Photoperiod New grow 2023 Barneys Farm and In-house genetics

I didnt notice it earlier and I dont know if it cuz of the food or the increase in light but a couple leaves are turning yellow on the tops, its about 1/3 of the leaf to the tip on the mimosa. Im guessing its the food.View attachment 1649157View attachment 1649158
It could be the light though, as its almost the newest set on the highest parts of the plant and with the mimosa being the tallest I just dont know. Ill see how the next couple days play out, if the tops continue yellowing I will raise the light up some and see if that make a difference

Also I noticed yesterday when I bumped up the power to 60% I forgot to put it on schedule again. I wish ac infinity would change the program so you could select the on off power values from any light program not just on and off.
I didnt get any pics but Im convinced the yellowing is due to food. It has gotten worse and its all on the newest growth so its just plain water till this one starts showing signs of improvement.
Day 32
Plants are doing well, the Ayahuasca is starting to look like her tent mates but she will definitely be a dwarf when I flip to flower in 8-14 days. Nothing new to report as far as how the grow is going other than all 3 plants nodes are now alternating, the Ayahuasca just started though where the other 2 have about 2-4 nodes on each branch. Looks like the forbidden jelly has some preflower bracts showing up too, at least I hope, they have the tear drop shape but are too small to get a clear pic. Ill throw it up anyway tho

Forbidden Jelly

You can see what looks like a bract maybe idk. Just too small to tell. Shes healthy with 8 main branches so I expect good things from this girl during flower but both her and Mimosa are showing signs of being light eaters. The food I spread between the 3 plants the other day caused some slight yellowing tips but had reverted back already so I may give it one light flower feed after the switch and see how she takes it.

Mimosa x Orange Punch

This is the tip yellowing I mentioned before. It seems to be righting itself already but this one branch took it the most, think it was a combo of food and too much light as this branch is closest to the center of the light.

Ayahuasca Purple

Idk what to expect from this plant, Ill be happy if she gives me 2oz at this point. She looks good though so who knows maybe this small little plant will have monster colas. It is suppose to be a pretty heavy flowering breed, but if you go by what barneys says basically all their strains produce 600g/m² so kinda hard to tell lmao.

Thats it for today. Unless anything else pops up between now and the flip I probably wont throw an update up. Thanks for stopping by
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I totally forgot to snap a pic but for some reason the Ayahuasca pretty much doubled in size over night. Will post a pic after work or tomorrow morning, now Im excited about this one.


I snipped the 2 big fan leaves that were on there to get more light and this girl exploded. Fills up the whole pot now and branches are just reaching for the light.
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Did a little defoliation on all 3 plants today. Probably gonna end up flipping them in about a week. Today would be the end of week 5 at 35 days.

They look good overall, heres a couple pics after the haircuts

Forbidding Jelly

Mimosa x Orange Punch

Ayahuasca Purple

The whole tent

So yeah I think around day 42-43 I will be switching to 12/12.
Went ahead and gave these guys their first flower feeding and they responded very well to it. Decided to go ahead and do this last night because I havent fed them basicaly once yet. That other feeding wasnt even half of what I just gave them. And im starting to think nute imbalance is what was causing the yellow tips on the Mimosa x Orange Punch. Also some of the leaves on the Forbidden Jelly were starting to become pale at the top. Also preflowers are popping up everywhere

Those are the clearest shots it could get, also today is the perkiest my plants have been after a good watering and that tells me they definitely were hungry at least, at the bare minimum, some n-p-k

Heres a pic of the whole tent.
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Day 38 start of flower
So even though the yellowing tips on the mimosa are getting worse gradually I decided to pull the trigger last night and make the flip to 12/12 a little earlier. Not that I wanna hurry this grow up, but I do wanna smoke on some fresh buds.

Also I watered yesterday before work, and roughly 16 hours later when I checked my plants this morning all 3 were bone dry. Pots were lighter than I had ever let them get so I gave all 3 a gallon of water. With that being said I had a feeling, even though I calibrate my ph meter about every other week, it was reading lower than the actual value. I did a full 3 point calibration, normally I only do a 2 point, and I would have to say that yes it was reading about .3 lower than it was suppose to so I think this entire grow Ive been slowly raising the soil ph. I know its not something done normally but I ph'd this watering to 6.05 and tested the runoff on each pot.

Mimosa came out to 7.21
Forbidden Jelly was 6.82
Ayahuasca Purple was 6.77

I know each plant will have different tolerances, to a degree, of ph ranges they grow well in but besides being slow the Ayahuasca is in the best overall shape so Im thinking its a pretty accurate representation of what the soil is at by +/- .3 meaning the yellowing on the mimosa is probably due to some sort of ph lockout. And the forbidden jelly isnt as bad but it is starting to lean towards what the mimosa was looking like when it started. So I think Im on the right track as far as getting these 2 back on track. All waterings from now on will be around 6.1-6.2 to help bring the ph back down to a more desirable range.

Well see how this theory plays out over the next few weeks.

Edit, did a slurry test for a more accurate ph of the mimosas medium and it came in at 6.8, which is well within a respectable range, so now Im leaning away from lock out. My inputs are always below 6.5 ph so I must be dealing with an imbalance or hydrophobic pockets in the bottom of the bag.

Decided to try giving them 1 more gallon split between all 3 plants. Seems like it soaked at least 50% of it up. Gonna add some wicking rope to the risers and see how much it soaks back up tomorrow. Lights go out now before Im done with work now
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Day 39 pic update
Decided to take some pics. Thinking the mimosa is just hungry, and maybe lacking a little iron. Everything else seems to be in check and the forbidden jelly is starting down the same path. Next watering Im going full feed, not this quartered or half stuff trying to keep the ppm of my nute solution in the reccomended range. I know I have enough N so Ill dial that back but Im gonna give a fox farm reccomended feeding from this schedule (week 6). Skipping cal/mag as I added some with my last watering
Screenshot_20230106_062126_Samsung Notes.jpg

I dont use the dry ferts but I have everything else

Heres the tent, not the greatest as I was defoliating too

Forbidden jelly lights on and off

Mimosa x Orange Punch

Other than the yellow tips this plant looks amazing. Praying leaves, a little taco-ish cuz of low humidity but a hearty strain to say the least.

Ayahuasca Purple

Still chuggin along but slow, its only 11 inches tall as if today so Im hoping for some major stretch, and some stacked colas. Will be putting her on a table soon. Also she is what leads me to believe the other 2 are hungry. Her roots reach the bottom of the pot just like the others but just based on overall size shes not eating as much and is overall healthiest. Also her new growth being so yellow and taking a long time to green up is why Im leaning on iron deficiency on all 3 just most severe on the mimosa

Anyway thanks for stopping by, thats all for today
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Just wanted to say the tent is thriving today. Been piping hot air from the basement vent to the passive intake on my tent and the plants are loving the increase in temps. Noticed its been hanging around 69-70 during the day.

Now the tent sits at around 74-75 degrees and a noticeable improvement on praying leaves. Also got the Ayahuasca on a stand, close to level with the other girls

For reference thats about a good 6 inches of added height. Thats how much smaller this one is.
Took a few pics today but got distracted before uploading.


Forbidden Jelly

Mimosa x Orange Punch

Ayahuasca Purple

I dont know if this plant is just normally a slow vegging plant and a fast flowering but its tiny, I did finally start start shooting out bracts and pistils but it definitely had no preflowers before switching to 12/12. Ive never grown a photo like this one. Hopefully it was mature enough to yeild something decent both in potency and volume.

Also I thinned out the fan leaves a little more on the Ayahuasca and the Forbidden Jelly. They had some larger leaves covering up a lot of the side branches I want to beef up. Also got rid of some side branching I think will pull away from cola formation. Both the Mimosa and Forbidden Jelly are growing almost an inch per day, Ayahuasca was really growing but now its kinda slowed down. Lots of side branches on her and Im keeping everything I can on that one.
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I must have my vpd in a really great range because I am now doing a full watering every day to every other day.

Watering today with ph 6.2 spring water, no nutes, last watering i watered with a nute solution that was 500ppm....not sure which scale but Im pretty sure its the 500 scale on the cheapo meters, spring water comes in just over 200 without any additional nutes.

Decided to let the pots soak the runoff back up. To clarify the pots werent DRY yet, Ive been trying to just keep them at a stable moisture level. Today they only took 2 gallons spread pretty evenly between the 3 and after they stopped running off I took the risers out and let the pots sit in their catch saucers for about 20-25 minutes. They each took about half that water back up again. Also I noticed that the roots that were poking out of the bottoms are now pretty much receded back into the pots. I was worried that they were going to continue to grow down into the saucers and I do not wanna deal with root rot.

Heres a pic for whatever its worth lmao, gonna look the same as yesterday
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