2 tweezers works 4 me with readers on when the helmet is clamped on but be careful one of mine that was on really tight must have ripped off plant material that was needed because she has partially white leaves at 2 weeks enough about that moisture temp and good luck
Don't give up on her, 420! If you remember, one of my girls had the same issue. After 2 days with the helmet on, I grabbed 2 pairs of tweezer and gently worked it off, now she's the more energetic of the two.
Janis Day 2
free at last! :woohoo:

Janis Day 2


thx for all the wordz of encouragement guyz :thumbsup: the top pic was las nite before lightz out, the bottom two are this morn, after jus a wee bit o' help gettin it off, whew! as u can see, one of her lil bunny leavez still has a bit of ectoplazm on it, but thoze die off anyway, and u can also see her first set comin out, so fingerz are crossed ;) still got her under a dome with temp around 79-80f & rh at 75%, and have jus been lightly misting w/rainwater every few hrz :thumbsup: ppp
Janis Day 3
Janis Day 3 :smoking:


the top pic was this morning after i got up...apparently, it was too hot for her under the dome, so me took it off, gave her a couple mist shotz, and a couple hrz later, she was standin up (bottom pic) it'z all about wait-n-see at this point :shrug: ppp
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