Seed Stockers Ryno_nuggs presents Wedding Glue by Seedstockers in a solo cup


Qualified Live Stoner
Cultivators Club
Oct 1, 2020
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Greetings everyone! Huge shout out to @Seedstockers-Mark for sponsoring this event, and @St. Tom for running the show.

Today I dropped a couple beans in some water for a soak. Let the fun begin!

I let my seeds soak until I see them crack open with a little root poking out. Usually takes a day or two.
Seedstockers Wedding Glue

After roughly 36 hours soaking in room temperature tap water (disclaimer: I have very soft tap water,, not recommended with hard water) on top of the fridge for warmth there where little tails sticking out. This was the 17th.

I wait until they Crack open, at which point they get transferred into a coffee filter. I use tap water with a very small amount of real growers recharge to dampen the filter. You do not want it dripping wet.

From here, I fold the filter in half with the seed in the seem. I place them in a zip lock bag, making sure both seeds are pointing in the same direction. From here they go in a DVD case back on top of the fridge for warmth, with the seeds pointing down. This will ensure the tap roots come out and go straight down.

All pictures from 11-17
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Seed Stockers Wedding Glue

After 3 days in the cd case, here we are. I do check them every 24 hours and give a lights spray of room temp tap water.( disclaimer: I have soft tap water. Not recommended with hard water). I get a root riot and dip it in room temp water with a dash of recharge in it, then give it a nice squeeze to eliminate tok much water. Then I split the root riot down the middle, almost all the way, and gently place the seed in the root riot.

I usually would have got it in the root riot a day earlier. With the cotyledons already coming out of the shell, I placed the seed so they are above the soil level to avoid them getting damaged. Typically they would be placed close to a quarter inch below the surface, which helps remove the shell casing.

From here they go into the solo cup that has roughly 15-20ish percent perlite. The coco has been properly hydrated and charged, then ppm adjusted to 150 ppm for the run off.


From here just a dome to maintain higher humidity levels to get them going. A light mist of water to the inside of the dome before the cover goes on helps with this.

The dome also helps the coco from drying out too fast. That allows for a little more time in between water while the are so small.

Thanks for stopping by everyone, and good luck to everyone in the solo grow off!
:toke: :goodluck:
Seedstockers Wedding Glue

These pictures are from yesterday.

The one on the left was having issues shedding the membrane that was inside the shell. You can see it still on the cotyledon.

The plant on the right opened right and is taking the lead. I'm going to call this day 2 for both for my sanity sake.

And here is a quick one from today, day 3.

They started stretching a bit so I raised them up. Just realized I never mentioned my lights.

I have 2 autocobs and a Mars Hydro TS1000. They currently are sharing an autocob, which is at the top of my tent.

I have given them a very mild solution of Mega Crop 2 part and cal-mag at 150 ppm, ph to 5.8. Now I am just applying this around the coco, as needed to prevent it from drying out. Careful to avoid over watering issues.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :toke: :smoking: