New Grower Vapor's 2nd Grow and the Tale of the Auto White Cheese (and a few photo strains)

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
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Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
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Hey everyone this is my second grow and it's been a shining beacon of my ineptitude and wonderful habit of throwing money away!

I started a journal on this one, but I am a master procrastinator and rarely finish anythi

Okay so if you got the above joke, we're on the same wavelength ;-) So without further adieu, my second grow:

All seeds were ordered from Attitude. Have had awesome luck with this company; I always order the discrete shipping and so far everything gets to me (overseas) within about 2 weeks.

Strains (all feminized):
(5) Pyramid Seeds Tutankamon
(7) Seedsman Seeds White Widow
(1) Dinafem Auto White Cheese (freebies)
(2) Dinafem Blue Widows (freebies)
(1) Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer (freebies)
(1) G13 Labs Pineapple Express (freebies)

Germination Method:
Paper towel method. Soaked paper towels and wrung them out, folded them into squares, placed seeds on squares and put into bottom drawer of my dresser (dark and consistently warm.)

Not a single Seedsman Seed White Widow popped. Several of the seeds were very tiny (runty looking.)
Not a single Pyramid Seed Tutankhamon popped.

However, I think this is where I messed up. I'm pretty sure I water logged them. I was so worried about them drying out that I kept a small amount of water on the plate that they were set on, so the paper towels were always sitting in maybe a centimeter or so of water (not drowning, but always wet.)

So I don't want to say it was the seed company by any means (and I'm sure someone can correct my mistake on here?), but I do find it weird that those two strains were the only things to consistently not pop.

Grow Tent and Equipment
Grow tent - My grow tent is a 4 foot by 4 foot by 6.5 foot tent with three 6" intake/exhaust ports with several mesh windows with flaps that close on them.

Lights - A 1000W MH/HPS switchable with a hood. I also have a 400W MH/HPS switchable w/hood as a backup light, and two 125 CFL lights w/ hoods. I am only running the 1000W fixture currently.

Cooling - I'm using 6" flex duct tubing to bring cool air in from a nearby window. The duct flexes to the tent, where I have a 6" 240 CFM inline fan blowing cool fresh air into the bottom port on the tent.

My 1000W HPS is setup like this; I have one 6" 240 CFM inline fan sucking air from the tent into the hood, and another 6" 240 CFM suck the air out through 6" duct and then exhausted outside the tent.

It was recommended to me to try to bring fresh air into the hood instead of sucking the warmer air in from the tent, so that's going to be something on my list to fix.

Smell - Bought a 6" carbon scrubber. It's F'ing MASSIVE. Had no idea this thing was so big before it got here. It just recently came; it's not installed yet but is going to be VERY soon. Unfortunately, all I have to pull air through it is another 6" 240 CFM fan, which I'm reading is possibly not enough to be fully effective. I hope it's better than nothing at this point, because I'm having some smell issues (see below.)

Soil - Alright, feel free to cringe here. Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I don't have access to hydroponic stores locally nor do I want to order soil via the mail. I've actually had some great luck with my MG soil's, but I do understand in terms of 1-10 where this stuff rates compared to other brands. Cost and availability are my limiting factors here (looked at other soil mixes and pooped a little when I saw the prices per cubic foot.)

Nutrients - I've been using SuperThrive on most of my waterings and have not really seen any ill effects.

I bought the General Hydroponics GO Starter Kit box. Found out very quickly that mixing the full strength amounts suggested (by General Hydroponics), I could very quickly nute burn the shit out of my plants! :) So now I use them at about 1/4 to 1/2 strength and avoided a lot of nute burn compared to what I had before.

The Grow Journal

Day 1 - Planted germinated seeds in jiffy peat pots (under a humidity dome) repurposed seed/clone veg box. Took an old surround sound stereo box and lined the entire thing with mylar and rigged up a 125 W CFL light in the box, hung with wires to adjust it if necessary. Mixed up a water can of a tiny bit of SuperThrive and water and bottom watered the peat pots in the tray, draining off the excess water in the tray. Turned on CFL and will let run 24 hours a day.

Day 2 - Watered tray w/ leftover Suprthrive water. Left lights on 24 hours again.

Day 3 - Watered again in the AM and sprayed the inside of the humidity dome with a spray water to try to keep the humidity up. Feels very warm in the box. Checked on the box again at noon and the Auto White Cheese has sprouted. Cracking the box open a little to vent it; feels too warm. Should have put thermometer in here.

Day 4 - Soil in seed box still moist. Did not water. Growth in 4 seeds so far.

Day 5 - No watering needed still. Have 6 our 17 seeds cracked and growing. Not a single White Widow has taken off. May check seeds again and try germinating them in wet paper towels to see if they are late in germination.
*edit while writing this, it's amazing to read this stuff and see how anxious and paranoid I am. Probably where the mistakes come in!*

Day 6 - No more seeds have popped out. Took spray bottle with tap water and misted peat and seeds again.

Day 7 - No new seed growth. I noticed the seed hulls on some of the plants were binding the two starter leaves together and what appears to be pinching the stems.

Day 8 - No more seed growth. Said fuck it and started germinating the last five Seedsman Seeds White Widows I had. Will give these other seeds a few more days and regerm them. Took a tweezers to the stuck seed hulls. Read you shouldn't do this. Did it anyways. Removed the hulls and BAM instant leaf growth over the next 12 hours.

Day 9 - Misted water on seeds in the tray. Huge fat leaves on the Auto White Cheese.

Day 10 - Going camping. Filled water tray and took off (left lights on 24 hours.)

Day 11 - Only 4 plants doing well, the Auto White Cheese, Critical Jack Herer, Blue Widow, and Pineapple Express. Germinated my last 5 White Widow seeds and have tap roots. Planting them and praying. Noticed I have a green algae growth growing on my soil tops. I guess that's what I get for using soil I left outside all summer.

And now massive time leap forward for lack of documentation but a quick recap:

Day 12 - 34 - All the White Widow seeds died. Rot. The leaves with the attached seed hulls look like they are pinched at the very tops and quickly fell off. My four strong plants were transplanted into 4 and 5 gallon pots with a mix of miracle grow and heavy on the perlite. I took 1/4" PVC pipe and drilled holes every inch or so on all 4 "sides" of the pipe and cut them to length for the pots to use as watering tubes, to help getting water down to the middle and bottom roots as the plant grows. So far doesn't seem like dirt or perlite it getting stuck in the holes, so it seems to work pretty good!

Day 35 - Plants stink. Plants stink a LOT. My entire basement reeks like growing MJ. On my first grow, I had a small problem with smell (during veg only though, couldn't smell a thing during flower, is that weird?) On this one though; with these far superior strains than my bag seed; holy balls. STINKY. I just received my 6" carbon scrubber recently so that's getting installed today or tomorrow. Need to get that smell under control.

The plants are looking GREAT. The Auto White Cheese is showing a little nute burn I think (leaves are little curled around the edges, but I think I accidentally splashed them while watering (need to get a water can with the long spout instead of the rain shower head.) The Blue Widow (photo strain) is MASSIVE. Every time I open the tent I say "holy shit look at you!" Then it looks up at me, winks, gives me the middle finger, and says "I'm the reason your basement stinks!"

The Auto White Cheese, the Pineapple Express (photo), and the Blue Widow (photo) are all doing VERY well, at least compared to my plants on my first grow. Incredibly leafy and bushy. The Critical Jack Herer is looking kind of wimpy. Think it's just a weak seed/plant. Will see how she does I suppose.

The Auto White is already starting to pre-flower!

I'll try to get some pics of the girls when I get my carbon scrubber installed! Thanks for reading if you read all this; and hopefully it will continue to do well! Looking forward to suggestions on fixing some of my blunders!
The Blue Widow (photo strain) is MASSIVE. Every time I open the tent I say "holy shit look at you!" Then it looks up at me, winks, gives me the middle finger, and says "I'm the reason your basement stinks!"


Hey vapor, welcome to AFN! :smokebuds: You have an awesome attitude towards your grow - you'll fit in just fine here. :D It sounds like you like you have a kickass setup!

Nice work on keeping detailed notes as well. :thumbs: That's too bad about the issues with the White Widow beans. It might be worth giving the folks at Attitude a holler just to make them aware and see if anyone else has had similar issues.

As far as the green algae goes, I've found that I get that when the soil is a little waterlogged and the surface of the soil is packed too tightly to allow it to dry out quickly enough. To combat that, I now take a fork (or something similar) and cultivate the top 1/4" - 1/2" of the soil in all my pots the day after I water. This helps oxygenate the upper part of the root zone and prevents it from becoming densely packed and waterlogged. It also helps water to be more evenly distributed over the surface of your pots before going down into the pot, which will help to prevent bigger pots from getting dry / waterlogged zones in the root zone. Sometimes, I also take a bamboo skewer or the probe of a meat thermometer and carefully poke some deep holes in the pots to allow for better soil aeration and more even water distribution. Just my :2cents:.

Good call on snagging a good scrubber - I'd get that puppy installed ASAP. It's your last line of defense against unwanted attention from the outside world. If it turns out that your inline fan is slightly underpowered for the scrubber, you can take the prefilter off of the scrubber until you're able to get a more powerful inline fan. This certainly isn't recommended by Good Housekeeping as it will allow particles into your scrubber and it will clog up more quickly - but it will make it a bit easier for your current inline to pull through it. You gotta do what you gotta do. Your safety and freedom is the #1 priority! :thumbs:

Look forward to seeing pics of your crew bro. Again, welcome to AFN!

Sounds like a killer grow you got going on. I'm going to follow this one along. :smokebuds:
Nice read vapor, welcome to the club :smokebuds:
Day 35 Update w/ PICTURES!

Kindred, buddro, robwars, thanks for the words of encouragement! Got some new pictures to update with! And some new questions on how to fix some current conditions!

Day 35 - Checked on the plants today and the girls are looking pretty good! My Dinafem Auto White Cheese is showing some yellow leaves on the bottom of the plant though; going to need some help identifying what the problem is. The Critical Jack Herer (photo) is a wimpy shrimp. She looks okay, but she looks like the red headed step child I keep locked in the basement that I have to feed through a slot in the bottom of the door. Bah. Maybe she'll surprise me, but not holding out on it.

The soil was pretty dry about an inch or two down (I do the finger/knuckle method for watering, it usually ends up being maybe every 3 days or so; I've been doing it more by feel than by strict schedule.) I've watered them with a 2 gallon watering can mixed with a capful of Superthrive. The last time this plant had nutrients (General Hydroponics nutes at about 1/4 to 1/2 strength.) was roughly a full week ago.

Do Auto's need nutes like photo strains need nutes? Would I be better off skipping a lot of the nutes on it and just giving it water w/ SuperThrive? Also, it's showing a lot of pre flower on the Auto White Cheese; if I do need to give it nutes; should I start giving it bloom/flowering nutes instead of vegging nutes?

Here's a picture of the 4 plants going:

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Starting at the top left is the Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer (photo), top right is the Dinafem Blue Widow, bottom right is the G13 Labs Pineapple Express, and bottom left is the Dinafem Auto White Cheese.

Dinafem Blue Widow (photo strain)

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G13 Labs Pineapple Express (photo strain)

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Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer (photo strain)

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Dinafem Auto White Cheese

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The yellow leaves on the Auto White Cheese are showing up in the spot where I typically pour my watering spout when I water that particular pot. Curious if it could be splash burn from nutes or something else?

How do the rest of them look? Noticed a few spots on some of the other plant leaves; anything to worry about?

As always, appreciate the help and feedback! :)
Some nice little bushes you have goin there bro. :thumbs:

I might recommend determining whether or not to water by feeling the weight of the pot rather than using the knuckle method. I've found it's really easy to overwater when using the knuckle method. The surface soil can dry out for reasons unrelated to what the plant is using up, such as the airflow from fans or from the heat generated from HID's, while only a few inches down the soil may be saturated. Since you're using 4 and 5 gallon pots, there's a significant volume of soil below where your fingers can reach. I would get an idea of how light your pots feel when they've dried out enough to be ready for watering and use that as a reference for when to water in the future.

As far as the yellowing you're seeing - do you know what your soil pH's are?

Kindred; didn't think of that (the watering.) You know, maybe I could take my bathroom scale down there and get some weights. I can weigh the watering pitcher before filling it, weigh it after the fill, weigh the plants pre-watering, weigh the plant post-watering and record them on a spreadsheet. It would have been better to weigh the pots before planting or watering anything in them (to use as a control), but I'll make it work.

As to the pH, no clue. Not quite that advanced in my growing yet; but I think I have a pH meter laying around... in fact I know I do. I got a lot of equip from a friend many years ago and just NEVER utilized any of this stuff. Let me go putter with what I have down there and I'll let you know. I think I've got two testers in fact, if I recall one is the dipping pen and another has the two diodes coming out of it.

Aside from that, do they look alright?

And perhaps you could share your perspective on my grow plan here. I have everything running on 18/6 1000w MH light schedule right now. With that auto flower starting to pre flower, should I be trying to get an HPS bulb on it? I have a 400W switchable that is already hanging in the same tent (but not being used), but that's going to jack up my temps a bit if I kick that on with the 1000w MH going too. I *could* switch that 1000w MH to a 1000w HPS, but those photos are already so bushy... wouldn't that make them just super bush even more? I would REALLY like to veg those photo strains for at least another month before switching, and I originally planned on scrogging them, but I'm flexible on changing my plans (roll with the punches!)

But... there's a twist. My latest seed order just made it state side and should be here within the week. All autos, many different strains, getting kind of silly feeling in special areas just thinking about it. I want to germ those babies right away to get them going and I'm a little worried about what kind of light schedule I'm going to have going on in that tent when it comes time to put in my sprouted seedlings.

I've already been kicking around getting a smaller additional tent; but that's going to throw a few other variables into my setup as far as space and cooling goes.

I know some auto strains like the 12/12 and some like the 18/6 better; would I be screwing myself if I switched my photo strains to 12/12 1000w HPS on that auto flower? And how would my new auto flowers like a 12/12 1000w HPS starting out? In fact, just picturing this I don't think it's going to work. The height of the photo's will dictate the height of the light, which wouldn't take into consideration the height of the new auto strains. Bah. BAH I say! Sigh... additional smaller tent then I suppose?
Day 37 - Couldn't sleep so checked on the girls. Still haven't pH'd yet; it's been crunch time at work with the weather turning cold so that's been occupying my time. Need to get it fixed I think though; those yellow leaves on the Auto White Cheese are still there. Doesn't look like more than the 3 leaves, but still something to nip in the butt in the name of science, prosperity, and simply giving it 110% effort!

The Auto White Cheese has pre flowers EVERYWHERE! Holy crap! Can't wait to see the buds growing on this thing! The plant size itself seems so small compared to the 1st grow (photo strains), but it already looks to have more bud production sites than those 18" plus tall photo strains did.

The Blue Widow has bush mastered it's way almost to the edges of the pot now. I'm starting to notice more vertical growth on both it and the Pineapple Express.

Since the Auto White Cheese seems to like it's 18/6 light schedule (on Dinafem's website/blog, they recommend 18-20 hours of light per day with an estimated life span of 65 days from germ to harvest), I think I'll keep it going in the tent with my photos' for another good month on that schedule. I really want those photo's to veg out more; so this will finish off the Auto White Cheese somewhere in the middle of November (and hopefully somewhat smokable by Thanksgiving, oh the things to be thankful for!) and give me the veg I want on my other plants. I'm really thinking of getting a smaller tent in addition to what I have right now; that way I can start my next set of auto's when they get here and not disrupt the 12/12 cycle of the photo's once it's time to flower. Been looking at some 32" by 32" by 6' tents that are appealing; I wouldn't mind a smaller footprint tent.

That's all for now; will try to get the pH of the plants when I'm done for the day. Now, it's on to coffee and work! Cheers fellas!
Alright now this is probably not even remotely accurate, but I'm just working with I have. The pH meter I have is a Control Wizard Accurate pH 2 digital meter; but I just have the pen and adjustment screwdriver; not any buffering solution. I have no idea when the last time this thing was calibrated; so the results can be taken purely as bupkiss until I get the solutions to accurately calibrate it. That being said; I tried it anyways because I've never pH'd something before.

Today was watering/nutrient day for my girls. Seeing as the Auto White Cheese is the only plant showing some symptoms (with those damn yellow leaves), I decided that I would just give her regular water with about a cap full of SuperThrive. With water from the tub and that capful of superthrive, the meter showed a pH of about 7.5. I put the Auto White Cheese into a 14 gallon plastic tub and water it until I had some runoff flowing out the bottom. I tested the runoff and it had a pH of 5.0. The runoff was also a very light murky green; presumably from the nutrients I had used in prior weeks watering it.

I know without calibrating the meter this was probably a little pointless; but is there anything even this "theoretical" run can tell me? Any chance that by using those veg nutes on it prior; that could be affecting the soil/plant? Lots of flowering spots showing up on her; I just want to keep her healthy for the next month so I can have a very merry thanksgiving :(