Indoor Royal Bluematic in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Yay! A germinated auto! Second go at an autoflowering seed. RQS Royal Bluematic which seems to be going well so far.
Put it in a shot-cup of water over deco behind tv until it submerged (5-7 hours), then placed inside folded moist paper towel on top of deco on Feb 15th. It was the same method i used with my Auto AK but this one germinated much faster, hope that's an indication of her growth rate!!!

Growing Specs:
-24" x 24" x 56" (2'x2'x4.6') grow tent.
-7 Lt hempy bucket with all coco-coir, and perlite in the reservoir
-One Autocob (3500K) from @BigSm0 at, placed 38" above seedling 20/4, and plan to let the seedling grow into the light unless it becomes obvious it needs more/less light.
-Green Leaf's MC, Cal-mag Pro,a and have Bud Explosion but not sure if i will use it...
-I moved to a new place which is colder. Temps are low right now at 70F during day, but good thing is that RH is at point for optimal VPD... go figures.

Here's her progress so far... pics taken from feb 17th until today.
feb 17th
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feb 18th
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feb 19th
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So a week after last post... think she's doing fine... could be better if temps were higher i think.

She's at 36 inches from light.

Only watered twice in the last 10 days (at 0.2 EC and 5.8 ph) but now plan to start watering more frequently to make sure there is proper ph and EC in the coco.

Pictures from today
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Another week passes by... think she's doing fine... could be better if temps were higher i think. Purple/redish on stems starting to show.

She's at 36-37 inches from light.

0.6 EC of MC including Ca-Mg.

I'm ina new place that is much colder and still haven't managed to get it warmer which I'm sure would increase growth rate.
Max temp during day is 72 F...

I'm expecting next 5 days will explode in growth so i can top... or start LST.

(with and without flash)



Increased the temps by 2 degrees and purple tones went away.

She's now sitting outside the tent, but with opened door, because her sister got too big. Got a 23 W CFL on top of her just in case

0.7 EC of MC including Ca-Mg.

At 26 days after seed was put in moist paper, i feel it hasn't really shown the growth rate to be topped, so I might just LST... by this weekend ill make up my mind o this topic.

A little update a week after last update:
-I topped the plant between 4-5th node on march 13th. From what i've read she might not have been a good candidate for topping, but I wanted to see what would happen.
-She's now taking food at 0.8 EC (MC + CaMg).
-Lights is about 33-34 inches above her top.

Any comments or advice are appreciated. Uhg.. sorry for the sideways pics.

Unfortunately, I don't think this was a real auto. she's had a really irregular lphotoperiod lately,.

She's now at day 50 after putting on moist paper towel. She only gets indirect sunlight from bedroom's window (no room for her in the 2x2 tent) and from when i turn the room's light on to do stuff at night... its been about 17 days after i stopped given her more than 12 hours of direct and continuous light and i see preflowers forming. Not expecting much from her... just hope she completes her life cycle and gives me some buds.

Feeding MC 1.0 at 300 ppms... more than that and the hempy's reservoir starts buildup salts quickly, get burnt tips and then signs of K def in lower leaves, which i imagine is a case of element antagonism.

Here are some pics:

April 1st:


April 4th:
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the single lowers fall off after a while anyways :thumbsup: if folks havnt ripped them off before that :eyebrows:
:cuss: to autos that dont auto.but other than thats she looks healthy enough :smokeit:
good luck