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Day 65 Plant 1 Final @frogster.jpg
week 9 update frogster.PNG
Day 53 Plant 1.jpg
Day 45 Plant 1.jpg
Day 37 Plant 1.jpg
week 5 frogsterDay 27 Plant 1.jpg
Day 1 Potted B.jpg
Reserve Seed 2.jpg
frogster week 22.jpg
frogster week 2.jpg
Day 16 Plant 1.jpg
Day 16 Plant 2.jpg
frogster w4.jpg
Frogster updates.

My Kit list is as follows-
Lights:- 8 x 3500k Autocobs
Tent Size:- 2.4mt x1.2mt x 2mt high Green Qube.
Ferts:- Ferro Nutrients (full range)
Additives:- Charge, Roots Excelsior, Mammoth P, Plant Magic Microhaze.
Medium:- Soil Canna Pro plus, with added perlite & pebbles - Autopots

Weekly Update (Week 2)

Frogster's Grow Battle Plants


All plants now reside in their final pots.
Feed is whatever is left in the soil.
Watering by hand (going onto Autopot Reservoir tomorrow), Ph'd Water + Roots Excelsior & Mammoth P
Environment is holding where I want it.... Current Temp 26c, & Rh65%
Generally happy with the way things are going
Week 3 Update

All plants 16 Days Old

Lights:- 7 x Autocobs 3500k (1 per plant - 30" height, with reflectors) 20 hrs on / 4 hrs off
Target Temps:- 27c/26c Constant Day & Night (Night temps will be reduced at around week 4)
Rh:- 65% Last 2 weeks Constant (reduced to 60% from today)
Feed:- Ferro Nutrients full range, (Grow A + B, Roots, Crop, Enzyme Plus)
Additives:- Mammoth P, Roots Excelsior, Silicone, Magnesium
Delivery Method:- Via Reservoir and Autopots
Feed Values:- Ph 5.8 & Ec 1.7
VPD:- 1.0 kPa AverageView attachment 1016047 View attachment 1016048

week 4 Environmental Data
7 x Autocobs 3500k (1 per plant - 30" height, with reflectors) 20 hrs on / 4 hrs off
Actual Temps:- Constant 27c/25c Day & Night (Night temps will be reduced more at night this week)
Actual Rh:- Constant 58% (Day & Night)
Feed:- Ferro Nutrients full range, (Grow A + B, Roots, Crop, Enzyme Plus)
Additives:- Mammoth P, Roots Excelsior, Silicone, Magnesium
Delivery Method:- Via Reservoir and Autopots
Feed Values:- Ph 5.7 & Ec 1.6
VPD:- 1.1 kPa Average

Week 5 Update

All plants are 27 Days Old

I am not going to be about much over the next few days, so here is my week 5 update (sorry if it is a bit early).

Also, just to be safe, I am going to nominate my 4 "strain" battle plants today and the 1 in the "general battle".

Update Week 6

Here are my Battle Plants at week 6
Changes Made:- 1 plant moved to a new home, Spider mite Predators added, Tent rearranged
Tent Rh% reduced to 55%

Update Week 7

Here are my Battle Plants at Day 45

Changes Made:-

Some more "Spider Mite Predators" added, Additional Mars Hydro 600w (old style- 300w draw) light added
Tent rearranged, Rh% reducing to 50% this week

The tent is pretty full now, some plants almost touching the roof.
Weather is wet & windy so difficult to get them out for good photos

Update Week 8

Here are my Battle Plants at Day 53

Changes Made:-

New "C-No Insects" Spider mite product added, (the product leaves grey spots of dust on the leaf - normal, so don't be alarmed if you spot it).

As requested:-
Picture of the Battle Plant(s).
Picture of the best bud on that plant (maybe not the best buds, but one's that I could get to for a pic).
Update Week 9

Here are my Battle Plants at Day 60

It is extremely difficult to get good images, due to tent overcrowding.

I trust the following are acceptable for update purposes.

Final Update - Week 10 - Zamnesia G.S.C. Only

I have decided to chop my Zamnesia "Girl Scout Cookies" today, she could go another week, but I need the space for some other "Battle Monsters" currently outgrowing my tent.

Tag @archie gemmill - General Battle
Tag @St. Tom - Zamnesia Battle

Zamnesia Girl Scout Cookies Plant 1, Final Photographs for both the "General Battle" contestant & also my "Zamnesia Battle" contestant.

Standing 45" tall, from soil to top of highest bud.
Day 65

Tag @archie gemmill - General Battle
Tag @St. Tom - Zamnesia Battle

Zamnesia Girl Scout Cookies Plant 1, is my "General Battle" contestant & my "Zamnesia Battle" contestant.


It was a very nice day today, somewhat unusual for the time of year. The sun was shining, warm, very pleasant. Not to be wasted I thought.

A good time to get the girls out of the tent & do some defoliating & maintenance on them.

So I pulled them all out in to the sun, 1 at a time, and grabbed some quick photos.

I then did a little defoil and LST, and rearranged them back in the tent.
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