day 33 leaves look bad and drinking less

I got my api ph test kit today.
Turns out my tap water ph has been way high this whole time. Turned blue indicating 7.6 or higher. Took about 5 pinches of earth juice crystals to bring a gallon down to 6.5ph. This is good news i guess because i think i should see major improvement in this grow and in the future.
I first thought rice but didnt have any, i had a bag of dessicant packets though which seems odd and not having rice:pass:
You called it, ph is very important im learning even more now.
No rice but dessicant packets on deck lol I died reading that:crying:
:eek1:... Smorf, that tested out of the range of the kit i suspect,... if it took 5 pinches to drop it a point, it's way harder than what 7.6+ indicates,... I have 175 ppm/7.6 pH tap water,.. in a 2gal can, I used about a fat 1/4 tsp to drop it a point (citric acid, canning supply type, same active ingredient as EJ natural down),....
:eek1:... Smorf, that tested out of the range of the kit i suspect,... if it took 5 pinches to drop it a point, it's way harder than what 7.6+ indicates,... I have 175 ppm/7.6 pH tap water,.. in a 2gal can, I used about a fat 1/4 tsp to drop it a point (citric acid, canning supply type, same active ingredient as EJ natural down),....
Very small pinches, probably 1/16 or 1/8 tsp at the most. But still testing out of range.
I wanted to post an update to share pics and thank @Waira & @GoAuto6 for taking time to help out in the infirmary.
She pulled through like a champ after i corrected ph.

Day 56
Gave 22oz water with 0.3ml mammoth p, 3ml biothrive bloom and 3ml camg.
Shes doing good, drinking well every two days. I might start backing off on the nutes soon but she seems to be taking it very well as is and ive heard alot of people say not to worry about flushing when using GO box nutes.
She looks so good. I almost was not expecting her to turn out so well because of the issues i had but im very happy with her now.
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:drool: Oh man, those buds are phat! :d5: She's very close Smorf, have you been checking the trich's for color changes? Yup, no real need for a cleanse period with organics, but i still lay off for a few days before harvest,.. and try to take her on the dry side, which will speed drying a day or so,... dense bud! Watch really carefully for mold, and keep the RH nice and low, well below 50%,... good air movement,... As for the leaves, forget'm! they did their job, releasing mobile nutes for the buds to use,....
Gonna be some killer gummy bud soon! :slap:... how does she smell mate? This strain interests me, Chz and Haze...terp' profile must be amazing! :greenthumb:
@Waira i have been seeing amber trichs already. Website says 65-75 days. I was going to harvest day 65-70 i think. Depending on trichs, pistils, and if i see her slow down drinking. I want to make sure i let her put on all the weight she can.
Shes pretty low odor but during her stinkiest time she smelled cheezy/musky fruit and then when u squeeze the buds its cheezy/lemony. Very excited, ive never tried a cheese strain that im aware of.
Temps 74-79
Rh 41-49%
Never had a problem with mold in my four grows so far but im always looking out for sure.
Thanks for the slapper:smoking:
:smoking: IMO, she might be ready before then mate,.. fattening is largely over by now, at this point the trich should be doing all the talking,.. what kind of buzz heaviness you want in mind; the more amber, the more narcotic-sleepy she'll be,... amber comes from THC breaking down into CBN, which is more mildly psychoactive than THC and as mentioned, make the buzz body heavy,... what % amber it is at havest is something of a crude estimation, and folks have their preferences,.. personally, for that hybrid and parentage, I'd take her with low amber %, like 15% or less,.. ambering will progress a little more during dry/cure, and over time more and more depending on how well (cool, dark, proper RH%) it's stored,...