with mercury due to the complex way it is made. High fructose corn syrup causes selenium deficiencies because the mercury in it binds with selenium, driving selenium levels downward. Selenium is crucial for glutathione production and its deficiency in soils tracks mathematically with cancer rates. Selenium and mercury are also eternal lovers having a strong affinity to bond with each other.
Already touched on briefly, excess sugar spikes insulin levels and insulin’s eventual depletion. High insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) are needed for the control of blood sugar levels that result from chronic ingestion of high-carbohydrate meals (like the typical American diet, that is full of grains and sugars). Increased insulin levels are pro-inflammatory and pro-cancer and can directly promote tumor cell proliferation via the insulin/ IGF-1 signaling pathway.
Dr. Christine Hornerhas a lot to say to women about insulin and breast cancer:
When it comes to breast cancer, insulin is no friend. One of the biggest reasons is due to the fact that both normal breast cells and cancer cells have insulin receptors on them. When insulin attaches to its receptor, it has the same effect as when estrogen attaches to its receptor: it causes cells to start dividing. The higher your insulin levels are, the faster your breast cells will divide; the faster they divide, the higher your risk of breast cancer is and the faster any existing cancer cells will grow.
There’s also another detriment that high insulin levels can inflict. It makes more estrogen available to attach to the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. Insulin regulates how much of the estrogen in your blood is available to attach to estrogen receptors in your breast tissue. When estrogen travels in the blood, it either travels alone seeking an estrogen receptor, or it travels with a partner, a protein binder, that prevents it from attaching to an estrogen receptor. Insulin regulates the number of protein binders in the blood. So, the higher your insulin levels are, the fewer the number of protein binders there will be and therefore the more free estrogen that will be available to attach to estrogen receptors.
In other words, when your insulin levels are up, free-estrogen levels are up, and both of them speed up cell division. That’s why high insulin levels increase your risk of breast cancer so much. Eating sugar increases your risk of breast cancer in another way. It delivers a major blow to your immune system with the force of a prizefighter.
Dr. Horner talks about a study conducted by Harvard Medical School (2004) that found that women who, as teenagers, ate high-glycemic foods that increased their blood glucose levels had a higher incidence of breast cancer later in life. “So, encouraging your teenage daughter to cut back on sugar will help her to lower her risk of breast cancer for the rest of her life,” she said.
Sugar, Inflammation, Angiogenesis & Cancer

Sugars and the inflammation and acidic environments they create are important constituents of the local environment of tumors. In most types of cancer inflammatory conditions are present before malignancy changes occur. “Smoldering inflammation in tumor microenvironments has many tumor-promoting effects. Inflammation aids in the proliferation and survival of malignant cells, promotes angiogenesis and metastasis, subverts adaptive immune responses, and alters responses to hormones and chemotherapeutic agents.”[4]
The entire subject of inflammation, angiogenesis, sugar and cancer is crucial to understanding the links between cancer and the foods we eat and is covered separately in the following chapter. When we begin to zero in on inflammation and the acid conditions caused by excessive consumption of simple sugars, including fructose and high-fructose corn syrup, we begin to see more clearly how food and cancer are intimately connected.
In July 2012 a leading U.S. cancer lobby group urged the surgeon general to conduct a sweeping study of the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages on consumer health, saying such drinks play a major role in the nation’s obesity crisis and require a U.S. action plan. In a letter to U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the American Cancer Society’s advocacy affiliate called for a comprehensive review along the lines of the U.S. top doctor’s landmark report on the dangers of smoking in 1964.
The ruckus is about the growing connection between high sugar intake, mineral depletion, dehydration, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Sugar causes cancer because the tendency of high-carbohydrate consumers tends toward dehydration, which is pro-inflammatory and thus pro-cancer.[5]
Pancreatic cancer cells use the sugar fructose to help tumors grow more quickly.[6] Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose used the two sugars in two different ways, a team at the University of California Los Angeles found. Their findings, published in the journal Cancer Research, helps explain other studies that have linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types. Researchers concluded that anyone wishing to curb their cancer risk should start by reducing the amount of sugar they eat.
This is the first time a link has been shown between fructose and cancer proliferation. “In this study we show that cancers can use fructose just as readily as glucose to fuel their growth,” said Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA’s Jonsson Cancer Center, the study’s lead author. “The modern diet contains a lot of refined sugar including fructose and it’s a hidden danger implicated in a lot of modern diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and fatty liver.” While this study was done on pancreatic cancer, these findings may not be unique to that cancer type, Heaney said. “These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation.”
It has been known for decades that cancer cells thrive on glucose. Moreover, foods that cause a sharp rise in blood glucose (i.e. foods with a high-glycemic index ranking) trigger the secretion of insulin and insulin growth factor (IGF-1), two hormones that also promote cancer growth.
Researchers using rats have found that a low-carbohydrate high-protein diet reduces blood glucose, insulin, and glycolysis, slows tumor growth, reduces tumor incidence, and works additively with existing therapies without weight loss or kidney failure.[7] Such a diet, therefore, has the potential of being both a novel cancer prophylactic and treatment.

Dr. Otto Warburg’s 1924 paper, “On metabolism of tumors,” stated, “Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” If you’ve ever made wine, you’ll know that fermentation requires sugar. The metabolism of cancer is approximately eight times greater than the metabolism of normal cells. Doctors have known for a long time that cancer metabolizes much differently than normal cells. Normal cells need oxygen. Cancer cells despise oxygen.
Warburg’s hypothesis was of course that cancer growth was caused when cancer cells converted glucose into energy without using oxygen. Healthy cells make energy by converting pyruvate and oxygen. The pyruvate is oxidized within a healthy cell’s mitochondria, and Warburg theorized that since cancer cells don’t oxidize pyruvate, cancer must be considered a mitochondrial dysfunction.
Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show hyperactivation of the IGF1R-IR (IGF-1 receptor/ insulin receptor) pathway. Evidence exists that chronically elevated blood glucose, insulin and IGF-1 levels facilitate tumor genesis and worsen the outcome in cancer patients.
Treating diabetic patients, A. Braunstein observed in 1921 that in those who developed cancer, glucose secretion in the urine disappeared. One year later, R. Bierich described the remarkable accumulation of lactate in the micromilieu of tumor tissues and demonstrated lactate to be essential for invasion of melanoma cells into the surrounding tissue. One year after that Warburg began his experiments that eventually ended for him with a Nobel Prize.
Sugar turns the body into a suitable breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer by devastating the immune system.

Knowing that one’s cancer needs sugar, does it make sense to feed it sugar? Does it make sense to have a high-carbohydrate diet?
Of the four million cancer patients being treated in America today, hardly any are offered any scientifically guided nutrition therapy beyond being told to “just eat good foods.” Oncologists have no shame about this, insisting that diet has little to do with cancer.
Cancer patients should not be feeding their cancers like they would feed cotton candy to their grandchildren. As long as this cancer cell can get a regular supply of sugar—or glucose—it lives and thrives longer than it should. Now imagine oncologists getting enlightened and they start to advise their patients to starve the cancer instead of bombing it to smithereens with chemotherapy and radiation treatments all the while feeding the cancer with sugar!
Diabetes, addiction and ageing: The shocking truth about sugar

IT'S IN everything from diet foods to ready-made sauces but is this hidden ingredient really as dangerous as experts claim?

By: Adrian Lee
Published: Fri, January 10, 2014


Some scientists claim our consumption of hidden sugar is making us addicts [GETTY]
Food companies were yesterday accused of ruining the nation's health by adding too much sugar to our foods. It's blamed for fuelling the obesity crisis, which is linked to a host of killer diseases, and one expert claims sugar is "the new tobacco". We reveal the shocking facts about the white stuff.
* Sugar was first imported to Britain in the 14th century from plantations in Madeira. Later it began to arrive from colonies in the Caribbean and was sold in loaf or cone form. Imports really took off in the 18th century but sugar remained an expensive luxury, costing the equivalent today of £50 a pound. But as more plantations were opened prices fell and sugar became a source of energy for the poor, replacing honey as a sweetener.
* The average Briton consumes 150lb of sugar every year. That's equivalent to about 34 teaspoons a day and is thought to be 20 times more than in the 1700s.
* Most of us don't realise how much sugar we're eating or where it comes from because it takes so many different forms and is present in so many everyday foods. Sugar occurs naturally in fruit but is added to biscuits, cakes, fizzy drinks and sweets during the manufacturing process.
All types of sugar can make us fat but we're encouraged to eat fruit because it also contains other important nutrients. Added sugars give us energy but have no nutrients. Experts say any more than 15 teaspoons of all types of sugar a day is unhealthy.
* Drinks often push up our sugar levels. A can of Pepsi or Coca Cola contains 9 teaspoons of sugar, while a tall Starbucks caramel frappuccino with whipped cream contains a whopping 11. Bottled teas and yogurt drinks are notoriously sugary.
Fizzy drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi have an alarming 9 teaspoons of sugar in a single can [GETTY]
* So-called "hidden sugars" are added to many savoury products to balance out added salt or make them taste better. A 300g tin of tomato soup typically contains about four teaspoons of sugar while a Pot Noodle has two.
A 15ml serving of salad cream contains just under a teaspoonful, while you'll find half a teaspoon of sugar in two slices of bread. A 15g serving of ketchup has a teaspoonful of sugar and there are 3 in a 200g serving of a typical pasta sauce. A can of Heinz baked beans contains about three teaspoons of sugar. Sharwood's sweet and sour chicken with rice contains five teaspoons.
* Studies show that having a high sugar diet (and consequently becoming obese) is linked to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It's thought that one in 20 cancers are linked to being overweight. In the UK nearly two-thirds of men and more than half of women are either overweight or obese.
* All fruit contains sugar but not in equal amounts. The most sugary are raisins and other dried fruits, then grapes and bananas. A tiny packet (14g) of raisins contains two teaspoons of sugar, while an average size banana contains the equivalent of three teaspoons.
Strawberries (1.3 teaspoons per serving), raspberries (one teaspoon) and blueberries (1.7 teaspoons) are relatively low in sugar. Best of all is humble rhubarb but not many people can tolerate the tart taste without adding extra sugar. A tomato contains 0.7 teaspoons of sugar.
High sugar consumption is likely to lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and growth of cancers [GETTY]
* Sugar has many names. Table sugar is properly known as sucrose but other forms of sugar include dextrose, fructose, glucose, inverted sugar syrup, corn syrup, honey, nectar, lactose and maltose.
You might see a label claiming that a product contains "natural sugar" but it will have just the same effect on your weight. Sugar is still sugar under any name.
* Confectionery is a major source of sugar. A Mars Bar has eight teaspoons so it's easy to see how it stacks up. A chocolate muffin contains about 5 teaspoons and a single Jelly Baby has one teaspoon. Sweets, cakes and biscuits also contain lots of fat.
* Some experts claim it's possible to become addicted to sugar. One study by scientists in France found that mice which were addicted to cocaine chose sugar when given a choice. It's claimed receptors in our brain have become so conditioned to sugar that it has become an addiction which must be fed regularly.
* Campaigners claim we're being hoodwinked into consuming sugar packed into apparently healthy products. A study found that a Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Elevenses Raisin Bake bar contained nearly four teaspoons. All the leading cereal bars were high in sugar.
Parents often opt for fruit juice for children instead of fizzy drinks, mistakenly believing it is less sugary but a carton of apple juice and a can of cola have about the same amount. A 250ml serving of white grape juice contains as much sugar as four Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
A 250ml can of Red Bull energy drink has more than seven teaspoons, as do fruit smoothies . A 150g carton of Yeo Valley Zero Fat Family Farm Vanilla flavoured yogurt contains five teaspoons.
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* You'll often see athletes guzzling sugary drinks or eating bananas. The reason they don't get fat is because they burn off so many calories. The rest of us aren't usually so active so if our sugary diets contribute to us taking in too many calories we will put on weight.
If you have a sweet tooth regular exercise will help but a growing number of experts believe diet is the main factor in weight gain, not our sedentary lives. By simply eating an excess of 50 calories per day - just half a biscuit - you could gain 5½lb or 2½kg in a year. So in five years you could be 2 stone or 12½kg heavier.
* On food packs look at the "carbs as sugar" label. This includes both added and natural sugars. Less than 5g per 100g is low and more than 15g per 100g is high.
* Australian Sarah Wilson, whose book I Quit Sugar has become a best-seller, claims she transformed her health and mood by giving up all forms of sugar, including fruit. She advocates giving up all sugars for a while, then gradually reintroducing small amounts (equivalent to about two pieces of fruit a day). Some experts insist it's just the latest fad and there's no need to go to this extreme.
* Breakfast cereals are often very sugary. These are the amounts of sugar for a 100g serving. Cocoa Puffs: nine teaspoons, Raisin Bran: seve teaspoons, Alpen: fuve teaspoons, Special K: three teaspoons, Corn Flakes: 2.5 teaspoons. In contrast Shredded Wheat contains a 10th of a teaspoon.
* Many manufacturers have cut sugar in their products over time without consumers noticing. However they say they have now gone as far as they can without compromising taste. Artificial sweeteners are an alternative but some people complain that they don't like the flavour.
Some experts believe that eating or drinking products containing artificial sweeteners merely encourages us to seek out more sugary products.
Sweet enough: How to break your child's sugar habit

LAWYER David Gillespie lost over 6st in just one year by cutting sugar from his diet. Then his wife Lizzie, a nurse, decided the whole family should go on a sugar-free diet. Here are their tips for keeping your kids away from the sweet stuff.

By: Rachel Carlyle
Published: Sun, January 5, 2014


CHANGE: Your kids will find it hard to quit sugar at first but keep explaining why it is bad [GETTY ]
Sweet talk
“It won’t be easy,” warns David. “Our kids did complain but you are doing this for their health, so keep explaining why sugar is bad for them. Children are actually very good at accepting a new regime – they get over it then eat what’s available.”
Phase out the fruit juice
David and Lizzie gradually stopped buying soft drinks, juice, ice cream, fruit yogurts, cereal bars and most breakfast cereals.
Their eldest daughter Gwen’s favourite breakfast, a bran and sultana mix, was 22 per cent sugar, so Lizzie bought plain bran instead, adding a decreasing amount of sultanas until Gwen no longer enjoyed it.
Now she’s on whole grain wheat cereal (4.4 per cent), while the other children have toast with cream cheese or mashed avocado.
GOOD PARENTING: Sweets should not be used as a reward try using films or games instead [GETTY ]
Be careful never to reward with sugar or preferably any food - it should be fuel not a reward
David Gillespie
Good puds
Serve fruit or unsweetened yogurt as dessert, and give snacks a rethink.
“Stress that they can still have treats but confine these to crisps, nuts, diet drinks and plain yogurt,” advises David, who says he knows the children sneak in sweets sometimes when they are out of the house, but is glad that their intake is at least controlled.
“All my kids will go to parties and eat sweets, but they come back like alcoholics, complaining of headaches and a low mood. As time goes on though, their palate changes – you can see it happening.”
Just rewards
Be careful never to reward with sugar or, preferably, any food. “Food should be fuel not a reward,” says David, “so treat them to a film or a family game instead.”
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If children have been given a lot of sugar they may get some withdrawal symptoms like headaches [GETTY ]
Lunchbox tips
A typical “healthy” lunchbox can be a sugar disaster area. A recent study of 400 foods by the University of Hertfordshire found that children’s ready meals, yogurts and cereal bars had substantially more sugar than adult versions.
“Those little boxes of raisins so beloved of children are a particular bête noire,” warns David. “Each tiny box contains more than two and a half teaspoons of sugar.”
So what should you be packing and what’s best to avoid?
Say no to: Cereal or snack fruit bars, tubes of fromage frais or yogurt, fruit juice or flavoured water, cakes, biscuits, raisins and cheese dipper-type products (some are four per cent sugar).
Say yes to: Homemade sandwiches, whole fruit such as berries and kiwis, vegetable sticks, houmous, crisps, nuts, tins of tuna, unflavoured popcorn and crackers.
Ha ha..the UK has suddenly caught on to the Danger of Sugar...Cue loads of news coverage and a government advert about the Dangers of Soda and their sugar content....:stoneslap: Heard it Here First....:tiphat:
My airforce..well retired airforece buddy said, his buddy beat his cancer with an easy method. Im not trying to act like Im well educated on cancer. I know some things on how to beat it..High doses of nutrients from fresh juiced veggies..Also All natural liquid vitamin solutions in high doses. No refined sugars/limited fruit intake. I got this from a ducumentary called forks and knives..where they help cure through natural means. Veggie,fruit,vitamins, and herbs.

Ok, so back to my retired airfoce buddy. He was telling me how cancer feeds on sugar, and to stop using sugar. Then use stevia, honey,molasses, and real maple syrup as the only sweeteners to use. Then he went on to tell me how his friend mixed molasses,baking soda, and water.

What this does as it was explained to me. Since the cancer will target the sugar in the molasses. The baking soda that is mixed in, will help kill off the cancer since its highly alkiline. So the idea was to make the body alkiline..Since I guess thats whats killing it? Anyone else heard of this. I have no reason to believe he would be lying about his friend beating cancer like this. We often have conversations about health and nutrition.
What would you say if I told you that we have done extensive research on that very subject, there are a few threads on PH and health that are exactly what you are describing. Not sure if they are private or not, but look around.

If you want to tell us more on what you know, that is cool too.

just sayin' and thanks for your input.
As long as this cancer cell can get a regular supply of sugar—or glucose—it lives and thrives longer than it should. Now imagine oncologists getting enlightened and they start to advise their patients to starve the cancer instead of bombing it to smithereens with chemotherapy and radiation treatments all the while feeding the cancer with sugar!
This is starting to make perfect sense. What incredible information.
My airforce..well retired airforece buddy said, his buddy beat his cancer with an easy method. Im not trying to act like Im well educated on cancer. I know some things on how to beat it..High doses of nutrients from fresh juiced veggies..Also All natural liquid vitamin solutions in high doses. No refined sugars/limited fruit intake. I got this from a ducumentary called forks and knives..where they help cure through natural means. Veggie,fruit,vitamins, and herbs.

Yup NekoSempai..:thumbsup:..that is the plan we are following..PH Plan.

This is starting to make perfect sense. What incredible information

:d5: I'm not getting into the cancer is a yeast/fungus debate..I'll just say cancer REACTS like one..
and every bread maker/wine maker knows..if you put either sugar of more yeast in to massively Expands. :toke:
To add a little more to the sugar debate.....

One of the primary diagnostic tools for Cancer is the PET Scan, where sugar molecules are irradiated with a short half-life radioactive tracer.

The patient fasts for 24 hrs and then the irradiated sugar is transfused and detected with the PET Scanning equipment. This protocol depends on the FACT that when starved of sugar (fasting) any Cancer cells will grab the irradiated sugar FIRST and then be detected by the positron emissions as "hot spots" or cancer cell sites.

Thus the Cancer cells ability to use sugar in preference to normal cells clearly demonstrates the link ?