Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Banana has been chopped! I’m probably going to grow blackstrap before my break. May as well take advantage of the weather.

Had a question though. Any recommendations on a good auto CBD strain? I think I’d like to try one for my personal use.
I'm growing the fastbuds 20:1 right now. She's a little one but greasy. I might have had hot soil so she could have stunted from the start. This is my first CBD so I'm interested in its effects. I have some friends that don't smoke but like the CBD seltzer and extract tinctures. From what I saw CBD extracts are crazy expensive so I told them I woukd give it a try.
I'm growing the fastbuds 20:1 right now. She's a little one but greasy. I might have had hot soil so she could have stunted from the start. This is my first CBD so I'm interested in its effects. I have some friends that don't smoke but like the CBD seltzer and extract tinctures. From what I saw CBD extracts are crazy expensive so I told them I woukd give it a try.
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That is likely what I would do = extract a large portion for gummies. Are you using Floraflex?
Just an update on Banana Purple Punch. Unintentional pot size test for those that remember wayyyyy back to the beginning of this journal?

Anyway, trimmed her up and she filled 2- 1 pound size grove bags to their fill points. So we shall see. If I had to guess...18-20 oz? So Sherb was 22 oz in a 10 gallon. Banana will be ??? in a 7. Not exactly apples to apples, because they are not all of the same strain. But?

I will update after the cure though with a weigh in.

As for me and this thread? I'm going to clean the tent and let it rest for a few days. Maybe remove that huge height extension - I don't think it's necessary - and use the smaller shorty extension so the tent will be 5'7" with that installed. I am going to grow BlackStrap and Mango Smile. I've decided that my break is coming in the warm months. Even now, the FB dried a little quicker than I wanted. So...I'm going to see how much I can pack into a 4x2 this run. So this journal will continue for a bit longer I guess.
It might make it for one of the last drops of the year, its cutting it close though. We have another cbd strain in testing right now that should be available early 2023.
Thanks for the info Stan. I'm subscribe to the email list so I will keep an eye out. I'm heading into my busy season so my time on the forum gets a little leaner this time of year.

As I mentioned above, I DESPISE growing in summer. Well...more like the summer I despise in general. So Mango Smile and BlackStrap will be going head to head shortly. I think I'll just run them in 5 gallon pots this round though. Probably gonna get crampy.
Blackstrap vs Mango Smile: Deathmatch!
Hey everyone. I’m starting to get into my busiest time of the year for my business. But here’s the latest update on the new grow.

Figured I’d see how much I can pack the 4x2, cuz I know both of these are going to beef. Both of these girls broke soil on the very same day. Which is rare. At least for me. And they’re running neck and neck so far. Which is interesting. To me.

10 days in. Gnome/Mendel Blackstrap on the left, Mephisto Mango Smile on the right. Get your bets in now. Should be fun.

Just fed them a 70% strength feeding of Floraflex. Going with 5 gallon pots for this one.

Question for you guys using Rain Science bags. Do they hold up for a long time? Long enough to justify the price? Reason I ask is the bags in the photo above are like dunno $15-20 lets say for a 5 pack? But after about 3-4 runs they're kinda spent. No longer hold their shape and such. I do soak in vinegar then wash. Which gets them clean. They just get misshapen after a couple runs.

Just curious. Not like I'm running out and buying a bunch of Rain bags. But for future reference. Just wondering if a longer lifespan for a bag justifies the price. I hate floppy bags... Or is it a wash in the end? Thanks!
Question for you guys using Rain Science bags. Do they hold up for a long time? Long enough to justify the price? Reason I ask is the bags in the photo above are like dunno $15-20 lets say for a 5 pack? But after about 3-4 runs they're kinda spent. No longer hold their shape and such. I do soak in vinegar then wash. Which gets them clean. They just get misshapen after a couple runs.

Just curious. Not like I'm running out and buying a bunch of Rain bags. But for future reference. Just wondering if a longer lifespan for a bag justifies the price. I hate floppy bags... Or is it a wash in the end? Thanks!
@WildBill and @Fermented_Fruitz both use them
Question for you guys using Rain Science bags. Do they hold up for a long time? Long enough to justify the price? Reason I ask is the bags in the photo above are like dunno $15-20 lets say for a 5 pack? But after about 3-4 runs they're kinda spent. No longer hold their shape and such. I do soak in vinegar then wash. Which gets them clean. They just get misshapen after a couple runs.

Just curious. Not like I'm running out and buying a bunch of Rain bags. But for future reference. Just wondering if a longer lifespan for a bag justifies the price. I hate floppy bags... Or is it a wash in the end? Thanks!
I have over 5 runs in my 5 gal RS bags and they are still rigid with no signs of wearing out. They are pretty much one and done as far as I'm concerned.