Indoor Maxing out on Mephisto 5 strains, I GOTY winner in sight

Out of the ones I have which would you think are going to be the biggest? Size of plant not yield is what I mean. I think filling my space with 3 plants that can get max attention would be killer. I am almost dead set on the Sour Orange Diesel Kush but which other. Deep Blue C is in, and one more is what that leaves me. Samaquanch OG sounds rather proper to add to the mix, but variety is the spice of life so something not too close to a kush I think would be better. Cosmic Queen though and then there's the Trident Special..... you can see how I keep running and just keep swinging to another and another. These are rough decisions I don't mind having to make
Here is a wee set of pics I got from the MBAP lady this evening, she is lovely and I can't wait to run her again, well all of them really as they were all super easy to grow and pretty much just needed the basics and they were set. With more light will come a better yield I know that, but for what I have I believe I am doing a decent job and gaining much needed knowledge every time I come and sift through the masses of information within this forum. Ok so without rambling any further here she is


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So here is the next run of girls to grace me with their presence
1- Sour Orange Diesel Kush
2- Deep Blue C F2
3- Trident Special
Now the thing is to have my biotabs here pretty soon and have some killer organic soil ready for them to jump on into and rock out. Hope I get some visitors soon, not to knock those who are hanging around (you guys are awesome by the way) but with my somewhat lax style of updates it is only fitting to not have many views but it will get better and more people will show up as time goes on. Given I am still stocking beans and adjusting more in the nutrient set up I run. Thanks for stopping by and as always happy gardening and keep it green and mellow everyone
Thanks a bunch, it's nice to have a space to come review what info I remember to put in this journal for future runs. I have had a blast watching MBAP run her course. She is hungry that's for sure, I think a bit more light and she will blow my expectations out the water next time she makes an appearance.
I might just have to sneak a 4th girl in the mix just to keep me working, I have my eye on that Samsquanch OG, as well as the Cosmic Queen, just to choose one of these two now, hhhhmmmmmm decisions decisions. I like the sound of this rounded out lineup seems like I'm gonna be busy for a while yet.
I have to get some good shots of the Gold Glue, even though she isn't tall she is a powerhouse of aroma and oils. Just waiting on them to finish up and swell a bit more then they get the axe!:pass:as always happy gardening and keep it green and mellow everyone :growing:
I can't believe I did it again. I got all excited and such from getting my code to make her official that I just plum forgot to post em up in here. Such a dang typical stoner moment right. Well sorry to say but if you would like to see her before she got the bob then please head on over to page 263-66 of the Mephisto Grower of the Year 2017 thread and give her a gander. This totally sucks man I was so wanting to show off the way she packed in the buddage but that's what I get for ripping off that Toofless Alien bowl before I got to finish with her pics and uploads.
So here is what I have remaining in my room.the largest of these girls is my Sour Livers and the Gold Glue is in the 1gal plastic pot. Lastly there is the stunted Triangle Kush in the 3gal smart pot.
Here is her end photos, very nice plant but kinda leafy on the buds. Sour Livers is her name and funk is her game, she is extra smelly, very complex and hard to describe. The bag is only 1/4 of what's on this girl and that top nug was heavy as heck. She is just amazing and I will have her grace my room again in the real near future because she smells like she is going to be mind-boggling good. I peeked at the trichs and she has near 30-40% amber heads and this should translate into good evening meds
Now it is official, my next grow has begun, back onto the dance floor I go to prominade with the new line up of girls
1-Mephisto Deep Blue C F2
1-Mephisto Sour Orange Diesel Kush
1-Mephisto Trident Special
Back to my Vermifire & Vermisoil mix and possibly a run at synthetic nutrients to do a side by side with the Biotabs stuff that's supposed to be on its way here. Should be very interesting if I do say so. Hope y'all enjoy the show. Pics to come once I see them tails