Indoor GreenBean's Grows

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  • Update on what's happening right now.

    Starting with the 4x2:

    Twenty20 Mendocino Glue Sniffer day 16, 7 gallon. Btw purchased the seeds from @Old Sage Seeds. Member of the forum and highly recommend for the stellar service and fair prices, including fair shipping costs.

    She's been a little bit of a slow starter, but she's picking up steam now. Needed to strip away a bunch of lower, tiny clumpy leaves to get her kickstarted.


    And the Twisted Tree Alien Moon Rocks, 7 gallon also. Day 7 and she's looking like she's going to be a banger. She's got a bit of stretch going on. So I lowered the light a touch.

    4x2 update
  • 4x2 update. I’m discovering that certain strains…I just prefer the plant structure over others. I’m not sure why, but I just don’t have the patience, or desire, to do that “hardcore” LST anymore. I USED to love it. Sitting down with the plant, pinning it down, all that. Now I just prefer to top, keep the canopy as wide open as possible and get out of the plants way. Anyway, here’s an update on what’s going on in the 4x2.

    @Jean-O Genetics- What’s My Name - 7 gallon- day 16. Now this is what I’m talking about! This plant is showing a beautiful structure. She’s going to be a beast. She’s going to eat that 7 gallon up:


    Mephisto Mango Smile - Day 7? - 7 gallon. Not a lot to see here, but we’re good.


    Glue Sniffer - 5 gallon - Day 30. Aside from topping, I really DON’T like training much before I see tassels and stretch. But this one is just a clump, and has forced me to do something with it. Nothing to do with laziness, etc. you guys know how much time I spend on these babies. But the structure here is leaving me a little “frustrated”. We’ll see how she turns out. If I can get some height out of her, it may be worth it.

    Sherb weigh in
  • Welp. Finally got around to weighing Sherb @hope2grow. Honestly thought it would be 1.5 lbs. but oh well. Not too shabby at 1lb 4.5oz? The 10 gallon pot experiment is now complete. Had to use a box to weigh it though. None of my bowls could contain it.

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    Update on everything since the beginning of this thread.
  • This is just a general update on the thread since it’s inception. In case it’s too confusing for anyone catching up or stopping by. Things evolve and they have here.

    Tent - gorilla shorty 4x2 with 2’ extension = 6’11” (formerly the veg tent). The 4x4 is currently out of commission due to our move, so the 4x2 is veg through flower.

    Container size - the 10 gallon experiment is over. You can see the results of that a few pages back. Currently using 5 gallon fabric pots.

    Lights - still using the Atreum 3 bar LED array at 320 watts. Meanwell driver mounted outside the tent. Samsung 301 and Cree IRs. Bar length on these babies is 46".

    Strains - just 2 plants this run in the 4x2. Brother Mendel Piña Kaleidoscope and Mephisto Walter White.

    Nutrients - Floraflex. Occasional silica. Dash of recharge in the early stages. CaliMagic on hand but rarely used past the first week before the nutes start. Emergency bag of Epsom salts on standby.

    Medium - DIY coco mix 70% coco / 20% perlite / 10% vermiculite. Combined with 15-20% soil. I’m currently using FFHF as my soil portion.

    Light schedule - 18/6.

    Think that’s it?
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    Mephisto Walter White day 101 harvest
  • Alright folks. Mephisto Walter White day 101 and she was just harvested. After all of that worry. She has yielded pretty MASSIVE. When I said pineapple width colas I wasn’t kidding. She has filled 4 paper grocery bags halfway. Mendel filled 2. I’m thinking she’s going to be my largest yielder auto yet. Aside from the Sherb in the 10 gallon. But hey, Lady Walter was in a 5 gallon so… Anyway, I tried to get some good photos. And tried to show how fat these colas are.

    Twenty20 Ogreberry
  • Ogreberry 2B is now 20 days old. Just bumped her to 80% strength nutes. She’s looking very nice so far. Topped her 2 days ago at node 6. And look at that! I’m doing a little light LST on her even! I can see by her early structure that she’ll benefit from it. Nothing crazy. Just want to get a little separation going. She’ll likely want to fill out the pot before she starts to go vertical. And it’s a 7 gallon. I don’t want to be so stubborn that I create issues for myself. Some plants like the Mendel don’t need any training other than a top, and you can widen the canopy as they go nice and easy. Then you got plants like this, and Walter White, that are a little more clumpy. They need a bit more attention and training. YMMV and all of that.

    Oh, and the FB Banana Purple broke ground yesterday. Apparently it prefers cold temperatures. Whoops! Let’s see what happens…

    Final Stages for FB Banana Purple
  • Day 92 FB Banana Purple. Full into the fade and final stages. About 7-10 ish days left. Straight water now. I’m not flushing. At least not intentionally. I just personally never see a difference when I feed till chop. May as well save the nutes. YMMV, in my personal experience, IMHO, and all of that. She’s going to be a nice yielding plant.

    Blackstrap vs Mango Smile: Deathmatch!
  • Hey everyone. I’m starting to get into my busiest time of the year for my business. But here’s the latest update on the new grow.

    Figured I’d see how much I can pack the 4x2, cuz I know both of these are going to beef. Both of these girls broke soil on the very same day. Which is rare. At least for me. And they’re running neck and neck so far. Which is interesting. To me.

    10 days in. Gnome/Mendel Blackstrap on the left, Mephisto Mango Smile on the right. Get your bets in now. Should be fun.

    Just fed them a 70% strength feeding of Floraflex. Going with 5 gallon pots for this one.

    Gnome/Mendel BlackStrap Vs Mephisto Mango Smile. Deathmatch pre-flower.
  • Hey everyone. Long post. Gotta get it in when I can. You know the drill by now. It is my busiest time of the year. Economy and inflation are AWFUL. But it has been busy, though not as busy as usual. And for a small biz like me...gotta really be on point to combat those corporate sloths. So, I've been busy printing and shipping orders as fast as I can.

    On top of that, I did a total site overhaul. Shameless plug here -> and if you want something use code FAMILY15 for 15% off of your order. End of shameless plug.

    New/second brand and site will launch shortly after the Holidays. That will be all animal related stuff with proceeds going towards random rescues.

    On top of THAT, we lost another dog on Thanksgiving day. Otis was 20 years old. We're super bummed. But he lived his best life. One of those cases where he was never sick a day in his life and he just decided it was time to go. I will miss him. Truly an honor to have spent time with him.

    Anywho. Grow update.

    I've done pretty much everything I can in the past to torture and push my plants. Usually with great results. This grow I decided to take a little more of a hands off approach in ways. No topping. Not a lot of training yet, I just bent the main stem down a little. And not a lot of plucking yet. I removed a few lower leaves that were sitting in the dirt for now. But other than that, not a bunch. A little leaf tucking here and there.

    I also cut back a little on my fertigating. I used to obsess over it. Watering my coco every day whether it needed it or not. My coco is always wet. What if I let it dry out a little more? Am I just wasting my time and nutes? Hmmm..

    So, I let the plants suck up a little more of what was in the coco, rather than blast them every day. Kind of gauging to see what they would do. And only just now, in the past couple days, have I started feeding nightly after lights on time.

    I will do more training/ canopy spreading when we hit full flower. So what is the point?

    Well, nothing wrong with hardcore training. Topping, bending. Feeding multiple times a day. Lollipopping. All that. Nothing wrong with it at all.

    But is it necessary? Am I wasting time and efforts and nutrients and water? Is there any benefit? We shall see. But so far...I'm sorta seeing the usual results that I expect at this stage.

    Both plants are 27 days old now and starting to show preflower points. Both plants look very similar in growth. I'll give Mango Smile the edge - she's on the right. And Blackstrap is catching up - on the left.

    Genetics and such...Mango Smile almost seems to be training herself, aside from me bending her main stalk down a little. Blackstrap has more of the indica clump going on. So I expect she will require a little more opening up as we go to even her canopy out.

    Once stretch is fully done, I will see what is what. See if removing any lower growth is necessary. Open the canopies up. All of that. But so far it's been a relatively stress free grow that hasn't taken up a huge chunk of my time.

    Thanks for reading my novel!
