Outdoor growtrain misc
group picz o' the day, agez 72-87d... :smoking:


Ivy & Virgo dayz 7 & 6, respective...:smoking:

Haley & Sara day 34...:doh: (can anyone say "they're gonna be s t u n t e d"-? :rofl: )

Pinky day 105...:joy:

welp, slow but sure, the outdoor growtrain is reachin the end of itz trackz ;) as all thingz with growin are, it'z been a learner, and outside growin def comez with itz own set o' challengez, lol, but overall, it'z been great, and oh, next year-? -> look out! :shooty: :smoking: the best part of it all for me has been the "water only" part of it :muahaha: and...........i've now forgotten half o' what i was gonna say here, sooooo, movin on to the girlz...:rolleyes2:

the cheeze twinz are teazing me, relentlessly :doh: they're 87d old today & could probly come down, but the amber just ain't there yet, soooo...i wait :oops1: Ruby, at 76d, is gonna be the embarrassment of the lot & will also be comin down any day...not a total loss, but not a lot gained either, lol...ah well :shrug: Bubbles will turn out ok i think, as long as i can keep the bloody fuckin aphidz away, argh! :cuss: Jasmine will def be the biggest producer of the lot & the best plant, after Pearl (both from female seedz, HINT!) :thumbsup: and of course, the new star of the show, Pinky...oo-la-la! :dancer: while her true strain will forever be a mystery, i've nevertheless decided to call it Pink 444 :cool1: (on account of she has 4 branchez & is 44" tall....weak, i know, but what the hell :coffee: ) Up The Ironz kidz & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Outdoor group harvest, pt 4
Group pic of the morning (09/26)...:toke:


Jasmine Day 75 (09/26, chop day)...

Bubbles Day 85 (09/26, chop day)...

Ruby Day 79 (09/26), a total write-off (bud rot)...:redcross:

bottom half of cheeze berry, total write-off (bud rot)...:redcross:

stalk cutaway, Jasmine...

stalk cutaway, Bubbles...

Jasmine (left) & Bubbles (right) hang dryin after bud wash...:soak:

Cheeze (l & r) & Cheeze Berry (ctr) hang dryin after bud wash...

the now-empty growbox...:rolleyes1:


well, there ya have it kidz...good ol' Engine No.420 has now pulled the 2020 outdoor growtrain to a full stop, choo-coo! :headbang: gonna toss up some pink porn in the next post, then after that, i'll post up the deetz & synopsis of the outdoor grow, but it won't be till later tonite, so stay choo-choo tuned! :thumbsup: ppp

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Pinky Day 109
Pinky Day 109 :dancer:


the pretty pink pistilz are gradually fadin to amber here & there (sigh :rolleyes1: ), and the budz are mostly popcorn all up & down the stalkz, but they're meaty lil thingz & frosssty af, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Hey 420zforever :hippy: :smokeit: Love the Grow Train with engine 420. I look forward to seeing it back in service in 2021:woohoo: Good idea to trim on plant, buds look great and love the pink pistils shame they have to fade
Hey 420zforever :hippy: :smokeit: Love the Grow Train with engine 420. I look forward to seeing it back in service in 2021:woohoo: Good idea to trim on plant, buds look great and love the pink pistils shame they have to fade

hey mate, Engine No.420 never goez out of service, lol...inside, outside, duzn't matter...it jus keepz going...and going.....and........g o i n g ;) i'm not sure how it keepz goin sumtimez, but it duz :rofl: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
hey mate, Engine No.420 never goez out of service, lol...inside, outside, duzn't matter...it jus keepz going...and going.....and........g o i n g ;) i'm not sure how it keepz goin sumtimez, but it duz :rofl: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
hey mate ! that is great, the grasshounds (first carts) they have retired and out of service, are now used as wind/ security screen, however i use them still:haha: they carry the timber for the girls to sit on once i had them all joined up like a train.... now the girls have their :pass:SUVs lol i meant SUC (steal untily cart).