welp, thanx to a couple good weather dayz earlier this week, i was able to get outside & start mixin up some soil for me od grow, woot! :woohoo1: dunno the exact amount, but this batch here is between 25-30 gal'z worth & will be for my photoz, goin into 3x 7 gal potz...they'll be gettin planted first, so i wanted to have time enuff for it to cook first, at least a lil bit ;) the top pic is of a combo of five diff base soilz...the thumbnailz are picz of the diff soilz & the amendmentz i've added :thumbsup: next up will be ruffly the same amount for the auto mix, but that duzn't hafta be done for another couple weekz, so... ;) the organic growtrain rollz on, choo-choo!

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the totez are 18 gal each....
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Now that looks like fun to me :d5:
welp, thanx to a couple good weather dayz earlier this week, i was able to get outside & start mixin up some soil for me od grow, woot! :woohoo1: dunno the exact amount, but this batch here is between 25-30 gal'z worth & will be for my photoz, goin into 3x 7 gal potz...they'll be gettin planted first, so i wanted to have time enuff for it to cook first, at least a lil bit ;) the top pic is of a combo of five diff base soilz...the thumbnailz are picz of the diff soilz & the amendmentz i've added :thumbsup: next up will be ruffly the same amount for the auto mix, but that duzn't hafta be done for another couple weekz, so... ;) the organic growtrain rollz on, choo-choo!

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the totez are 18 gal each....
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Can’t wait to watch this. Getting close to last freeze date down here, 4/20 is the date I go with :smoking:
Can’t wait to watch this. Getting close to last freeze date down here, 4/20 is the date I go with :smoking:

i'll be startin the photoz inside...was gonna plant em around 4.20, but think i might go with the last week o' the month instead, which will give em 3-4w before tranzplanting outside, depending on the night tempz mid-to-late may ;) it'z gonna be a big summer grow this time around, so stay choo-choo-tuned for detailz! :headbang: ppp
Chem-Bomb Day 77
Chem-Bomb Day 77 ...amber alert! :yoinks:


yup, she'z showin amber already at 77d! :yoinks: well, actually, i noticed it a couple dayz ago, but am jus now gettin around to updatin, lol :rolleyes2: either way, i'm gonna be keepin a close eye on, cuz it won't be long now :woohoo1: the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Chem-Bomb pre-darkness update
Chem-Bomb Day 80 ...and into the dark she goez :shooty:


welp, lookz like it'z gonna be around the world in 80d for lil miss chem-bomb, woot! :clapper: well, 82d actually, cuz i'll be puttin her in the dark in a couple more hourz for 48h, then doin the chop on tuezday nite ;) i snipped a mid-level tester bud a couple dayz ago, which was dry enuff today to smoke & it'z pretty wowzer, so i've decided to g'head & bring 'er down with the smatteringz of amber she has now & call it good :thumbsup: it'z still a bit trippy how small she ended up bein, but her budz are nice & chunky, so i'm happee & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

RIP Chem-Bomb, Day 82
RIP Chem-Bomb, Day 82 :tang:

before trim...

after trim...


yup, lil miss chem-bomb is now history at 82d :bow: ...which i think is my 3rd-quickest plant so far :thumbsup: and wowzer, based on the tester bud bud i smoked, she'z def one stony bitch, lol :smoking: i'm hopin i'll get 1/2 oz from, her, but we'll see... ;) the final weigh-in for me winter bumper crop will be in a few dayz, then it'll be all about prep for the od summer grow, so the growtrain can roll on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Chem-Bomb final weight
Chem-Bomb final dry weight - 16.2 gr :thumbsup:


a couple more gramz than i thought i'd get, so i'm happee :thumbsup: and man, the more i smoke of her, the more i like her, lol :coffee: she'z def a new fave, fer sur :smoking: the high is jus a good ol' 50/50 head/body affair & def zoneystoney :biggrin: the head part of the stone is laid back, but not to the point u don't feel like gettin up to do thingz, lol...on the other hand, after smokin her all day, get ready for a good night'z sleep :sleeping: all in all, jus what i like & i'll def be wantin to grow another o' theze in future :thumbsup:

and welp, needless to say, that wrapz up me lil winter bumper crop grow & the next month or so will consist of continuing to prep slow but sure for the outdoor summer grow, woot! :woohoo1:...aka the "Summer of Linda", lol :smoking: me plan is to grow 6 autoz & 3 photoz outside, and 6 more autoz inside, so it'll def be a buzy summer, lol :doh: 15 diff strainz altogether, from 4 diff breederz...most will be linda seedz' own in-house strainz, with one each of female seedz, twenty20 mendicino & jean-o geneticz tossed in for good meazure :thumbsup: i'll be startin the photoz inside in probly another 10d or so, for tranzplantin outside the end of may ;) so stay tuned whilst Engine No 420 goez in for a standard bit o' maintenance, then the 2021 outdoor growtrain will def be rollin on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

a nice 70f sunday afternoon spent jus playin in the dirt...:cool1:


jus becuz updatez are a wee slack atm duzn't mean progress izn't bein made :smoking: every few dayz, i been takin me photo soil mix, dumpin it out & turnin it...it may not look like it, but to the left in the top pic is the lil over 30 gal of soil i made up for me photoz, which i turned again today, added a bit more perlite to, then divided it out to the 3 final potz (bottom pic)...to the right is a lil bit of the mystery soil that i snagged from a raized bed at the house next door a year ago & will be goin into me auto soil mix :thumbsup: the photo mix has been cookin for about 3w now & has been additionally charged up with 2 or 3 good rainfallz...i've also added some dead leaf matter & hay to the mix & i've kept hay on top to help keep moisture in...hard to tell in the picz, but the 3x 1 gal starter potz are in the middle of each pot...they'll get pulled out this next week sometime for planting inside & then it'z off to the racez! :cooldance:

annnnd, lo & behold, i haven't been payin much attention so far this year, but in the midst of playin in the dirt today, i checked me tree, and sure enuff, as uzual, the robinz have not only nested, but are already expectin life x4, woot! :yay:


the growtrain of L I F E! rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Unofficial start of the 2021 OD Growtrain! :D
yup, the photo beanz are now in to soak, so like the threadmark sez, it'z the unofficial start of the 2021 OD Growtrain, woot! :woohoo1: the beanz will soak for 48h until saturday night the 1st, then get planted into 1 gal starter potz ;)

left to right are ak & cheeze from linda seedz & mimosa evo from barney'z farm :thumbsup:


and update, as of this morning, we've got 3 out & 1 to go for da bebe robinz...:biggrin:


and a couple picz of silleedawg out for walkiez...:joy:


the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
