
  1. Rebel


    Greetings My AFN FAMILY! I am pleased to announce that SACRA VIA SHOP IS BACK UP AND IN FULL FORCE!! We are adding new products! Today we just go out FIRST SHIPMENT OF @Smokin Screws IN THE HOUSE!! Right now we have the singles and party packs available and will be adding the COMPLETE...
  2. Rebel

    Indoor Rebel Returns to Quantum Badboy T5HOs -- April 2019

    So... After two years of battling with LEDs I'm officially spent and done with them. For more reasons than one. I'll elaborate in a follow up post. But after much consideration, thought, researching my old notes from the past several years I've made a decision to return to my old way of growing...
  3. Rebel

    Auto Seeds Rebel's Auto Seeds Home Thread 2018

    Greetings AFN Family! has bestowed on me the honor of growing two of their strains! Gorilla Glue and Dreamberry! I already had two Diesel Berry going before they got here so I will include those as well! Seeds are going in as soon as spaces open up! I just planted 2 x Gorilla...
  4. midIN

    Mephisto Genetics MidIN tackles Mephisto from scrog'd to HST and anything in between.

    In this thread I will post the several mephisto beans I have going along with anything new I start. I will use scrog, lst, HST, defoliation, twists, bends any style of growing I can try out. Nutes that I will use. MEGACROP and it's add-ons Sweet candy, bud explosion, cal/mg pro GH complete...
  5. Mike20132

    Live Stoners Current Live Stoner Gossip July 2018

  6. Rebel

    Extraction Rebel's Magical Butter Machine Home Thread - Recipes & More!

    I get asked quite a bit about using the Magical Butter Machine(s) so I wanted to make a home thread. I make many things with it for about 4-5 years now. We have both the original first generation MB machine and an MB2 machine. I've infused Canna into Coconut Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Butter...
  7. midIN

    Photoperiod Fire Glue, Glue Cookies x2 (Mammoth P,Mega test)

    Welcome to my indoor grow thread, I will feature all my photos in or outdoors within this thread. So first off this is what we have: Fire Glue- New 420 Guys Seeds Reg- Gorilla Glue #4 x Fire OG 2x - Glue Cookies- New 420 Guys Reg- Gorilla Glue #4- Platinum Cookies BX1 ( GirlScout Cookies) ...
  8. Rebel

    Rebel's Mega Crop / Greenleaf Nutrients CannaZone Test Thread

    Received my 2300g bag of Mega Crop today! HUGE THANK YOU to @Greenleaf Nutrients for their extreme generosity and for the incredible opportunity to test their all in one nute line! I will be using Promix HP as my medium. I will be running autos and photos simultaneously in this test. Using...
  9. Alaskan1

    Live Stoners Flashed my Mi5 Bush

    Hey all, I'm enjoying this Mi5 plant. About 4 years ago on AFN I read Muddy singing the praises of the Short Stuff Mi5, so I ordered some seeds. I've been busy with other seeds, so Mi5 sat in a drawer until now. This plant is now about 35 days old. I normally tie down branches to allow light to...
  10. Rebel

    Genius Pipe Rebel Tests Genius Pipe for CannaZone

    Hey buds! I've been honored by Genius Pipe to test their incredible new Genius Pipe!! Here's the unboxing! Included in the package was a pamphlet and a very nice decorative box! Inside the box was the killer Genius Pipe! And the Genius Stone for smoking concentrates! On to the picture show...
  11. Rebel

    Indoor Rebel's Magic Strains Home Thread

    Evenin' everyone! I am sitting at my desk prepping 3 x 3 gallon grow bags for 3 of Magic's Bubba Trouble! From what I've seen of this on site journals I expect big plants and rock hard buds. Let's see if I can do them justice! They will be run under my Kind K5 XL1000 in my growlab 3x3. 3...
  12. Rhubarb Pi

    Indoor Rhubarb's Pi #1 - AutoCOB x Mephisto Skywalker & Heisenberg Special

    AFN CREW CREW :biggrin: AND SO IT BEGINS!!: ******************* Rhubarb's Pi - Grow #1 Intention (for this grow & all of my future grows): To produce the best possible medicine for my father, who is in Stage 4 of bladder cancer. Genetics this Cycle: @mephisto - Mephisto Skywalker &...
  13. Mossy

    Photoperiod Photosensitive Staff

    Your Photosensitive Staff are @Rebel @912GreenSkell @Discretepete2676 If you have any Problems or Queries please feel free to Tag them into your thread. Tagging is simple..just put the @ sign before their names as you see above and they will receive an Alert to guide them to your thread...
  14. Jupiter

    Mephisto Genetics MONSTER ALIEN!!

    I just felt like I had to put this up there because I haven't seen a @mephisto toothless alien this big. It is my first time using coco and also my first time using advanced nutrients. I know it's at the end of its cycle but like I said I felt like I needed to put this out there. Light...
  15. mikballa

    New Grower Info

    Hey Rebel did you get my reply i sent last night? Thanks.
  16. Rebel

    Live Stoners [ARCHIVE] Old Live Stoners Gossip (up to Feb 2017)

    Oh yeah!! It is indeed!! I got the 151 already!!
  17. Rebel

    Nutrients Rebel Tests Remo Nutrients for CannaZone

    Hello!! And all you #CannaZone watchers! Once again, I am humbled and honored to be running a perpetual test grow for #CannaZone & #RemoNutrients @RemoNutrients! They have been so gracious as to send me 9 x 1 liter bottles of their entire line! 1 x Grow 1 x Bloom 1 x...
  18. Son of Hobbes

    Nutrients Welcome Remo Nutrients

    AFN is pleased to welcome Remo Nutrients for our Live Vendor Program trial and product testing! They have generously donated enough sample nutrient kits for five of our CannaZone Test Group testers to use them for the full 6 month duration of the trial, so we should get two documented grow...
  19. Son of Hobbes

    Indoor Meet the Kind LED Testing Team!

    Hey guys, we're just starting to get the wheels in motion here for the Kind LED Grow Lights Live Vendor trial! We have two testers from our CannaZone Testing Group, @Rebel and @stepside , so let's give these fellas a big hand for testing and a thank you to Kind LED for giving us the opportunity...
  20. Rebel

    Dinafem Rebel's Dinafem Picture Gallery

    Since the addition of one of my all time favorite seed companies is now on board I'd like to show off some of the Dinafem gear I've grown over the last 5 years... Let's get our fingers sticky shall we? Auto Amnesia 2013 Blue Hash (Photoperiod) Auto Critical Jack (still among a...