Amnesia haze seedling


May 15, 2021
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About a week old in a rapid rooter, soil is roots organic with about a solo cup 70/30coco

The new growth looks too light colored to me. It started with the veins in the leaves then more in new growth. It seems to still be growing.

I just watered with nutes botanicare pbg 500 ppm, this was just after noticing the brighter colors.
Also rearanged the light and area recently

Im not sure if this is a problem that could get worse, or somthing that it'll outgrow.


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About a week old in a rapid rooter, soil is roots organic with about a solo cup 70/30coco

The new growth looks too light colored to me. It started with the veins in the leaves then more in new growth. It seems to still be growing.

I just watered with nutes botanicare pbg 500 ppm, this was just after noticing the brighter colors.
Also rearanged the light and area recently

Im not sure if this is a problem that could get worse, or somthing that it'll outgrow.
What type of light are you using and how close?
Its an led probably 25-30 inches at about 200 watts actual.
About a week old. Lightly watered once, a couple days later after it was yellowing at the veins in new groth first then I added light nutes. 500ppm botanicare grow
Soil is roots organic with added compost and pearlite, seedling started in rooter then a solocup size amount of fox farm 70/30 coco.
Light was at 26" i just raised it to 30" on the yellow AH. Just beside it another AH has been doing good. The light was about 16" over the other one thats healthy.
Just keep it moist and hold off nutes for awhile.Looks like light or nute burn.
Thanks namvet25.
I rearanged my closet and made a shady spot.
My light wasn't just too close it was on 24 hours "sneaky switch on the side of my timer" I reset it to 18/6. Hopefully my other amnesia will take off now too. Ill make sure to update this post
coming along well. A little shade and a little moisture colur is at least 50% beter already, still growing strong too I think.
The light schedual change adding darktime seemed well appreciated by the other plants too.


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A little update since I checked into the Infirmary.
The amnesia haze auto in the soil is doing pretty good. It should only be about two weeks behind the dwc plant but maybe farther behind than that

I belive the problem was that it was just hungry and the roots couldn't keep up to feed fast enough. I started doing a foliar feed with botanicare calmag plus @ 1ml to 300ml water. I started spraying before lights out for just a little while and it took off.
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