New Grower Easy Sativa from female seeds, Best possible Sativa to breed into auto..?..



So I've been doing some extensive research I've decided to make an Easy Sativa Automatic...

First off I want to post the info from FSco.

It’s all in the name, an easy new-style sativa variety for in the greenhouse and outdoors. One of the best outdoor bud producers in Holland! Most of them flower under 18 hrs light and start flowering in mid July and reward you with a gigantic amount of large buds in September. There is some variation in bud shape and taste (between spicy and sweet), but all a clear sativa high. Well worth a try

So if it flowers in 18/6 then it shouldn't take to many back x's to get it to auto should it?
The fastest auto I've encountered was fast bud and red dwarf, I had a red dwarf in a 6" pot that finished at 44 days old!
So Red Dwarf x Easy Sativa will be the first cross....

Any thoughts on a better Sativa strain and auto starin to use in this cross is extremely appreciated...
I have some Thaiphanxpekuruhder on the way...
I think that is the way to go, TPxPxES