Topical root balm with extra's

Feb 12, 2013
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I recently made a root based is how I went about it.

I took approx a 2ltr container of fine cannabis roots and washed and rinsed them thoroughly...repeated cycles through buckets of clean water, removing coir, soil and well as anything else, from the rootmasses.

This was a little labor intensive, but the end result was clean roots....I have been saving roots for over a year....I have more, but this was an experimental run with some other goodies added.

I took the now cleaned roots and used scissors to roughly chop them....I then placed them into my slow cooker/crock pot

To this I added 500ml of co-co nut oil

and simmered the lot on low for 30 hrs or so....

about 3 hrs before I finished them, I added 2 tablespoons of cassia bark....this is a type of cinnamon. [added for pain relief properties]

Then I strained and cleared the oil, let it cool down awhile, before I added emu oil for it's fast absorbency and osteo properties.

I also added 30 drops of rosemary essential oil [again, for the muscles and joints], 20 drops of lavender essential oil [for skin and aches], 20 drops of teatree essential oil.[an all round additive]

I mixed it well and then put it in it's final container for storage in my fridge {yet to take a pic of this....will insert here when I have done so}

I used it the night I made it.....finding it gave physical relief in my neck and shoulders, arm and hand joints also.

This was the first time I have used cassia time I will use only 1 tablespoon of it....I find it a tad too strong.

All up, though, a successful topical I shall use for the next few months.

I currently have more roots than I can get co-co nut oil, so I might at a future date, reheat the balm, adding more roots to increase it's efficacy, though when I do I will have to re-add the essential oils as they will evaporate away during the heating process.

In the past I have added other goodies to my balms...
pure vitamin E oil
Wintergreen essential oil
Thyme essential oil
Black pepper oil
Epsom salts [dissolved in some warm water and simmered with the oil and roots]
cannabis leaf
cannabis stems
cannabis buds
cinnamon essential oil
cardomom seeds

I find adding 1 to 3 extra's is the best balance....more kind of confuses the mix IMO

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Sounds awesome man! I might have to give this a try :slap: very creative idea :D
Looks good, LB

Bet it smells good too!

Hi TheLittleBoyWhoPointed: I'm so interested in doing balms of cannabis for massages in people who have muscle aches etc. can you give me some information in how I have to prepare It? I only have read about making ointment wich will be used for the same things as balm I Think... The info I read explains how to prepare it with 96º alcohol.

Thanks for everything!
I make some massage oils with infused coconut oil (infused with either roots, stems, leaves & trim or whole plant),
I add olive oil or you can add whatever oil you like and essential oils.

I like the whole plant infused oil, works great when my back is stiff and it's hard to straighten up.

I'm sure LB will be along to give us more ideas.
Thanks TLBWP, this rub is great and we are just really enjoying using every bit of these plants in our lives. I can not believe I threw my first roots in the compost, ( I checked they were degrading). We have shared the rub with family and friends and we are waiting to see who wants more, and for what.

:peace:grow it use it
My shih-tzu had a fur problem...a damp patch....fur mattes and the skin underneath becomes sealed and a sore forms...I discovered this when brushing her...the bump was squishy...I pressed it and a clear serum came I teased the fur, brushed around it and cleared the hair....then I put 2 applications of an olive oil based root leaf and stem balm....a week later, this is the result...I rubbed the matted fur away and it now shows healthy skin...
I did not think to take a pic of the original weeping wound...

I make an olive oil root leaf and stem balm just for use on my dogs, adding only natural beeswax to thicken it so it will adhere....they can lick the stuff with no side effects.
Thanks a lot for your replies!
@Root 66: thanks for the info:thumbs: At the moment I only have some resinous buds from last season. I think it will work good because they are potent. tHE INFO i read tell that we can do ointment with crushed buds and resinous leaves.
I write here if you don't mind...:

-A container of glass with cover.
-buds and dried buds with resin.
-96% alcohol or the alcohol for curing.
-a flat plate
-a strainer.

We have to crush the leaves and buds and put into the glass container with the alcohol, the recipient has to be full of alcohol and the quantity of buds and dried buds can be a litlle more than the half of the container. When the mix is done we shake it and put into the freezer.

Shake it some day and in 30 days it will be ready for removing from the refrigerator. Use the strainer for removing the little leaves and buds wich will have lost their colour and the medicine will be mixed with the green alcohol that has been. Throw this to the flat plate and we keep it in a dark place but ventilated to evaporate the alcohol and the ointment will remain.

It is used like an ointment in the affected area like legs, arms, the head, for osteoarthritis, etc Allways use it when we are going to sleep. Apply in circles in about 3 or 5 minutes.

So now I have some doubts:
-The oil will be better for doing massages than the preparration with alcohol? This product can be mixed with vaseline or moisturizer?

-The preparation made with oil at wich temperature has to be cooked? Can I use some olive oil instead of coconut oil?

Thanks a lot for helping me... it's my first time...
In the past I have added other goodies to my balms...
pure vitamin E oil
Wintergreen essential oil
Thyme essential oil
Black pepper oil
Epsom salts [dissolved in some warm water and simmered with the oil and roots]
cannabis leaf
cannabis stems
cannabis buds
cinnamon essential oil
cardomom seeds


I was just about to stock up on some oil and was'nt sure what to get.
I do now.:check:

thanks LB!!


IF you start using/consuming the whole plant and not just smoke medicine, you will start feeling better all the way around. There are some other healing threads here where we are helping people heal themselves with not just cannabis, but othre lesser know remedies. Check out the medical forum, and ask some questions, lot of questions, and give info on as much medical infor about yourself so peeps can help you.

Check out this link:

CARCHOFA's Link to Healing


Carchofa's Link to other medical stuff


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