Jul 9, 2019
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alright! our son turned 18 and moved across the country and i was thinking of turning his bedroom into a craft room or maybe leave it a guest room, but what do i REALLY want? large amounts of homegrown!

i'm BRAND NEW to growing. i mean, i grow some garden veggies out back but i'm not known for my amazing green thumb, so this is really going to be an experiment and i'd be SO thankful for any help. what i lack in growing skills, i more than make up for in my ability to follow instructions.

also, because i'm new and because i've chosen to start with autos, i'm not really in a position to shell out a lot of dough to make this first round happen. i expect i'll make a lot of mistakes, but if i can get through this first harvest i KNOW i'll be able to do it again and again. and i'd certainly be more willing to invest at that point.

okay, the nitty gritty.
i'm germinating four seeds in rapid rooter:

Short and Sweet Auto
Pickled Diesel Auto
Sharkbite Auto
Girl Scout Cookies Feminized (not auto. part of the free seeds sent to me by the single seed centre)

i've hung some heavy black-out curtains from my son's walk-in closet.
i've got a germination box that the seeded rapid rooter hangs out in.
i've got a cheap LED lamp from amazon hanging fairly high above the germination box and set to an 18/6 schedule.

the light doesn't give off much (if any) heat so i'm not worried about ventilation just yet especially since the seeds like warmth during germination. in fact, i've set up a heater in the closet (i don't have a heat pad) to maintain 78 degrees F. once the seeds pop and get transferred to their forever homes, i can open the curtains a bit and open the windows of the bedroom to get a nice breeze through.

rapid rooter was soaked briefly in warm, lightly-lemoned tap water and then i added a quarter inch of the same water to the germination box before closing it up.

i've got 3-gallon cloth pots waiting and i haven't bought the soil yet, but i'm leaning toward doing 1/3 FF Ocean Forest on top with 2/3 FF Happy Frog on bottom. i don't REALLY want to fuck with nutes on this first grow and Fox Farm seems kinda fool proof.

and finally, just for shits and giggles, i set up an echo dot in there serenading the seeds all day with the finest Grateful Dead. if i were a seed, i'd wanna poke my head out just so i could hear those sweet tunes more clearly, haha.

the next update will be if/when the seeds sprout. if you think i'm doing something wrong, please let me know. i've always been a good student :))
Best of luck. Just remember, it aint brain surgery. You need good dirt, water, and a light

ah, me own sentimentz exactly, nail on the head :thumbsup: hey marilyn, we all had to start sumwhere & ur off to a good especially like the added muzic touch :biggrin: but then again, me a metalhead drummer & muzic is in me blood, sooooo....:headbang:

anyhoo, me now subbed & followin :pop: so ppp & :goodluck:


p.s. if ever ya wanna tag somebody, jus add the @ to the front of their name, eg @420Forever and we'll answer :thumbsup: otherwize, jus say "hey 420!" and me will hear ya :biggrin:
I’m sure it’s gonna be great! Lots of support around here to guide you, but if you can grow veggies, no reason why you can’t grow some devils lettuce [emoji3055] [emoji1786] good luck!!!

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