twenty20 Ogre in the Greenhouse

72hr into Germination
  • @Twenty20 Adam true to your germination test the Ogre is coming to life only 72 hours since being sowed, once she’s upright showing her cotyledons I’ll call it day 1. :toke:
    (I just spritzed her which is why it’s wet)

    she’s at room temp 68-72 and now receiving 35 dli or ~400ppfd 24/0
    Day 9?
  • So she’s a bit behind where I like them to be, likely low RH making suboptimal conditions. However she just got transplanted out to her freshly amended site in the greenhouse.

    since it still hits 40f almost nightly she will be hanging out in my bucket propagator each night to start, held in the 70’s and it was 34 last night, plus some extra light
    Day 17
  • :dancer::drool:

    One of the earliest showings yet for me. hope this doesn’t doom her to life as a midget. Conditions are less than optimal with many overcast days but she’s definitely growing regardless

    She still hides in her bucket at night and actually spent all of yesterday in the bucket as it was constant rain with thick cloud cover and low temps