Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
SOG attempt 4.0, Germination, Day 1
Hey Growers,

It's been some dark times...Long story, so get yourself a joint or vape or whatever your poison and buckle in...

The third go didn't go as planned. I discovered that the last shipment of seeds went through the sorting machine in the post office and many got damaged. The seeds that did germinate didn't have enough energy to go the full run and by the time they did, I had about six seedlings left. Not nearly enough to do the SOG run.
I had now wasted more of his seeds then I've sown in the previous year. Shame became over me and I had to explain this latest failure to my mate :kissass:
In the end he felt sorry that the seeds didn't ship well, but he is a top bloke!! and said it would be alright...A couple of days later a new envelope with another fifty SOS seeds from his latest harvest dropped in my mailbox. ♥ ♥ ♥

Anyway, I started this new attempt about a week ago and was waiting until I was sure they went through this early stage before posting here. If it failed I would have posted that to and that would have been the end of it...Short pain, if you get my drift. :tang:
But, and I'm holding wood while I'm typing this, but the seedlings look alright for now.
I went all in and sowed three seeds per pot, straight into the soil as Sawney advised me. "Let nature decide mate..." From those 45 seeds 35 made it up and I have at least two seedlings into each pot giving me the opportunity to keep the best one.
09/02/2023 - S.o.S. - not quite yet day one...
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In the back left corner there a 2L tub with water in which a vaporizer was mounted. That thing lived for two days and then shorted out my usb wire, which got so hot, that I was lucky I noticed it in time, as this could have caused a fire...sure of it... I've ordered a new one which is made to run for 10hours straight and has two nozzles, which can be turned on in sequence allowing for continues use...Just need to remember to fill it up with water now and then...
Large Capacity Humidifier - T16

All the sprouts have emerged and have become seedlings
10/02/2023 - S.o.S. - Day 1
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I raised the light from 25% to 30% and while the light is momentarily running 24/7 on, I will be starting to give the plants some dark time in the future, but for now I want them to get all the energy those little leaves can harvest so they can expand their root system :thumbsup:
The temperature is alright, but humidity could be a bit higher. This will improve as soon as the new humidifier arrrives.
S.o.S. - Day 4
I ran out of picture real-estate...So let's continue here...

We've arrived to Today and I'm doing my utmost best not to overwater the seedlings and today I'm directing the water I'm giving via the stem and the root into the soil. That way the taproot has to go deeper to follow the water and the entire height of the pot gets utilized before the lateral roots start spreading out.
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The soil is also super airy, which means I'll have to keep watering with that small piece of tubing as not to disrupt or compress that airy fluffiness with the pressure of the water.
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Just a mere scratch on the surface exposes a vibrant living organic and dark soil...Only the toplayer is drying out like this and that's a good thing. This will help keep pets at bay as those like to remain in the wetter parts of the soil...
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I'm colorblind (Daltonism) so I have problems with greens and browns, oranges and so on. So if any of my buddy or AFN fam sees any discoloration in the next posts, please give me a tap on my shoulder, because by the time I notice it, it's probably to far on...I'm getting better though, thanks to software editing algorithms that adjust the colors so that it's easier for me to discern the good from the bad...But any help is always welcome :toke:
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The runt on the right side most likely won't make it...
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But that large one in this picture is probably to big and is growing to fast in comparison to the other seedlings. I want uniformity and by sowing this many seeds it's giving me the opportunity to do just that :cheers:
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Dude I hope the best for your SoG journey....I am always in awe of peeps, like yourself dude, who keep and manage such a steady env. for their gals....I just put them in and away they grow hehe....maybe I would get better yields if I did??.....who knows?....that's future Vapo's problem dude hehe...the young-uns look great Bob....noice work!... :pass: :toke: :bow:
Dude I hope the best for your SoG journey....I am always in awe of peeps, like yourself dude, who keep and manage such a steady env. for their gals....I just put them in and away they grow hehe....maybe I would get better yields if I did??.....who knows?....that's future Vapo's problem dude hehe...the young-uns look great Bob....noice work!... :pass: :toke: :bow:
Thanks bro, just uploaded the time lapse if you're interested ;)
Good stuff man, if at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again
I know, but it's never easy...Having to admit I'm only human... :wiz:
I really believe BioTabs gave me the confidence and stability in my grows, but this kinda made me lazy as I never had any issues with their product line. The fact that I've been adding a whole Biosphere to the soil added some variables to which I wasn't armed.
Slowey I'm learning and am creating a combination of bennies, predatory species, Nematodes to fight off pests and a whole bacterial culture and mycelia which aid in uptaking nutrients.
The trick is to get everything in balance, but once you do...That soil will never go bad and can be expanded until kingdom come... :thumbsup:
S.o.S. - Day 6
Hey friends :cheers:

Life is good and everything is going great inside the tent. It's even starting to get crowded :woohoo1:
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So I took many pictures from before and after, but this resulted in about 48 pictures which is to much for one post...
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So here are a few to show you I bit that bullet, and get's easier :shooty:
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I tried to select the seedlings that looked a-like, same growth pattern and didn't have any genetic deviations like the one below. I want an even canopy so even the biggest one got culled. This would have been a prime specimen for continuing inside the greenhouse, were it not that the temperatures would kill the sprout during it's first night...
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One thing I delayed was inserting the BioTabs, I already wasted 16 tabs in the previous grow and I didn't want to do that again. Actually, them tabs aren't wasted as I going to reuse the soil inside the greenhouse. When the weather allows, I'm ordering myself some predatory Hypoaspis miles (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) to add to that soil. These should keep all population explosions under control. :thumbsup:
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The energy stored inside the culled sprouts will go to benefit the younglings...
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I carefully opened up a hole with a teaspoon, dusted the insides with some Mycotrex. Then placed the crushed sprout(s) inside the hole...
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Followed by the BioTab, which I pressed as deep as my thumb could go inside the pot.
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Then covered up the crime scene and left it as if nothing had happened :muahaha:
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Fifteen perfect sprouts...
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...Same size and height...
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This weekend I'm installing my relay to turn the light on/off. Doing that with the digital potmeter isn't healthy for potmeter itself...Something technical I'm to stoned for to explain, just trust me...A relay is needed...
But for now, the DLI is still based on 24/7 and that's maybe a bit high for these seedlings...What do you light guru's think?
Temperature is ok, not to hot...not to cold... Humidity on the other hand is way to low, but I've got a humidifier enroute, so I've slowed down the extraction as low as I can get away with, without stalling the motor. Once a day I manually run the extraction at 50% for about 5 minutes and once a day I'm at the tent to check on the sprouts. Both times there's more then enough air exchange to prevent things getting damp and molding off...
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For those of you that know me...I like to make use of technology and time lapses are a key component in understanding how your plants grow. I feel it's as useful as a pH pen or humidity sensor...
Todays time lapse is from the last two days and run at 60fps. Please enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Hey friends :cheers:

Life is good and everything is going great inside the tent. It's even starting to get crowded :woohoo1:
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So I took many pictures from before and after, but this resulted in about 48 pictures which is to much for one post...
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So here are a few to show you I bit that bullet, and get's easier :shooty:
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I tried to select the seedlings that looked a-like, same growth pattern and didn't have any genetic deviations like the one below. I want an even canopy so even the biggest one got culled. This would have been a prime specimen for continuing inside the greenhouse, were it not that the temperatures would kill the sprout during it's first night...
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One thing I delayed was inserting the BioTabs, I already wasted 16 tabs in the previous grow and I didn't want to do that again. Actually, them tabs aren't wasted as I going to reuse the soil inside the greenhouse. When the weather allows, I'm ordering myself some predatory Hypoaspis miles (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) to add to that soil. These should keep all population explosions under control. :thumbsup:
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The energy stored inside the culled sprouts will go to benefit the younglings...
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I carefully opened up a hole with a teaspoon, dusted the insides with some Mycotrex. Then placed the crushed sprout(s) inside the hole...
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Followed by the BioTab, which I pressed as deep as my thumb could go inside the pot.
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Then covered up the crime scene and left it as if nothing had happened :muahaha:
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Fifteen perfect sprouts...
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...Same size and height...
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This weekend I'm installing my relay to turn the light on/off. Doing that with the digital potmeter isn't healthy for potmeter itself...Something technical I'm to stoned for to explain, just trust me...A relay is needed...
But for now, the DLI is still based on 24/7 and that's maybe a bit high for these seedlings...What do you light guru's think?
Temperature is ok, not to hot...not to cold... Humidity on the other hand is way to low, but I've got a humidifier enroute, so I've slowed down the extraction as low as I can get away with, without stalling the motor. Once a day I manually run the extraction at 50% for about 5 minutes and once a day I'm at the tent to check on the sprouts. Both times there's more then enough air exchange to prevent things getting damp and molding off...
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For those of you that know me...I like to make use of technology and time lapses are a key component in understanding how your plants grow. I feel it's as useful as a pH pen or humidity sensor...
Todays time lapse is from the last two days and run at 60fps. Please enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke:

Top stuff mate. Good luck, Very neat and tidy in there.
May the Sog be with you