Dutch Passion Thinking different grow log



Hello all. If you saw my introduction post you should know a little bit about me. I have stage 1 colon cancer.

enough about that though my td seeds just touched down today and i have one that is germinating (shot glass method).

Ill have a few pictures up later today..

Growlab 60 tent
4 bulb t-5 mixed bulbs
Maxibloom nutes lucas formula
hempy bucket 100% perlite

trying to take a simpler method as opposed to my other 3 grows (soil,coco,and dwc)

Stay tuned this will be a great grow and thank you to dutch passion tony for blessing me with these genetics.
Looking forward to it! Happy Growing!
Hey man. Nice KISS setup. Diggin' that and looking forward to the TD. Good luck sir.
Hey man. Nice KISS setup. Diggin' that and looking forward to the TD. Good luck sir.

yea man my buddy did a setup just like this and i was blown away with the results and the low maintenance of the setup..

had to give it a try lol
few pics

The freebie white widow will be gifted to a bud of mine so i wont be growing that strain out
What T5 panel is that you have their sir?
Its a hydrofarm t5 designer model.. all replacement ho bulbs though
