Sugar Feeds Cancer..

To add a little more to the sugar debate.....

One of the primary diagnostic tools for Cancer is the PET Scan, where sugar molecules are irradiated with a short half-life radioactive tracer.

The patient fasts for 24 hrs and then the irradiated sugar is transfused and detected with the PET Scanning equipment. This protocol depends on the FACT that when starved of sugar (fasting) any Cancer cells will grab the irradiated sugar FIRST and then be detected by the positron emissions as "hot spots" or cancer cell sites.

Thus the Cancer cells ability to use sugar in preference to normal cells clearly demonstrates the link ?

Right on! My Mom has cancer and has been telling me how sugar feeds cancer growth. Her example was exactly what you wrote regarding the PET scans.
My airforce..well retired airforece buddy said, his buddy beat his cancer with an easy method. Im not trying to act like Im well educated on cancer. I know some things on how to beat it..High doses of nutrients from fresh juiced veggies..Also All natural liquid vitamin solutions in high doses. No refined sugars/limited fruit intake. I got this from a ducumentary called forks and knives..where they help cure through natural means. Veggie,fruit,vitamins, and herbs.

Ok, so back to my retired airfoce buddy. He was telling me how cancer feeds on sugar, and to stop using sugar. Then use stevia, honey,molasses, and real maple syrup as the only sweeteners to use. Then he went on to tell me how his friend mixed molasses,baking soda, and water.

What this does as it was explained to me. Since the cancer will target the sugar in the molasses. The baking soda that is mixed in, will help kill off the cancer since its highly alkiline. So the idea was to make the body alkiline..Since I guess thats whats killing it? Anyone else heard of this. I have no reason to believe he would be lying about his friend beating cancer like this. We often have conversations about health and nutrition.
As a diabetic, I have found that organic sugars such as maple syrup, honey, agave, don't affect my sugar levels much when used in moderation.