Indoor GreenBean's Grows

I’m a total lightweight man! Literally I get baked off of like 4-5 puffs. And only do it a couple times a week. When I get these bigger yields a lot goes to friends. And anything left I hold onto for extraction and edibles. I just truly love growing stuff. Strawberry Nuggets was supposed to be a small one and I figured I’d get a couple oz and that would be all mine. Then it blew up.

That's the way to be my man.. baked off 4/5 puffs would suit me fine.. I get you totally about the growing stuff.. I 'd be truly lost without the joy that growing weed brings me.
I’m a total lightweight man! Literally I get baked off of like 4-5 puffs. And only do it a couple times a week. When I get these bigger yields a lot goes to friends. And anything left I hold onto for extraction and edibles. I just truly love growing stuff. Strawberry Nuggets was supposed to be a small one and I figured I’d get a couple oz and that would be all mine. Then it blew up.

You got a picture of her bro? Mine is 32 days right now and stretching pretty decent for a small plant


Edit: just went through all the posts and came across the pics. Man ur strawberry nuggets sure did do amazing! Hope mine turns out like yours. Congrats
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Got the 2’ extension on the shorty. Looks kinda funny . But I do love all of the options that come with the Gorilla tents. 2’ maybe overkill but time will tell. I can later remove the extension and go back to shorty mode, and stick it in the closet for veg. And put my 4x4 in this space. I’m also considering getting a standard height 4x2 Gorilla and just running 2 4x2? Anyway, Mendel and Mephisto are in the dirt. Still need to get the fans hooked up. But it’s getting there.


And the not so shorty, shorty.

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You got a picture of her bro? Mine is 32 days right now and stretching pretty decent for a small plant

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Edit: just went through all the posts and came across the pics. Man ur strawberry nuggets sure did do amazing! Hope mine turns out like yours. Congrats

Looks good!

Yeah mine didn't stay so small, I can't remember exactly when she started to really blow up. But I believe right before she started getting her cotton balls on? I had absolutely zero larf on her either. Same goes for the Sage Scout. Although Sage had some looser nuggets towards the bottom. Everything on Nuggets was rock hard sparkly, like diamonds.
Mendel is going well (as expected) after 5 days above ground. Walter White stalled out though, so I'm soaking another seed. That ends my 100% germination run that had lasted a pretty long time. It happens, but was not expected. At times lately, I feel like I sort of broke my flow with the relocation/move. We shall see. Mendel will start getting a mild feed around midweek.

I'm pretty much doing everything per usual. DIY coco/perlite/vermiculite/soil, FloraFlex and the 320w 3 bar Atreum LEDs w/ meanwell. Atreum just did away with their DIY kits recently and are going solely to plug and play setups. Which btw, their new 320 4x2 light looks really nice, you should check it out. And they are releasing larger setups for larger spaces soon.

Why am I mentioning Atreum? Nooooo I have no affiliation to them, just love the lights. Love the 4' bars and the way they distribute light so evenly. When I contacted them about the availability of the rails to mount my 3 bars to - it can be a real PITA the adjust 3 separate bars independently - they sent me their last set for free. They have great support. I mentioned that they should join the forum. Anyhoo, that's all I've got. I'll post some photos when it's time.
Sherb weigh in
Welp. Finally got around to weighing Sherb @hope2grow. Honestly thought it would be 1.5 lbs. but oh well. Not too shabby at 1lb 4.5oz? The 10 gallon pot experiment is now complete. Had to use a box to weigh it though. None of my bowls could contain it.

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Wow m8.. Just wow.. so 20.5oz.. huge pull dude.. huge.. you'll be puffing on sherb for a good while now lol amazing grow m8 and great to see what can be done in a 10g/45L pot.. congrats :d5: :applause::worship:

Thanks for the reps! Now to see if I can pull close to that in a 5 gallon pot. So far Nugs has the 5 gallon record at 13.7 oz. Dunno if I want to deal with another 10 gallon for a bit. :) I didn't know there were different badges. I think @420Forever was following my escapades here.
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