Urgent: Dying Think Different no idea what is going on

Feb 21, 2018
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Greetings everyone,

So I started a Micro grow in a 40x40x80cm tent, with a passive cooling CREE COB and pc fans for exhaust/circulation.

I am growing in pure coco, in 1 gal smartpots and I started one RQS stress killer CBD Auto and one Dutch Passion Think Different, that germinated 12 days ago .

Both started pretty well, but the TD is now looking very sick, with think red leaves and spots.

I thought it was overwatering but I allowed the coco to dry the top, and it did not make a difference. I also thought it could be wind burn, but she is not taking much wind at all.

I have been using a mix of Bcuzz root stimulator + Canna A and B + CalMag at 250-300 ppm and 5.6-6.0 ph.

Should I try to solve it or should I start over? The RQS Stress killer looks great by comparison and I have done the exact same thing to both.

Here are the girls, the TD is the sick one

.... she looks a bit narrow in the leaves, but I don't see spots or red color in this light,... is it at the very center? that's fine if so,... might be the lights are too close, how far up are they? Seedlings want less intense light,....
They aren't looking to bad to me. You might trying to raise the humidity by putting an air dome over the top - like a 1 liter soda bottle that has bottom cut out. In pure CoCo you don't have to worry much about over watering. I water my seedlings in CoCo 2-3 times a day. I try to water in a circle about 3-4 inches from the plant to force the roots to grow out.
Keep at it and they will take off in a couple days.