Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
Thanks brother. Just finished cleaning out the tent.
The soil is already outside. I guess I'll have to toss it now, such a shame with all them biological goodness in it, but I really don't know how else to get rid of them critters without killing the rest of the organics...I might keep it for the worms inside though. Mhmmm...toss some kitchenscraps on top of the soil and...Feck, what am I thinking!!!

Thank you. I'll sure be buddy, but today it not's pouring
I'm gutted for you bob but in this growing game it's just a case of moving on and as I've said before bringing outside soil indoors your going to always have unwanted passengers :hothot: also I'm just due to pot my solo cups in the next day or 2 in the water only mix so am I ok tagging you in a while
Wow that is bad luck...
How come nematodes didn't get rid of them all ?
Would BTI work here ?
Found out yesterday that the critters were springtails. There's a mixed opinion about them. Some say they're harmless and I can concur that last grow I also had loads of them in the soil, as many of the time lapses can concur. But I do feel the seedling needs to be left alone for it to grow and prosper...Those first days it only has that one taproot and if this gets munched on by the springtails it's byebye...
What's BTI btw?

I'm gutted for you bob but in this growing game it's just a case of moving on and as I've said before bringing outside soil indoors your going to always have unwanted passengers :hothot: also I'm just due to pot my solo cups in the next day or 2 in the water only mix so am I ok tagging you in a while
Moved along brother. I felt really guilty in wasting so many of Sawney's seeds, but he's a swell guy and took my stupidity like a champ!! Sst...But I think he's sending some more over so I can get a third try on them Spawn of Sawney :fire:

To make sure I'm not screwing this up, I've cleaned out the tent and lungroom with the vacuum cleaner, then sprayed every surface with a hefty mix of water and Detol. Afterwards cleaning everything off with a damp towel...
The pots, tray and every other little thingmajig that could be removed was brought outside where it got a first cleaning, removing all the soil into the tub with the remaining soil. Then in a bucket with the same mix of water and Detol as I sprayed before to remove the soil and debris left on the surfaces. Then took everything inside the bathroom and gave them a nice scrub with a fresh mix, just as before. Then I let everything drip for an hour (ok, I was tired and needed a joint) and thén sprayed everything off with plain water, so that no residue of the Detol would be left behind.

I'm getting everything fresh btw!
A new (70L) mixing tub, 50L Lightmix with perlite, 10L perlite and 10L of dry worm castings. Into that will go 250gr Startrex and 250gr Silicium Flash and about 5L water with 5gr Bactrex and 20ml Orgatrex added to that, to wet things up a bit and to get it started brewing for a week or maybe longer...
Found out yesterday that the critters were springtails. There's a mixed opinion about them. Some say they're harmless and I can concur that last grow I also had loads of them in the soil, as many of the time lapses can concur. But I do feel the seedling needs to be left alone for it to grow and prosper...Those first days it only has that one taproot and if this gets munched on by the springtails it's byebye...
What's BTI btw?

BTI stands for Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensi
Works well against fungus gnats larvae - I just checked, it does nothing to springtails.
Hey guys,

Short message...Them pesky little critters are back and have taken over the tent!! :cuss:
I'm gonna do a complete cleanout and sanitize everything with bleach...

My sincere apologies to @Sawney_bean for wasting yet another 20 or so of his seeds :face: So sorry buddy!!...

See you when I see you...
Stupid lil party crashes. Clearly they didn't get the cease n desist. Good luck with the cleanout. Craps never fun but sometimes a necessity.
Seed drop
Hey Friends :yay: :woohoo::yay:

Small intermezzo before the show starts again...
@Bob's Auto's here's the xmas bundle for UK. That's 19 seeds for $75. Store will be open Monday at 12pm gmt according to stan
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A while ago someone mentioned me that Mephisto had some great Holiday season deals...Sadly I live in Europe and Stan ignores the shizzle out of me, so I asked a good friend on AFN if he wanted to buy the Secret Santa Bundle and reship it my direction...He gladly obliged and them some!!!

Today after work one of my kids came running inside with an envelope in his hands..."For you daddy"
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I had to calm myself and stop from opening the envelope there and then. It's cold outside and warm inside...Don't want to shock anything, so left it alone for half an hour. Then I couldn't hold it anymore and opened it. What I found inside really made my day brothers and sisters!! :yoinks:

A treasure-trove of fine genetics awaited me...And he even added the stickers. Oh Buddy, thank you so much!!! I ow you one, that's for sure!!
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And it's like he foresaw the mishap with the SOS seeds as well...Because I again have enough to start my SOG grow. Yihawww :shooty:
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See you guys very soon with a continuation of the SOG grow and when that's done...I'm gonna run me some Mephisto crosses :cools:


Bob :toke:
Nice! Glad everything worked out for you Bob :thumbsup:
Yeah! Had to tag you as well brother...You is what got me started, now I've got several of their originals and some nice crosses. Especially the Double Grape ones, I'm very keen on trying out... Ever since I grew Port & Stilton once...Oh boy, here we go again.... ;)
Springtails eh? I had them in one pot and not the other recently. No issues from the pot that did have them. Interesting side by side and that they didn't transfer.

I did accidentally find that my UV light killed them off when I had them before.

That said, excited for your new grow with some top notch seed.