Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Hey @Waira You think there’s a benefit from ordering from T20 directly, or not? Thanks amigro :pass: :d5:

bag o shame.jpg
bag o' shame to me, I missed the tag bro'! :rofl:

@Lil Dab -- I honestly don't know... Sometimes a breeder-direct may run out of stock on some things, but a another bank may still have them, so that's a thing...
It never hurts to reach out reaaaaally directly to our good man and owner @Twenty20 Adam, a rare perk indeed- :cool1: If you have something in mind, run it by him! He does have a "real" job outside of the seed bizz, and can be quite busy at times, even out of the country so if response is slow, that's why...

In any case, the pricing for genetics of this quality is a serious value bonus, trust me- :thumbsup:
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