Indoor Teetee's MONSTER Glueberry OG, Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia and Night Queen Auto grow


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
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It's time for another Teehee grow, and as usual, I'm in a hurry to get things done.

In 3 days time, we have a rental inspection, so the tent is down and the place is tidy.... you'd never guess this has been a cannabis farm for the past 2 years!

I finished my last grow about a month ago... a run of Feminised Photoperiods... I'm very happy with the harvest, and I'll certainly run photos again, but I'm back on the Autos cos I wanna be done and dusted in 15 weeks.... the lease on our rental ends, and we wanna move out.

So, I've been planning ahead.....

10 days ago, I filled 4 cups with some Coco, watered them with a simple EC 0.7 feed and sowed 1 each of the following Autoflowering seeds....
  • 'Glueberry OG' by Dutch Passion
  • 'Night Queen' by Dutch Passion
  • 'Blue Amnesia XXL' by Dinafem
  • 'Toofless Alien' by Mephisto
I've grown these all before, and can't wait to get the jars loaded with these favourites. There's strength, taste, and heavy harvests in store.

Normally, I cover the pots in cling film, cover them with cardboard, and stick them in the tent under a light for some warmth for the seeds to germinate.

No tent up meant no light, meaning no heat. Temps are 20-25°C during the day, but drop to 10-12°C at night so I dug out a heat mat.... unused and bought in the UK 6 years ago.... knew it would come in handy one day.

I put the heat mat under a tray with the pots, and covered it all with a big plastic tub to keep the light out and the humidity in....

This method is 100% reliable, and sure enough 3 days later, all 4 seedlings had popped through.....

Toofless Alien came first, I got these seeds back in Jan 2017 as part of a prize from another site.... these seeds could be 3 years old.... and I still have one more left after this, kept safe in a fridge.

Blue Amnesia was 2nd followed by Glueberry and Night Queen.... but they were all within hours of each other.

As I didn't want the tent up yet, I needed some place to keep the new seedlings going.

I thought about buying a small tent, then I thought about doing a small cabinet conversion.....

then it hit me.... don't laugh.....

A cardboard box!!!

It's pretty stiff, double thickness and on it's side, it's roughly 80cm high and 50cm x 50cm wide.

I found a 4" extraction fan and some ducting, so I drilled a hole in the side for the extraction, 3 small holes in the other side for passive intake, and a hole in the top to stick the dome of a Skyline 100 through......

It makes a nice temporary growbox, and it didn't cost a cent!

Here's a close up of them on day 1....

Did you see that???

Is the Glueberry looking different???

One seed planted in clean Coco..... 2 seedlings!

I decided to keep her as she is.... I don't expect the weaker twin to do particularly well, and the 'better' one is likely to be stunted to some degree, but it will be interesting to see what happens.... I could end up with some super strong mutant!

Today they are on day 7, and I gave them their first feed using the same EC 0.7 mix I used for germinating them, adjusted to pH 5.8. I also raised them using another high tech device.....

From above....

Here's a closer look at the Glueberry.....

Only another 3 days of this makeshift madness and I can put the tent up, get a Skyline 400 over them, and get this grow on the go!

I plan to keep this run fairly simple, I'll veg them as I always do.... very little stress for maximum growth, repotting at 2-3 weeks aiming for 25L airpots. I just need to order some Coco.
In Bloom, I plan to give PK13/14 but that's it... no Top Shooter/BAC F1 etc in the final few weeks..... I want to finish quick and I wanna see if there's any difference in the final product.

Thanks for joining me, all the best of growing karma to you!
Hi TeeTee, i am watching your new grow thread bro. Nice set up and good idea with the heatmat, something needed to start seedlings off during the cooler months in our area, like the carboard box set up :pass:
Subbed :pop::coffee::greenthumb::greenthumb::greenthumb::greenthumb::greenthumb:
''Men at work go slow & smart''

Nice one Teetee, i can use some of the wisdom here bro...Cheers!

Man you changing houses like the strains xD You are expert allready on this :)

Reminds of me in a way, we have 4 cities at the island, i manage to live in 3 of them and changed 8 houses so far xD
WTF appened with the AFN "Error 523" domain denial attack !!................... no telling there.........

It makes a nice temporary growbox, and it didn't cost a cent!

did you buy the 100w cob for the germ box, as you was 12/ could not start the new germ in the cab................. your now mid winter, what was the temp in the box teetee mate when they popped,......... as the heat matt cab be turned down to 18-21c germ temp right ??...........

One seed planted in clean Coco..... 2 seedlings!

the "Diploid" Siamese, is very rare in nature.................. lets see if the internodes develop, triploid,........... if they do, you got a mental plant on your hand tee mate !!................ i have never seen it before, you sure you didant drop two beans in man !!........... see how she goes........... nice hatch brva.................. you say you had a 4c low the other night brva ??......................... white'tys got 39c at the east end of the med................ RH is 75% outdoors......................... the aircon is flat out in the room, the temp in cab is 28c, is the air in the room, cooled by th aircon unit.............................that is 11c below outdoors at WhiteLights gaff........enough top make the windows condensate on the inside !! as 11c is beyond the 6c dew-point condensation differentiation temperature.......................!!!............ the 39c could move up yet to 43c !!................... a 16c difference from indoor to outdoor !!..................... nice and cool in the back bedroom !!......................... a nice place to trim up !!..................... at 28c......................must feel like a fridge in there compared to outdoor 39 to 43c...........
white'tys out there some where trying to find a spot for his towel........!! east end of Med 43c wow ! ten year from now 53c ??.............. ALR
4 cities at the island, i manage to live in 3 of them and changed 8 houses

yea but over what time period ?/.................... over the last 24yr since 1995, i have had 14 house moves, and had 9 court cases with landlords and lost only one, the guy snuffed it before i got the shite to court !!........... so it was annulled,........... mainly electrical regs, and property fabric maintenance........... they dont like it when you legally use the rent to repair their property's !!.............. many landlords are abandoning the property portfolio game, as new taxes came in on them recently, and the margin is so small,............ and agents cannot charge anymore for fake 6 month tenancy agreement 'Renewals" back hand the landlords for the portfolio work !........... that law came in yesterday.............

no more estate agent illegal letting fee rip off's.......375 quid for what ??..............thnk ukin lord............ if a landlord step outa line with me, on a 6mnth tenancy short-hold or other, he gets robbed blind for repairs, if he aint done them,................. i,ll find a nice one with issues,................ and start in, with a landlord list as soon as we get in there !!.........the landlord we got know, actually thanked me for it, said the poxy letting agent was supposed to sort it properly ??............... like, yea, some chance of that right...............ALR
did you buy the 100w cob for the germ box, as you was 12/ could not start the new germ in the cab................. your now mid winter, what was the temp in the box teetee mate when they popped,......... as the heat matt cab be turned down to 18-21c germ temp right ??...........
Nah man, Muddy sent me the 100's to supplement the lighting I had for the Blue Amnesia and White Widow XXL grow I did last year. THey are useful for getting a bit more light into corners etc.

Winter is certainly here now Bro. They never tell you about this back in Blighty.... you get the impression Aus is drenched in sun all year but it is not the case at all.
Winters are harsh, the houses aren't constructed like back home, no cavity wall insulation, no roof insulation, no central heating.

The houses are designed so cool air gets in... so great in the Summer, but shit for the rest of the year. It's much colder inside (especially downstairs) than it is outside. Yesterday, I was wearing 3 layers .... T shirt, long sleeved shirt and a cardie, plus a beanie, and thick socks inside the house. Went to the shops and had to strip down to a T shirt and thongs (flip flops to you and me).

Melbourne (where Neighbours is filmed... every episode is sunny) is always a nightmare weather wise... all 4 seasons in one day.... so they say. It's freezing down there, frost on roads, etc. The Ski season in Perisher NSW has started, nice thick snow.... in Australia??????
Even up towards the Gold Coast it's numbingly cold, this is normal weather for Aus but they don't tell the Poms, they keep it a secret to entice you to emigrate thinking it's all sunshine and barbies..... I haven't fired up the BBQ in over a year FFS.
It's all a great fucking con if you ask me!

To answer your question mate, the Skyline 100 was originally for supplemental lighting, but very handy for germination.
I only did the cardboard box thing because the tent was down and it was more convenient.... the tent was back up within hours of the Oberst and her Search Team's departure, and I swapped the Skyline 100 for a Skyline 400.... they are now 2 weeks old, and have had a nice head start.

Getting back to temps, I have to keep the windows open in here (with heavy duty mesh to stop unwelcome visitors of the snakey kind).
Daytime it's 18-21°C and at night it drops to 7-14° .... at least that's for this week... but probably for the next 2 months, Not much rain expected so humidity will be lower, but not by much as we're in the rainforest.

For germination, I had them on a variable setting heat pad, set to 28°C but reading about 23-25°C what with the ambient temps and all.
I've been planting seeds directly in the medium since day 1, on your recommendation. 100% success!
I've noticed that the seeds popped and seedlings appeared up through the medium between 48 and 72 hours when the ambient temps were higher.... like when its up near the 30°C mark..... when I last germinated in the cooler months (ie this time last year etc), it would take 4-5 days for seedlings to appear.

Anyway mate, must run, I got up at 5am to watch the Champions League final... I dunno why I bothered cos I can't stand Liv or Spurs really, Spurs for obvious reasons, and Liverpool, I can't forgive them and that cunt Gerrard for cheating us out of the FA cup back in 2006.... we had them at 2-0 then they got us 3-3 and won on penalties..... I hate them so much, and it looks like they have the UCL cup now as well.
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