
Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Well, I cooked up a new experiment to post. I've previously experimented with Kratky Method buckets with so so results when trying to use organics. I decided to try again, using a modified version I'm calling The Sludge Bucket. What I'm doing is using a bucket, this time a 2 gallon I already had used for hydro before. I put in 2 big double handfuls of cooked recycled soil, 2 handfuls of composted cow manure, and about a 1/4 cup of Grow More Organic Soil builder ( I love this stuff!! ). Filled ir to about 2" fro0m the brim. I put 2 different tomato plant cuttings in a 5" net pot and filled it with clay pebbles. One from a VERY healthy plant and one from a plant suffering N etc deficiencies. put them in the bucket and put it in the greenhouse!

Lets see what happens!

With the Kratky method, you don't add anything more, you let the plant(s) consume what’s in the bucket. I'll monitor water usage and I may refresh the bucket at 30 days, depending how the plants are doing, or I may just add a bit of water. the key to this not getting root rot is having an airspace above the nutrient solution for the plant to develop air roots, as it does in aeroponics
Here are pics and we are off on the adventure!

clones are still alive! I'll check for root growth in a few more days. If this works, I'll make a new lid with 2" netpots with the bottoms cut out like I use in my clonebox, and use neoprene inserts in the to hold the clones. I suspect that if this works, it may work very well, with the new roots sprouting out into the nutrient/microbe soup. Hoping they build some great roots quickly! Going to try this with canna as soon as I see how it works with the tomatoes.
cuttings are dying. I checked the bucket, it doesn't smell. I'll try again with a rooted clone.
Very interested in this , I am working on root training for better nutrient absorption not sure how it will work .
well this time it flopped and not sure why except maybe its too strong for clones. Going to try it again with a weaker solution to start with