My Plants are Still behaving oddly. and dont smell. WTF!!!



I'm closing in on the end here, switched to 12/12 a couple of weeks ago and they've all started flowering. only thing is.. there is now no fecking smell!!!
no smell at all.
also one of the plants is wilting slightly but the rest are fine.
I'll post pics tomorrow.
I have 3 kush, 2 amnesia and 1 obsession.
supposed to be autoflowers, but didn't autoflower..
are about 5 1/2 ft tall.
and dont smell anymore.:confused:
pics to come.
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even sicker plants.. eek!

Upon checking the plants today, I discovered that a 2nd plant has wilted... I'm in Flower here!!!
This is Bad!!!

The first pic is the amnesia that was wilted yesterday and has not recovered.

The second is the kush that has wilted over night... totally Flummoxed.

The last is a close up comparison of the Obsession and the amnesia.

Please help me out here with any ideas. I'm worried.



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Hey bro,

I see you're not getting many responses here so I'll try to help out - first and foremost, don't worry about smell - are there trichomes? Are there budsites? How do they look? That's more important than odor.

Now on to the plants -

What medium are you growing in? If it's soil, it takes 3-4 days for an issue to pop up, 3-4 days to correct (if you corrected the right thing) then another couple days for plants to perk back up completely. For it to happen over night is kind of strange - what're your temps? Last watering? What'd you water with?

Honestly that kind of wilting with those size plants really screams "root bound" to me.. 66" plants are going to have one hell of a root mass. It might be bound by the pot which isn't letting it breathe or absorb water correctly.

If the pots are less than 5 gallon for that size I'd do a tiered transplant to a 5 gallon transplant and water the tiered pot with a root drench formula.

I'll be checking back for awhile since I'm browsing the web and done working, hope we can get this solved!
hello chap,
I'm new at this but it looks like you have over watered them to me. and search for Over watering

"By over watering your plant you soak the roots so much, they can’t get enough oxygen and slowly die. The plant shows signs of over watering by: Wilting, droopy look, yellow and or dead leaves falling off, which includes leaves that don’t look dead falling off."

on another note.. thats pretty funky that your posts are exactly 24 hrs apart to the min.
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hey Stanko and Whatgoodie!!!

I'm growing a hydro system, big roots ball sitting in solution but it is highly oxygenated, the water, 12 gallons, is cycled every 3 mins.
also the plants which are in rockwool cubes in 5" net pots, each with a drip feeding them from the top.
temp is a steady 78-82,
2 hps lights 600w and 400 w
I have switched to just water and molasses ph'd, in the past 5 days, I was using hollands's secret nutes. the pics are on my page.

as for the 24hr post. very observant!! and I'm strangely quite pleased.
Is there a brown slime on the roots?

It looks like some kind of root damage is going on, that is choking of the roots.

Are your res temps the same as your ambient 82?
After research and a good look, yes it is slimey root rot scumbag child molester bastard. I've treated with bleach because I've read many many articles and the comsensus is bleach. very low dosage tho. 40 liters and 50ml of bleach. lets wait and see!!!
Keep us posted, I figured it had to do with the roots. Anytime something like that happens overnight it's usually involved with the oxygen and uptake of the root system!

Bleach is a hard one to use - look in to adding Canna Cannazym to your nute setup man, great product - breaks down dying / dead root tissue and turns it into available nutrients. I highly recommend it!! Good luck!
Well I'm afraid it looks like curtains for my 1st grow. FUCK!
So disappointing. The 2 Amnesia are gone, over 50% of the leave are knackered and they both have black veins running up through the root balls.
A couple of the kush look as if they could possibly make it but it looks very doubtful.
I dismantled the Whole system and bleach everything.
I used the shower to try and wash the roots clean and saw no black in the kush..
The Obsession is in the same state as the kush roots wise
But both are wilting now. I need to try and get some Canna Cannazym, but i dont know if it's availible in Ireland.
Hopefully I can salvage something.
A total kick in the bollox all the same.
It's like getting nothing for Christmas!

--- double post prevention ---

Well I'm afraid it looks like curtains for my 1st grow. FUCK!
So disappointing. The 2 Amnesia are gone, over 50% of the leave are knackered and they both have black veins running up through the root balls.
A couple of the kush look as if they could possibly make it but it looks very doubtful.
I dismantled the Whole system and bleach everything.
I used the shower to try and wash the roots clean and saw no black in the kush..
The Obsession is in the same state as the kush roots wise
But both are wilting now. I need to try and get some Canna Cannazym, but i dont know if it's availible in Ireland.
Hopefully I can salvage something.
A total kick in the bollox all the same.
It's like getting nothing for Christmas!
Yeah Cannazym is a must dude. That truly sucks. I'd never recommend the bleach, at the very most maybe chlorinated tap water with H202. Where'd you read that bleach stuff? H202 + Chlorinated water, dip dip dip until they're gone, snip a little.. put in new fresh res with root drench and cannazym... You an save 'em if bro, might just be a 2 week recovery but at 66" still vegging it's possible bro..