Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
Day 32
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    This morning a nice layer of foam was building in the bucket. This means the bennies are doing their job. It's then that I noticed this bucket was 20L instead of 10L, lol...stoners right :haha:
    Anyway, the mix needed to be diluted since I don't want to overdo it with these ladies. I planned on doubling it, but there was already 14L in the bucket, so I added six more liters when I was at the tent. Don't want to spill anything as this mix smells like a fresh compost heap. Not bad, but also not a smell you want in the house for a long time :thumbsup:
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    I also mixed up a batch of Boom Boom Spray with the tea...
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    This went as followed...I sifted 1L of the tea through a funnel with a handkerchief inside it so there wouldn't be any particles that could get stuck in the sprayer.
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    Next, I measured 5ml of Boom Boom Spray and added it to the mix.
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    After gathering all my stuff and just before I got to work...
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    Time to see if these S.o.S. girls are witches after all... :fire:
    Each pot was put inside the mix until no airbubbles appeared anymore, then it was very slowly pulled out so the soil wouldn't lose it's structure.
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    Before being put inside the tent each plant got a hefty dousing with the mixed up tea with the Boom Boom Spray.
    The Ikea pot rack created some distance between the bottom of the pots and the tray, but still there was loads of excess gathering in the right corner.
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    I soon installed a makeshift siphoning tube, so the tray got emptied while I was working. What's that?, men can't do two things at once? :haha::rofl::nono:
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    50 minutes of work in a nice gif...Hit refresh if you want to see it run again...

    Just before closing the tent up and going back to the kitchen to clean up after myself...
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    We're now about an hour and half since closing the tent and these are the values. I did had to raise the extraction and lighting to get everything up in the reasonable range. Still to wet and cold, but we need to loose quite some humidity in the next couple of hours...
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    Bob :toke:
    Day 33
  • Hey friends :cheers:

    Make a note of the above mix, cause this is a winning combination I tells ya!!!
    A day after dosing the ladies and growth is exploding! So much so that the amount of moisture my extraction fan needed to remove was stupendous. Never was there a need for me to turn it to 75%, except when the lights were out. But during the last 24 hours I slowely had to up the speed to keep everything at a VPD of 1.10 :yoinks:
    So earlier today I removed a couple of leaves, not to much, but just enough to get some light to the lowest of shoots I decided to keep. Maybe I'll remove some more, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there...
    Anyway, a gif for you instead of three seperate pictures. Felt this shows the growth difference between yesterday and today in a much better fashion.
    1st picture = yesterday after dosing, 2nd pic = today just before defol and 3th pic = after defoliating.

    So to keep all the environmentals in check I decided to stop with the 28 hour day and continue with 24/7 lights as of today. This was a fun experiment and I do believe the plants health has benefited from the lights out period. So much so that I might as well incorporate this into my future grows. Live and learn right :thumbsup:

    Oh yeah, three days have past since my last time lapse so it's time for another one. On a sidenote, I just realized a couple of minutes ago that the camera must have moved during one of my visits, so next one I'll be adjusting that, but going higher isn't an option anymore, so if the ladies grow bigger, some of them will disappear from the frame...
    N°10 in this series: Duration 76 hours, speed 25fps. Enjoy!! :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
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    Day 34
  • Thanks for the rep mate, but it's your genetics I'm running buddy :cheers:
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    Have a look at them ladies! Those bud sites are emerging everywhere :woohoo:
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    Pretty little flowers ♥
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    You can still see the difference between the larger and smaller pheno, but the canopy is slowly evening out...
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    The soil looks dry, but the pots still have some weight to them.
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    Just a couple of mm's below the top layer the soil is moist and full of life.
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    Dunking the pots in the tea surely had some risk factor to it...The soil could have become oversaturated with all the consequences that accompanied that. But I made sure the VPD was in the right range, the light was dialed up which not only gave the plants more PPFD, but also raised the temperature. The co² generator must have done something right? :rofl:
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    Anyway, I did remove a couple of leaves that were bothering me and a handful of small shoots that wouldn't amount to much. :shrug:
    They look ready to enjoy their vacation under the artificial sunlight, but should I do another defoliation in a week or two? What do you think buddy?
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    Bob :toke:
    Day 37
  • Another week or so before removing more . They are looking real lush mate.
    Fattening up time is approaching .
    Another week!! :yoinks:
    Don't think that'll work mate :yay: have a look for yourself :cheers:
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    Just finished with the second part of the 5L is was giving them. One more 5L of plain water to give and then it's PK Booster Compost Tea time again :coffee:
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    Even had to turn the lights down! :cools: I'm back at only 60%, but still there's more then enough light going to these pretties :dancer:
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    Oh, I'm so proud at these perty ladies guys ♥
    Look at them go...This is from the last five days. Sped up to 60fps to keep the time short. Let's try to upload it to the forum this time :goodluck:
    Oh yeah baby!!! Thank you @blue, @Son of Hobbes and everyone else that keeps this amazing site ticking ♥


    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. Day 38 - Schwazzing
  • Still looking thick in there....tropical forest thick....need a machete
    I know right!! Was thinking to myself..."What would @Vapo do?" Most likely laugh at my previous attempt at defoliating...:crying:
    So, I went back to the tent and got to work...
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    This go-around I took way more leaves then I ever did. :yoinks:
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    What do you guys think of these results? Looking at this picture I could have taken more leaves, but I couldn't anymore...
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    This "schwazzing" did reveal loads of budsites, so we are getting there. :woohoo1:
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    Pistils a-volenté :eyebrows:
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    Room enough for all to expand. Really hope this will let them buds fill out
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    The remaining leaves are covered with trichomes, so these will stay :pass:
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    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. Day 42 - PK Booster Compost Tea treatment
  • So yeah, maybe a bit to much defoliating. But that's water under the bridge :shrug:
    Speaking of water, I can tell you they are all witches. Dunked them in the mix until they stopped breathing...
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    All these ladies got the same treatment... 🧙‍♀️
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    Not much was left in the bucket...and I started with a little more then 15L. The tube is the syphon to empty the tray beneath the pots.
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    Everyone back in their spot...Just a couple more pictures...
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    Buddy...Buddy, look at that frost brother!! And we're only at day 42 :cheers:
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    Another nice example :coffee:
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    Fresh pistils are still forming guys :clapper: and I predict an explosion in the coming days.
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    I dare not touch these ladies...Look at that frost and I'm not even using my macro lens on the phone :drool:
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    After the dunking I needed to adjust the values for the light and extraction fan as VPD went straight down into the 0.80's... Ok, I did just fill the pots with 15L tea and this will have an impact on the humidity....
    Extraction went from 6% to 19%, this lowered the co² concentration significantly, but we're still 200-250ppm higher then they should have without the generator. Still don't know if it really works, but it doesn't cost that much to make it yourself...approx. 5€/month if even that, so why not :shrug:
    Also raised the light from 55% to 60%. This because the plants have so much nutrients, water and oxygen available that they can benefit from the extra fotons.
    This resulted in a VPD which gave me the fasted growth in the past. Just what they need, no? :cool1:
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    We're nearing the end of todays post my friends :crying: But this also means that I have another time lapse for you guys. Five days have past since my last confession, no that's not right...Euh, 5 days since the last time lapse :pop:
    Duration = 116 hours, speed = 60fps. So please enjoy this extra long one and Antonio, just look away for this one bro. I know, it's breaking your hart to see this, but know I would never do that to your genetics. I promise 🥰 🤞


    Bob :toke:
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    S.o.S. Day 44
  • How long until you water them now after they had their Tea-bath?
    It took two days brother. The pots weren't completely dry, but light enough that a watering was warranted. Noticed that the VPD was rising from 1.14 to 1.37. The temperature was the same so only one thing could be the culprit. So I divided 5L dechlorinated water between the 15 pots and recovered about 0.5L from the tray afterwards...

    Nothing left to do, but take some pictures...
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    This does look promising for extraction guys!!
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    This one could pass for holly if she wasn't covered with all them trichomes :yay:
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    Mate, that S.o.S. is some banger genetics :chef:
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    smells very sweet when I open the tent. Almost vanilla like. But I rubbed a trichome covered leaf (yeah, I'm that naughty :naughtystep:) and got a full whiff of limonene. Something I've noticed in the past with many a cultivar. This almost never stays or at best get's pushed to the background in favor of other terpenes. I do feel that the smell I noticed when opening the tent is the one I'm going to end up with in the jar, at least I do hope so 🤞
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    Previous threadmarked post ended with an extra long time lapse. Today's time lapse is a bit shorter, but none the less very informative. :thumbsup:
    Duration = 44 hours, speed = 60fps. Enjoy :thanks:

    Have a nice weekend :toke:
    S.o.S. Day 45 - Third application BoomBoom Spray
  • @NORB YIPPLS, thanks for the rep mate!!

    I've sprayed my ladies one last time with the BoomBoom Spray about half an hour ago.
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    This raised the humidity so much, that I've set the extraction fan to 50%. This will keep a nice airflow through the plants and remove all that humidity at the same time. Lowered the light to 50% as I don't want to run the risk that water bubbles burn some holes in the leaves.
    I'm aiming on getting the tent back up and running at the right VPD in around 1 -2 hours. This should be enough time for the ingredients inside the BoomBoom Spray to be absorbed by the leaves. Also I would like to keep the wet time to a minimum as I don't want to risk any mold of course.

    I started out with a VPD of 0.40 or even a bit lower. Now, half an hour later, I'm already up to 0.78. So if I get back up to 1.14 in the next half hour I'll be a happy camper. I'll also be downloading the time lapse images every now and again to check if the plants are still wet. If I see no drops on their surfaces, I'll start by turning the light back to 60% and then adjust the extraction fan accordingly to keep de VPD between 1.10 and 1.20.
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    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. Day 48
  • Hey friends :bighug:

    Let me start by saying that I'm glad I'm extracting air to the outside and so create an underpressurized environment in the tent as well as in the lung room. Opening the tent throws a sweet musky smell in my direction and fills the lung room almost immediately...Pure bliss :drool:
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    Ten days after my Schwazzing attempt these ladies have filled in the open spaces very well. I've seen this with my mate @Vapo's ladies, but I'm very glad to see them do this in my tent as well. :woohoo1:
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    Before I show you guys some more budp0rn, first the technical stuff...
    Don't tell my wife, but I've place a small heater set at 18° in the lung room. This really is needed as the temperature had become the bottleneck.
    Doing this did change things inside remarkably...Humidity went plummeting down, so much so that extraction is back at 14%. The higher temperature (I actually aimed the heater in the direction of the co² yeast generator :chimp:) and the low extraction optimizes the amount of co² which remains available for the ladies.
    So yeah, I'm very happy I added the heater. :coffee:
    I'm keeping the VPD above 1.2 kPa, but below 1.3. By next week I'll be adjusting that to above 1.3 kPa.

    Don't know if I should be turning the light a bit lower? What do you guys think? Feedback is always appreciated, you know that right? :d5:
    I'm already at 50+ DLI, but try to optimize everything as best I can, so I'm kinda in dubio about lowering the amount of photons :shrug:
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    Ok, enough technicality...:wiz:
    As promised I've added another time lapse picture to the gif. And expansion isn't stopping you guys!!! :yay:

    Just amazing, the amount of trichomes on the buds and surrounding leaves. A real extraction cultivar that S.o.S. is! ♥
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    The pistils are starting to curl a bit, which indicates they have lost their vigor and the only thing they can do is fatten up those calyx'.
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    Yup, that larger pheno does stretch and this opens up the buds. Is this a bad thing? I think not. Less chance for moisture to get stuck inside. What do you think @Sawney_bean?
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    One of the large pheno plants, which I think could fill up nicely!
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    On the small pheno ladies, the amount of pistils and the close proximity indicate rock hard nuggs... Hmmmm, patience is a virtue, my friends. :rofl::coffee2:
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    Who dusted this lady with icing sugar?
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    I'm gonna shut up now... :hookah:
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    Ok, one more thing...But I think you guys won't mind and some will even be looking out for it.
    Today's time lapse. Duration = about 4 days, I already moved the files before I could look up the start/finish date :wall:. Speed = 60fps. Enjoy!!

    :thanks: for following along peeps! Happy to be a part of this great community :smokeout:


    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. - Day 52
  • What your thought about the light? Ok to lower it a bit? Should I give them some dark time as well?
    I decided upon giving the ladies some dark time. Four hours every day the light goes out and the extraction fan is turned on high.
    The light is still at about the same level and VPD is back at 1.14-1.18kPa as I feel this is a bit more gentile to the plants...Have to make sure though, to keep that humidity below 60% or risk mold...:gassy:
    Because of the higher temperature in the lung room the yeast based co² generator is pushing out double the amount that is normally available, resulting in 1000ppm :coffee:
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    There's been some K-def visible on certain plants because I didn't want to overdo it. Just let the ladies do their thing, but these ladies are hungry...
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    ...So I yesterday morning I brewed myself some PK Booster Compost tea, same recipe as before, but without the dilution. Tonight I took 5L with me to the tent, added another 20ml of Orgatrex to the bucket and let it bubble further until the ladies need another drink.
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    This was the plant that showed me that there was trouble in paradise. When I saw the shriveled leaf I knew there was something wrong. Those dried up spots will never recover, but then...we're not growing leaves now are we :eyebrows:
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    Looking at the leaves now, I'm sure I've nipt the deficiency in the 'bud' :rofl: Just have to keep feeding them and making sure I don't overwater in the meantime... Live and learn, right?
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    Out of 15 plants, there's three large pheno girls that have amazingly large trichomes. The effect is clearly like someone dusted them with icing sugar. If @Sawney_bean allows it, I would gladly throw a toss at going further with this pheno :cheers:
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    This one is a prime example of that selected pheno! The frost is just amazing and we're still have some serious expansion to look out for, in the near future. :drool:
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    One of the smaller pheno ladies. She is one large cola with several satellites in the making, my friends!!
    Keeping the TS-1000 at 50 instead of 60%, tempers the amount of energy reaching those ladies in the center of the tray. I do feel that I'm at the limit for this moment, until I order my inline filter and I can remove the table and so create some more space between the light and plants. Approx. 40cm / 16" will be gained by doing that.
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    This lady is not nearly finished...The bud will more then double in size as all the calyx's swell up in despair of being pollinated :woohoo1:
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    This lady shows the K-def with all them dark spots on the lighter leaves. As I said before, I feel I have it under control, but know that these ladies are heavy feeders. So if you want fat buds, be sure to subscribe to and buckle up :stir:
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    No comment :kitty:
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    You just wait until those calyx's swell up :shooty:
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    As promised I've kept selecting those time lapse pictures for the gif. We're a couple days in and expansion is definitely happening...

    And to finish up this post...Another time lapse. Duration = approx. 4 days, speed = 60fps. Please enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke: