Your seedling domes seemed to have sprung a leak broham! Seeing a hole or 2 in them things! :haha:
Outdoor update - photoz
AK Day 33 :smoking:


Cheeze Day 28 :smoking:


Mimosa EVO Day 28 ...the runt o' the litter :doh:


group shot...

and the latest on the work-in-progress choo-choo'z comin together :thumbsup:


the OD Growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


Outdoor update - the autoz are alive! :D
and oh boy, after the long, hot toil yesterday with the fence postz, i discovered that 5 outa 6 of me od autoz decided to sprout into the brave new world, woot! :yay: the gelato hazn't joined the group yet sadly, but hopefully in a day or two, we'll see :shrug:


group shot...:joy:

and here'z what they got to wake up to this morning as the growtrain rolled on, choo-choo! :cool1: :headbang: ppp


choo-choo station update :-)
man, this damn thing has been drivin my ass in the 90f heat, ahh! :eek1: :help: (<- me, sinkin in sweat :doh: ) anyhoo, this first pic is from yesterday, after gettin all the main lattice up the day before & then the framing trim yesterday...


and then a couple diff viewz from today, after startin to dress it with the fake ivy ;) i've got enuff ivy to do one more lattice tomorrow, but then the rest will hafta get piecemealed month-to-month over the rest o' the summer, cuz i've pretty much ran outa money now, lol :doh:


and, jus fer shitz & gigglez, here'z a group shot o' me photoz from yesterday...:smoking: the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

@Waira thx for the rep & for stoppin in brotato chip! :headbang: ppp
:d5: Niiiiice! Your well under way man, with some OD girlies for a change :hump: ... 2 classics and the ME, I'll have to look that up... I grew Mimosa Champagne last year, a very very nice Female culti', fast too!

Just as well on the Ivy cover 420', the extra light will be appreciated by da ladiez :greenthumb:.... hoping you rock this run dewd! :goodluck:
:d5: Niiiiice! Your well under way man, with some OD girlies for a change :hump: ... 2 classics and the ME, I'll have to look that up... I grew Mimosa Champagne last year, a very very nice Female culti', fast too!

Just as well on the Ivy cover 420', the extra light will be appreciated by da ladiez :greenthumb:.... hoping you rock this run dewd! :goodluck:

welp, so far, the ak & cheeze from linda are leavin the mimosa evo in the dust, lol...that damn thing ain't even growin any side branchez! :nono: don't understand it, but meh, it is what it is :shrug: as far as the ivy cover & such, i'll get some picz up of the inside sooner or later, lol :doh: u see, i put black window screen backing on all the lattice, and the whole reazon i choze lattice to begin with is for airflow, plain & simple ;) and then the ivy is 1) for a lil added stealth, while retaining airflow, and 2) cuz it jus lookz coooool :biggrin: however, what u don't see from the outside is a 10x12' tarp hangin top to bottom & across the width of 3 full piecez of lattice, in order to block a bit of overwash from a driveway light about 30 ft away at night, grrr :nono: i don't like it, but it'z the bldg mgr'z light, so it ain't like i can jus shoot it out or nothin...darnit :rolleyes2: ppp
Killing it with work! Just don't put yourself out of comission! It's hard out there feeling young but being old. Those recovery days tend to stretch out a bit don't they?
Outdoor update - photoz
AK Day 40 :smoking:


Cheeze Day 35 :smoking:


Mimosa EVO Day 35 :doh:


group shot...

and the choo-choo station...:smoking:


the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

