Mephisto Genetics MediJane's Mephisto Run #1 - HBSS, Ripley's OG, Organic, Soil, LED

Hi Medijane! Very nice stuff you have going on here :)

You HBSS are pretty close to the harvest so some 'autumning' of the old fan leaves is expected. I've had some old gals that got to looking pretty haggard by 70 plus days... sometimes if I over water a plant when it's young, even once, it will damage leaves in this way and the issue with the affected leaves will remain until they die, which is different than a plant going in to it's autumn phase... in the case of a few leaves damaged by over watering or bugs, especially when the plant is young, I clip them off and make me and the plant very happy ;)

Best of luck it is looking real good!!!
Thank you Rhyce! You are so right! If this happens early again on another grow I'll just clip the dead ones off - because yellow leaves just don't make me happy to look at! Until harvest time anyway.

Thanks for your input!!
Oh crap that stinks!!! I hope you squash them early! I planted a couple of seeds the other day. This time I coated everything with Neem Oil first.

Do you have all of your plants together in one space?
I think it was just the beginning, there were just a few lower leaves damaged, and I couldn't find any sign of them on the others, but I'll be watching. I like those side by side shots. Pretty dramatic when you look at it that way. I have to figure a way to do that. Yeah, all my plants are in one tent. They all got a foliar treatment and one got a soil drench as well. I'll be doing all as another preventative. I had those Beneficial Nematodes in this group, but I' not sure if they were even alive when I did the treatment awhile back.
Good luck! One of my seeds sprouted overnight so I will be watching it like a hawk!

For pictures, I have identifying marks on each container/plant. When I move them out for "picture day" I look at the last set of pictures and try to take the same shots. It really has helped me analyze what's going on.
Hi MJ thanks for dropping by my Grow! Your Mephisto girls are looking great. Randomly bumped into your thread just after you posted on mine. Good luck in the home straight!
I managed to sneak in a couple of shots today...HBSS on the left, Ripley's on the right.

And here is the Ripley's update:

October 15th......................... October 19th........................October 23rd......................... Today (Oct 24)


I think the Liquid Koolbloom is making a difference. I may switch to the dry in a few days... Here is info on it. Has anybody used this before?
I never heard of the Koolbloom dry, Sounds interesting about helping the plant to finish faster. Go easy on it at first though. Lol, I know you will.