Outdoor Auto and Photo Grow up North - Light Deprivation Party!

May 23, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Cash Express (Zamnesia)
Hi growers from around the world,

5 photos and 6 autos are chillin' in the sunny garden and are receiving lots of love and pleasure-pain :naughtystep:.

2017 was not only the year a Morty got elected president of the citadel of Ricks (amazing) but also the year I failed completely at growing (crappy as f***). 3 out of 4 photos drowned in the wettest autumn we have had in decades :/

This failure and many more in the years before (overfeeding autos, transplanting blooming autos, mold party in a greenhouse without proper ventilation) that could have been avoided by learning from this forum <3 made me rethink my non-existing strategy. I read a lot and the beginning has been promising - The girls are exploding in what feels like sunniest May EVER!! The next months are gonna be super exiting and I am looking forward to sharing my learnings and getting support in tough growing-times. I am convinced I am gonna fuck the ladies up more than once :D

The strains I am growing are:

Photoperiodic (All germinated beginning of April):
1x Durban Poison
1x Frisian Dew
1x Hollands Hope (Dutch Passion)
1x Skunk XL (RQS)
1x OG Kush (Dinafem), light deprivation from july 20th

Automatic (All germinated May 8th):
1x Brooklyn Sunrise (DP)
1x Amnesia Haze (RQS)
1x Royal Haze (RQS)
2x Northern Lights (RQS)
1x Fast Caramel (Zamnesia)

Grow medium:
15l Plagron Allmix (Photoperiodic strains) + 50l soil from the growspot mixed with 30% Perlite and 10% compost + a bit of tasty chicken poo.
12l Floragard (Fast Caramel + NL) which is comparable to Allmix, mixed with 20% expanded clay
7l Floragard (RH, AH, BS), mixed with 20% expanded clay + 20l soil from the growspot mixed with 30% Perlite and 10% compost + nutrients for tomatoes.

NL+FC 17 l, RH+AH+NL 7l Instatransplant Pots


Popped the seeds directly in jyffies, then put them on the window sill for 7 days (7 hours of sun) and then put them outside during the day and back in for the nights until the weather became waaaay to good to move them every day ;P Except for the NL and FC, I put them in the dirt on May 20th. Only the RH, AH and BS were shocked by the transplant :yoinks: the photos took it quite well. Most of the photos were topped 2 weeks ago to get a bushier structure and today I started with a bit of LST.
In July, I am gonna start light deprivation and force OG Kush into flowering so I will get some high-quality stuff at 53° North :D

I am gonna develop on my mistakes tomorrow or the day after and will also ask for some advice =) I hope you guys will enjoy the grow as much as I do - To me growing is even more exciting than enjoying the green gold afterwards :D :woohoo:

Now let me drop some pictures... Too much has happened since germination to write it down in just one post :smoking:

Automatics, all of them day 18

Spot 1 with sun 9 hours 10AM-7PM. From left to the right:
2x Northern Lights Automatic, Fast Caramel

Super interesting to see how much a mistake slows growth down; I accidentally ripped of one of the seed leaves from NL no1... 6inch high, 8inch wide wide vs. 4inch high, 5.5 inch wide

Spot 2: 12h of sun, 7AM-7PM
Amnezia Haze Auto

Royal Haze Auto - The leaves do not look healthy... Is she lacking some nutes?!

...and Brookly Sunrise, the auto no. 6... Looks a bit unsatisfied as well...

The transplant shocked all of the three ladies above; I failed as I cut the entire bottom from the pots. Here a small sketch that I am extremely proud of :D

...And the photoperiodic strains at 8 weeks:

Spot 2 11 hours, 9:30AM-7:30PM
Durban Poison 55cm

Hollands Hope (Never have I seen such HUGE leaves before :bow:56cm

OG Kush, 74cm

Skunk XL, 61 cm

...And Frisian Dew, 62 cm

Cheers guys :bighug:

I*ll be back with another post by tomorrow or the day after:headbang::headbang::headbang:
looking good :thumbsup:
many of us start growing because we fed up of paying through the nose for crappy street weed.it soon turns into a fascinating hobby with a lot of joy mixed with a lil sadness come chop day.
garden looking great :pass:but you forgot some @'s :naughtystep:
Looks like you are gonna have some beasts!! Those photo plants are looking great. Next year, dig your holes even bigger if you want to have some monsters.....I am curious...what lat are you? 55+ north?
@archie gemmill you are so right! @TheMongol maybe you are interested in the journal?

@912GreenSkell I kinda inhaled your grow reports and your threads on maximizing outdoor yields of photo and autos; Those are the most amazing reads on growing I have enjoyed in my life (seriously!) I think they are a great help to many inexperienced growers like me. Unfortunately, I did not read the maximizing autos thoroughly enough and messed up the nontransplant-transplant :/ 2 days of stunned growth were the result...

I am growing at 54 north...
Now a tiny update, a list of my mistakes so far, and two questions:

The NL no. 1 is the only plant I measured 2 days after taking the photos; It grew 2 inches in height and 3 inches in width within two days!! :cooldance::cooldance::cooldance:
Unfortunately, I will not be able to post updates every two weeks or so, since the garden is not mine but a friend`s :d5:who waters the plants twice a week in weather like we are having at the moment (constant sun and 20-30°C max, 10-18°C min) and will also take care of feeding them when in bloom.

Now a list of my mistakes, feel free to add any you see when reading the journal or when looking at the pictures! I am happy for any feedback I get from you guys :)
1) I failed at the no-transplant-transplant; I should have cut only holes in the bottom of the pot and sliced the pots sides. Also, I added holes in the sides when the plants were already 10 days old ---> For sure the angle grinder was not the best music for my girls :nono:
2) I should have digged a wider area around my plants, just like you said, @912GreenSkell ... I only digged a wider area of 1x1 meter for OG Kush and DP as the initial plan was to guerilla-grow the other 3 photos...
3) I was probably a bit too careful with the soil mix of the autos. As I have read that autos are very sensitive to nutes, I germinated them into jiffies, then there is a layer of neutral soil without any nutes (ca. 200ml), then a mix of allmix and neutral soil (1000ml) and only after that there is pure allmix
4) I was a bit too greedy when LSTing Hollands Hope. Look at those aweful gaps :( They closed the day after though

My questions:
As the gaps closed the day after... Could this mistake actually have made the plants stronger? :D
Do think that the careful approach to nutrients might have caused the paleness of Royal Haze and Brooklyn Sunrise? The other autos, all of them germinated in the same soil composition as RH and BS look healthy though...

My very last question is about a way more serious topic and comes from the bottom of my heart:
The grandpa of a very close suffers from heavy MS, but refuses any meds to reduce the pain he gets from spasm or other symtoms. Which of the strains do you think has the largest potential to help him in his situation? He is desperate enough to try cannabis if he would not have to go anywhere by car the days after...

Cheers guys and a HUGE thanks for your support :pighug:


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To make answering the most important question easier the list of my ladies:

The strains I am growing are:

Photoperiodic (All germinated beginning of April):
1x Durban Poison
1x Frisian Dew
1x Hollands Hope (Dutch Passion)
1x Skunk XL (RQS)
1x OG Kush (Dinafem), light deprivation from july 20th

Automatic (All germinated May 8th):
1x Brooklyn Sunrise (DP)
1x Amnesia Haze (RQS)
1x Royal Haze (RQS)
2x Northern Lights (RQS)
1x Fast Caramel (Zamnesia)
some people do all sorts of /fiming/topping/lst/hst/supper cropping,bending and twisting.a lot like the knuckles a break causes,some say it fattens the stem and lets plant drink more.
i grow in a cupboard and not very well :crying: i will leave the technical stuff to me good pal Skelly :thumbsup:
there must be some info on MS in the medical section... @Eyes on Fire springs to mind and is a real good egg :thumbsup:
its a start.and dont be scared of popping into live stoners or @ ing any of us:pass:
@912GreenSkell I kinda inhaled your grow reports and your threads on maximizing outdoor yields of photo and autos; Those are the most amazing reads on growing I have enjoyed in my life (seriously!) I think they are a great help to many inexperienced growers like me. Unfortunately, I did not read the maximizing autos thoroughly enough and messed up the nontransplant-transplant :/ 2 days of stunned growth were the result...

I am growing at 54 north...

Thaks for the kind words bud! Appreciate it. Yeah 54 and its long daylight hours(coupled with hasty winter onslaughts) will certainly make photos a challenge!! How many hours of daylight do you have on the 21st of june and how many minutes of daylight do you lose daily after that? When does winter like conditions rear up?(october 1st?)

Mistakes happen bud!! We all make them, the highest value is that you learn from them, and don't repeat previous errors as you evolve as a grower. I totally dig the outdoors guides i have written(though i would like to really edit the maximizing photos guide), but i feel this is truly the best most useful article i have written so far. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...raining-yourself-to-be-a-better-grower.64226/

My questions:
As the gaps closed the day after... Could this mistake actually have made the plants stronger? :D

Yes....healed wounds do indeed make the surrounding area stronger. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/plant-manipulation-supercropping.64970/

Do think that the careful approach to nutrients might have caused the paleness of Royal Haze and Brooklyn Sunrise? The other autos, all of them germinated in the same soil composition as RH and BS look healthy though...

Almost certainly...plants feed at different strengths, and have different needs. If two are paling and others are looking vibrant green, then its a good chance the two pale are heavy feeders.

My very last question is about a way more serious topic and comes from the bottom of my heart:
The grandpa of a very close suffers from heavy MS, but refuses any meds to reduce the pain he gets from spasm or other symtoms. Which of the strains do you think has the largest potential to help him in his situation? He is desperate enough to try cannabis if he would not have to go anywhere by car the days after...

I would certainly get some high CBD low thc strains to try for your grandpa. With a much lower THC content, psychological effects of cbd will be far lower than high THC strains like Hollands hope and Durban Poison.