Bio Bizz Knowledge base

I am using biogrow, so when the flowering begins do i use biobloom instead or as well?
norman wisdom
I am using biogrow, so when the flowering begins do i use biobloom instead or as well?
norman wisdom

When the vertical growth stops and flowering starts you would use both the Grow and Bloom but lower the Grow to 1-2 ml per litre during flower:thumbs: I find 1ml is enougth but if you need to raise it up to 2 thats fine. Then stop the grow altogether 3-4 weeks before harvest just to help the plant eat the left over N:thumbs:
Thank you, I will post a couple of pictures in the next day or so as this is my first grow so still learning.
norman wisom
Could I please ask about a biobizz nute issue I have had with my last three grows.

So basically the first two were micro grows in a 1gal pot, the last one was in 1 15l airpot - all three had the same problems, and with the last grow, because she was so bad I had to switch nutes.

I use Allmix, and the full range of root juice, heaven, grow, bloom and topmax - also tried some alg-a-mic just in case.

All three times I started with root juice/heaven, then around week 2 begin with the grow - around week 3 they all started looking like over-watering. Being new to growing the first time, I treated as if I had over watered and basically road it out till harvest (got an ounce) but she was looking ill most of the time; exactly the same happened with the second grow (both micro and about 12" tall at harvest). So I built a new grow box to be able to get a bigger harvest out of my plants... again same happened, around week 3 boom looked like over watering - I did everything like PH check (soil and run off), flushing, water only feeding, alg-a-mic but nothing worked - ended up battling for 6 weeks which got to the point of looking like she was going to die; at this point I switched to some cheap tomato nutes which immediately revitalized her and got me through to harvest.

Any advice would be appreciated - they did cost me a lot of money :)
Hi Mjdregba

I've used biobizz allmix soil and the biobizz grow and bloom in my first few grows, and while i got a similar harvest to you (which i was quite please with) I also struggled throughout the grow.
I think a little root juice is fine at the beginning, but the grow nutes were probably introduced a little early as (from memory) Allmix has enough feed in it for 4 weeks +
I used Allmix for about three grows and they got better, but it did burn and stunt a couple of my seedlings.
I moved on to biobizz light mix and got some better results, and i've recently been trying coco and am having my best results to date.

If you've got your PH under control, then my best guess is the combination of soil and feed was burning them - but when you say overwatered, do you mean droopy and limp leaves?

Just my thoughts ^_^ keep at it - every grow teaches you something - or at least i think "next time .. i'll do this better .. or try that"
I am newbie grow using allmix and the biobizz nutes
so is it a must to ph water as I thought the soil and nutes bufferd it ? I intended to use rainwater that starts of at 7.4 then creeps up to 8
Could I please ask about a biobizz nute issue I have had with my last three grows.

So basically the first two were micro grows in a 1gal pot, the last one was in 1 15l airpot - all three had the same problems, and with the last grow, because she was so bad I had to switch nutes.

I use Allmix, and the full range of root juice, heaven, grow, bloom and topmax - also tried some alg-a-mic just in case.

All three times I started with root juice/heaven, then around week 2 begin with the grow - around week 3 they all started looking like over-watering. Being new to growing the first time, I treated as if I had over watered and basically road it out till harvest (got an ounce) but she was looking ill most of the time; exactly the same happened with the second grow (both micro and about 12" tall at harvest). So I built a new grow box to be able to get a bigger harvest out of my plants... again same happened, around week 3 boom looked like over watering - I did everything like PH check (soil and run off), flushing, water only feeding, alg-a-mic but nothing worked - ended up battling for 6 weeks which got to the point of looking like she was going to die; at this point I switched to some cheap tomato nutes which immediately revitalized her and got me through to harvest.

Any advice would be appreciated - they did cost me a lot of money :)
See Blues post for why.. She is spot on 100% for a start week 2-3 is a bit hot to start adding the rest off your nutes so that from the start will have damaged the root system and most likey messed the whole grow up:thumbs: The tomato feed is a specialy formulated dose of all differant things which is why it works. When using bio bizz nutes if you dont get the rite amount of each it would be pointless as its either too much or too little:peace: Si

Hi Mjdregba

I've used biobizz allmix soil and the biobizz grow and bloom in my first few grows, and while i got a similar harvest to you (which i was quite please with) I also struggled throughout the grow.
I think a little root juice is fine at the beginning, but the grow nutes were probably introduced a little early as (from memory) Allmix has enough feed in it for 4 weeks +
I used Allmix for about three grows and they got better, but it did burn and stunt a couple of my seedlings.
I moved on to biobizz light mix and got some better results, and i've recently been trying coco and am having my best results to date.

If you've got your PH under control, then my best guess is the combination of soil and feed was burning them - but when you say overwatered, do you mean droopy and limp leaves?

Just my thoughts ^_^ keep at it - every grow teaches you something - or at least i think "next time .. i'll do this better .. or try that"

I am newbie grow using allmix and the biobizz nutes
so is it a must to ph water as I thought the soil and nutes bufferd it ? I intended to use rainwater that starts of at 7.4 then creeps up to 8
No No dont bother PHing your water i have used bio bizz over a year and i dont bother to PH anymore. (I do take the odd run off just out of curiosity) If you dont want to check PH then add your nutes to your rain water then check after around 15mins I find if its between 7.2 and 5.2min (5.5works better) then the soil will do its job and land in the correct range(not sure with coco)then add to soil/coco and check run off of around 10%:thumbs:
Dont start your grow till week 4 (you could start at the end of 3) Unless they look deficient in N to which i would start at a small dose.
BRILLIANT, I am a first timer on day 34 and have posted a question on new growers forum and been given this link. Will have a couple of questions next week after visiting my gro shop
norman wisdom
OK everyone i am going to the shop today, i am going to get some Biobloom and add that with the biogrow every water, i shall start with a low dose and build up. My question is about "Topmax and alg a mic" Is it worth using them as well., I am thinking on the finances as most companys/shops want to you to buy lots of stuff, its not cheap!. Would sticking with Biogrow and Biobloom be enough? This is my first grow its day 34 everything looks healthy and i would hate to make a little mistake and f...k it all up. I will post some pics later, hopefully i will get a reply before i go all the way over to west london to get the stuff.
norman wisdom