Mephisto Genetics MediJane's Mephisto Run #1 - HBSS, Ripley's OG, Organic, Soil, LED

Took better pictures today. Here they are after a bloom feeding - including 2.5ml of Liquid Kool Bloom.

Day 46

HBSS - @Margahooja I measured from the top of the pot. She is 23.5" tall above ground. I upped the nutes by about 10%. So far, so good!


Ha, my little dog LOVES when I bring the girls inside for a photo shoot!

And Ripley's OG: She is just 17" tall from ground.


Kitty likes photo day too :). I did a little LST on the lower branches of the Ripley's today. She is so bushy!

And the set-up:


Staying between 82 and 88 degrees. Low humidity - about 28%. Good air flow. No pests!
Love the way the pets get in the photos. Got to be happy about no pests. I haven't seen a gnat in over a month, fought them several times this summer. They look good. Looking forward to the next update. Thanks for measuring. I couldn't tell from the previous pictures how tall they were.
Love the way the pets get in the photos. Got to be happy about no pests. I haven't seen a gnat in over a month, fought them several times this summer. They look good. Looking forward to the next update. Thanks for measuring. I couldn't tell from the previous pictures how tall they were.

Yes, the pets are ever at my heels! In addition to the early pests, I know I stunted these by leaving them in the "nursery" for about 10 days too long. They could've stretched a lot more. I'm happy they survived the catepillar invasion at all!

I am wanting to drop two more this weekend - in an attempt to perpetually harvest about every 45 days or so. Not too sure this will work with my set up though. Especially if these put on the girth that others documented here have.
Yes, the pets are ever at my heels! In addition to the early pests, I know I stunted these by leaving them in the "nursery" for about 10 days too long. They could've stretched a lot more. I'm happy they survived the catepillar invasion at all!

I am wanting to drop two more this weekend - in an attempt to perpetually harvest about every 45 days or so. Not too sure this will work with my set up though. Especially if these put on the girth that others documented here have.
I think they're catching up though. Your Hbss grew almost 7 inches in the last 7 days. I say that because mine are usually done with vertical growth by day 40 and you're at 46 and still growing. My Ripleys was 17 inches tall too.
Day 54 Update:

Both plants have some discoloring going on right now which was worrying me, but they are still packing on weight. I gave them a little extra N in their feed yesterday and a regular feeding today (40% recommended strength of GO nutes), plus 40ml of Liquid Koolbloom.

Temperature is consistent at 80 - 84 degrees. Humidity will be high for the next few days so I may have to run my dehumidifier.


October 15th.............................October 19th.........................October 23rd



Wow. Looking at the pictures side-by-side is cool! Hard to believe how much can change in eight days!

Here is the discoloration I was talking about. Any input is appreciated!


I will update the Ripley's in a separate post ;)
Holy crap, that HBSS really caught up height wise. Those buds are packing it on nicely. I'm no expert in deficiencies but I'm not worried about anything I see. You had a couple issues early on but I think they caught up and are doing great. At day 53 or there abouts you'll see some leaves in the lower areas dying off sometimes. I know they were there early on, they weren't going to recover. All your higher leaves look nice and green. I saw the Ripleys On the other thread this morning and feel the same way. You're doing great with them. I must give you the rep slap. :slap:
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Love the way the pets get in the photos. Got to be happy about no pests. I haven't seen a gnat in over a month, fought them several times this summer. They look good. Looking forward to the next update. Thanks for measuring. I couldn't tell from the previous pictures how tall they were.
By the way, I found some thrips in my fantasmo, thought I was done with insects this year.
Holy crap, that HBSS really caught up height wise. Those buds are packing it on nicely. I'm no expert in deficiencies but I'm not worried about anything I see. You had a couple issues early on but I think they caught up and are doing great. At day 53 or there abouts you'll see some leaves in the lower areas dying off sometimes. I know they were there early on, they weren't going to recover. All your higher leaves look nice and green. I saw the Ripleys On the other thread this morning and feel the same way. You're doing great with them. I must give you the rep slap. :slap:

Thank you for setting my mind at ease! I am feeling way better about them once I did a side-by-side photo line up. I'm going to make sure that I do that from now on (take identifying shots all around the plant for comparison).

And thanks for the Rep Slap! (okay, I admit I'm not sure what that means - is there a Rep Slap 101 class here somewhere?).

Your journals have helped me so much - you deserve... like a beat down, lol!
Hi Medijane! Very nice stuff you have going on here :)

You HBSS are pretty close to the harvest so some 'autumning' of the old fan leaves is expected. I've had some old gals that got to looking pretty haggard by 70 plus days... sometimes if I over water a plant when it's young, even once, it will damage leaves in this way and the issue with the affected leaves will remain until they die, which is different than a plant going in to it's autumn phase... in the case of a few leaves damaged by over watering or bugs, especially when the plant is young, I clip them off and make me and the plant very happy ;)

Best of luck it is looking real good!!!
By the way, I found some thrips in my fantasmo, thought I was done with insects this year.
Oh crap that stinks!!! I hope you squash them early! I planted a couple of seeds the other day. This time I coated everything with Neem Oil first.

Do you have all of your plants together in one space?