Feeling SAD..?


Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
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Currently Smoking
Seasonal Affective Disorder time is now upon us.

Now is the time to get Pro-active to avoid the Winter Crash.

We have a cheap and easy regime to keep off the worst of the Winter Depression.

If you have a PH meter..check now and bring your results in.

If you don't have a PH meter we can suggest an amended plan.

Don't Suffer this Winter...:wiz:
Hop digityi'm the only one in my house thats not sick ...this morning ...lol
That has been my experience too CGR...the power of pH...:stylez rasta smoke:
Hi Aunt Mossy,

My wife suffers from SAD as well as joint pain, don't have a pH meter at this point but I have been reading these pH threads and very interested. What would you suggest for a start?
1/3 rd of a TEAspoon of Baking Soda 3 times a day.

Dissolved in a bit of warm water..then added to a glass full of water and drunk.

First thing in the morning..afternoon..last thing at night.

Cut any soda and sugars out for a week while she tries it..

At the end of a week..get her to stop.

She will feel all her Symptoms come back with a bump after about 4 days.

If she Feels that..we know we are in the area we can Help....:wiz:

Watch for any Bursts of Energy..sex or spring cleaning means we are Upping the oxygen levels...and it is the increased oxygen you feel as energy.

Also less pain..better Mood...:coffee break:
Thanks, will give it a try and let you know how it goes
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) commonly called baking soda is a natural
substance used in the human body within the bloodstream to regulate pH as a
counterbalance to acid build up, which is critical to life. It affects the pH of
cells and tissues, balances cell voltage, and increases CO2 which helps with
oxygenation. Sodium Bicarbonate is a powerful medical tool that everyone would
benefit by knowing more about.

Sodium Bicarbonate can be used as a first line of defence for a vast range of sickness including, cancer, flu, diabetes, kidney disease and even the common cold. Sodium Bicarbonate can be used in many forms whether transdermally in a bath, orally or nebulised for lung conditions. It is so powerful in it's ability to detox that it can even be used against radiation exposure.

If it works for her..let me know and I'll suggest some more long term things that you do to help..coz that joint pain she is feeling is Probably low oxygen/low ph levels..
and the SAD is a Definite...:tiphat: