Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
28 hour day
  • Hey guys :toke:

    Yesterday I told ya'll that I would be installing a smart switch so I can turn the lights off and give the ladies some rest and which would later help in more production of trichomes & terpenes. But I still like the fact that one can give an auto 24 hours of light, so I started thinking, and why not add hours to the day so the plants still receive light 24 hours a day...
    So after installing the smart switch, which is also measures the current draw. If I add 4 hours to a day, it works out so six longer days fit into seven normal days.

    Let me show the schedule...
    • Saturday 12:00 on
    • Sunday 12:00 off
    • Sunday 16:00 on
    • Monday 16:00 off
    • Monday 20:00 on
    • Tuesday 20:00 off
    • Wednesday 00:00 on
    • Thursday 00:00 off
    • Thursday 04:00 on
    • Friday 04:00 off
    • Friday 08:00 on
    • Saturday 08:00 off
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    S.o.S. - Day 12
  • Hey Friends :cheers:

    This weekend I changed over to a 28 hour day and so far everything is going on schedule. During lights out, the temperature drops down to 17°C / 62.6°F and the humidity was out of control today, staggering into the +90's% . But, I imagine this could be due to me watering the plants half an hour before lights out as this wasn't the case the previous lights out... :coffee2: Live and learn :shrug:

    Anyway, after the lights went back on, I played around with the settings in my app and got everything stable. Did have to raise the light output from 44% to 50% and turn the extraction fan on at 20%. But now the VPD is at a perfect value for the size and age of the ladies...
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    Before showing of more of them little beauties, I'll just go right ahead and ask a question. Should I be removing these little side shoots, so growth is focused on the central stem?
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    Have a look at these beautiful ladies
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    Have a close look at the base of this one. It's already splitting the bark open to prepare for expansion...
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    This is the biggest one of all. Although still being a stout little lady :d5:
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    Another beauty, drop dead in the center of them all. Nice green color... ♥
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    And next to that this little beauty :kiss:
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    A nice overview of all the ladies side by side...
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    And to finish things off, today's time lapse begins where the previous one ends :rofl: But differs in that you'll see the dark period. The white specs in those parts of the rendering have something to do with the post processing as I don't see these in the separate pictures...Trust me, it's dark ;)
    Anyway, duration = 80 hours, speed = 25fps. Please enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. - Day 15
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    A couple of days have past and I found it necessary for another update.

    The ladies are growing like a mf'er!! And I've noticed more movement in their growth, watching the timelapses, whenever the VPD was between 0.7 and 0.75. So alongside the DLI, VPD has become my new favorite deity and I'm monitoring them multiple times per day. This manual adjusting, to keep everything in check, has given me an insight into how the algorithm for the controller should look like, but is a stinker to even put in a flow chart!! This could be made easy if I had four independent outputs, being light, air movement/extraction, humidity and a heat source. But in my case the light and heat source are one and the same...
    I would like to make something that's universal and can be used in all different situations, but this is one crazy setup I have here...Where did I put my thinking cap? Mhmmm...Got my smoking cap on now, that'll work to I guess...

    These are the ladies just after they received about 2L of water, divided between fifteen pots. I'll probably have to water them again tomorrow, as this was the leftover water from a couple of days earlier. 3L (=200ml/pot) is about right for these ladies at this age in the plants life. For good measures I sprayed the plants with plain water, just to get them leaves nice and wet and looking lush for the camera. After that I took the 5L canister with me and filled it with hot water and set it aside with the cap off. That way the chlorine can evaporate by tomorrow and I'll have another 5L to work with :thumbsup:
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    Oh...In a couple of days (around day 20) I'll be spraying these perties with their first dose of BoomBoom Spray. This will give them a necessary boost and prepare them for the transition into flower. After that they'll get two more doses, but that's for later....when they are in flower.
    BTW, the important part in using BoomBoom Spray is to use exactly the amount that's in the manual. If you do that, then all you have to do is spray the plants from top to bottom until every part is completely wet and dripping. We're talkin about that dirty abbreviation, but then all natural and organic. But it's still in there folks :hump:

    Anyhow, time lapse time...We continue on from last time. Duration = 40 hours, speed = 25fps. Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:

    @420autoflower @Antonio_DutchPassion @BigB6 @Crow River @Dankerson @DCLXVI @DetroitDarren @Don't Fear the Reefer @Eggboy @Growtogrow @HAWKMAN @hecno @JP1 @Minime2020 @N/A-Greengo @NoFrillsNoBills @NORB YIPPLS @Redeye Master @Rick Dirte' @Sawney_bean @snerval @St. Tom @stan_mephisto @Tom Bombadil @TrichomeAssassin @Vapo @Weedman30 @Weedname @Zaaboot
    S.o.S. - Day 17 ~ The tale of the two pheno's...
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Hope everything's going great with your grows. I can't the easy life sort to speak...I do go to the tent on a daily basis, but that's just to make sure everything's aok. Tomorrow I'll have to get my toolbelt from the garage and repair the ducting. It's temporarily fixed for now, but I need to move a cabinet to get decent access, so that's for tomorrow...
    Inside the tent not much of the above issue was noticeable until this evening, I noticed I couldn't get the temp above 20°C / 68°F, so there was something wrong.
    First I blamed the missus, thinking she left the windows open on the floor. But soon had to apologize as this was not case :doh:
    Then I checked the connection between the ducting and the connection piece to the outside wall...And yup, it was hanging from the wall. Bad workmanship in my name was to blame. Got it temporary fixed with duct tape, but it needs a clamp :thumbsup:

    Anyway, If you look at the part after the second blackout (from 0:20sec) in the time lapse, you'll see the plants grow as fast as the days before and during that period the temperatures were at average 18.4°C /65°F...Duration = 51 hours, speed = 25fps. Please enjoy :thanks:

    Hey @Sawney_bean,

    During my stay in and around the tent I noticed there to be two distinct pheno's in the S.o.S. girls at a rate of 9 to 6.
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    There's a bigger, more intermodally stretched pheno. Six in all...
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    ...and a smaller, more compact one. Which has nine followers...
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    The smaller ones are enjoying it a bit more then the larger be honest.
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    ...They are producing softer and healthier looking leaves and have a nicer color. They can take the amount of nutrients being offered really well :d5:
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    Although it doesn't show it on the picture there is a light discoloration on the inside of the leaves on the larger pheno. Nothing to bad, just a sign of overfeeding, I'm sure. And this was something to be expected as I added one whole BioTab into 3.5L of medium...And if that weren't enough there's also some nutrients in the bags of soil I bought, the micro nutrient mix and the Silicium Flash. :shrug:
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    The leaves feel a bit more papery then those on the smaller pheno. A definite sign of the wrong osmotic pressure preventing the uptake of water because of the high concentration of nutrients around the roots... Because of that, I watered the ladies yesterday just after lights on (yup, I'm learning ;) ) with 5L water (instead of the standard 3L) with 5gr Bactrex added to it. Each pot got soaked with about 300ml water and bennies. After that I turned on the heatmat underneath the tray so the roots stayed nice and warm. Put it on continuous on, instead of being switched on and off by the temperature sensor inside the tent.
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    My yeast bioreactor is still pumping out CO², but it's slowing down. Most likely because of the temperature drop outside since this evening, which I'm sad to say, impacts the temperature of the lungroom...The mix should be good for at least one month, but as more alcohol is getting formed, more and more yeast cells die off. The trick is to keep only those yeast cells which survive those high amounts of alochol and continue working with those. It's that or go to a brewing supply store and buy beer yeast or even better, champagne or sherry yeast.
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    The latter has strains that can cope with alcohol levels as high as 17%, while my bread yeast can only endure about 2-3%. There is a catch though...Price! For 1€ I have enough yeast to make 10 buckets worth, so that's nearly one year worth of CO². The champagne yeast costs 20 times that for the same amount of buckets, but the buckets last 5 times longer....
    Looking at the color and smelling the mash everything is still aok with this culture. Normally I don't open the lid as it releases all that CO² and opens the inside up to infection from some bad stuff, but for the purpose of this post I made an exception.
    NOTE: If you ever see black stuff on the inside appearing. Dump the contents immediately and clean out the buckets with soap and after that some H²O³ to disinfect. Because if you let it come to maturity it releases it's spores and when you breath those in, your in for a possible whole rollercoaster of health issues!!
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    And finally a screenshot from my Blynk app, which is giving me more and more info from the sensors...The addition of the VPD calculation has been a real eye opener for me. Keeping the VPD into the high 60's is allowing the plants to not have to expend to much energy in evaporating water and has alleviated a lot of the papery feel on the leaves from the larger pheno.
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    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. - Day 19
  • Hey friends :toke:

    Had to raise the sensor today as it was disappearing underneath the canopy. Some of the 'smaller' pheno's have followed along with the 'larger' ones and are about as large. So the smaller ones are becoming a minority...
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    I checked the soil and weight of the pots and decided not to water these ladies today. Last time I gave each pot around 300ml water and this was enough to get the pots through a couple of days and then some. Next time the Bactrex will be added again and they'll receive their normal amount, which I prefer as the soil doesn't stay as wet...
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    Amazing genetics this S.o.S. and freaking healthy plants. The amount of fingers on the fanleaves has always been an indicator for quality for me. I know this is bro science and that it's all between my ears, but still... :wiz:
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    Wonderful thick, chunky Indica style leaves. And...She's starting to smell a little. When I open the tent a light whiff enters my nostrils...I love her already ♥
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    Probably a drop of water that burned a hole in the leave. Haven't found any critter larger enough to do this kind of damage...
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    It's cold guys...Outside it's below zero and this translates to the temperature inside the lungroom. With the lights on I'm getting barely 19°C / 66°F, but the plants are still growing like cabage. Probably because the amount of light, VPD and extra CO² has something to do with that.
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    While I'm writing this, night has begun in my 28 hour / day tent. So why not show how the values look without the aid of the light...
    To keep the VPD somewhat into spec I increased the extraction fan with 10%. For now, I just have to set a timer and adjust the fan back in about four hours. In the near future this will become a feature in my app...
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    No time lapse today. I want the next one to be 60fps, so I need this footage to create some length... :shrug:


    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. - Day 22 - Sex
  • Hey friends :toke:

    These ladies are going crazy!! Growing like their life depended on it...

    Maybe this view shows it even better...

    The first signs of sex are visible...

    ...Not all plants are showing it yet, but we're arriving at the next phase...

    The smell inside, when opening the tent is very sweet, but subtle. Very enjoyable and a great foresight in what's to come...
    DON'T F#(K THIS UP NOW BOB :rofl:

    And it's been a while, but in return I can give you a nice time lapse at 60fps so you can see them ladies!!! Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    S.o.S. - Day 25
  • Love it mate
    Looking well in there
    Yeah, I can't complain mate :cheers:
    Today, morning was at 16:00 hours, meaning the light came back on after a four hour break...
    Had some work ahead of me today, as some of the lower leaves had to be pulled because they were all starting to overlap with each other. But before I started with that job, I first rearranged some of the ladies. A couple of smaller pheno's were all placed in the middle of the tent and the largest pheno's where placed on the outside. That way the light is spread out more evenly and I don't run the risk of lightburning them big'ns :hump:

    So after the readjusting the pots it was time to pull me some leaves...I started low...
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    ...But ended up removing quite some fanleaves...They were thick, leathery after all. So good riddance :thumbsup:
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    If you look from the top it all doesn't look so bad, right :goodluck:
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    This one was showing severe signs of being to hot...So relocation to the outskirts of the tent, away you go :wiz:
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    All the small pheno's right in the middle.
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    These larger pheno's do like it on the outside...
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    One hour after lights on the values inside the tent are back to normal. Because of the severe defoliating I did opt for a bit lower VPD, kinda like stepping on the brakes. By tomorrow the VPD will be back around 1.03...
    Co² is currently building, this takes a bit longer as the tent had been open for nearly an hour after lights on so...
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    Anyway...Hope you guys enjoyed :cheers:
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    S.o.S. - Day 27
  • Keep er lit mate.
    I enjoy watching those time lapse vids. Very satisfying to watch
    Thanks m8 :cheers:
    Glad to hear that, because I've got another long one, but that's for the end of the show :biggrin:

    Let's start with some technical stuff...
    First I raised the light to it's max height inside the tent. To compensate that lift I dialed the light from 60 to 66%, that way the light sensor receives the same amount of light as before.
    The extraction fan is easily dialed up or down. And once dialed in everything stays very stable. Also 13% is a variable to which I seem to return very often lately...:shrug:
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    Also watered the pots as most of them where as light as a feather...
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    Only the inner pots and the one in front, in which the smaller pheno's are growing felt heavier.
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    So I took that into account and focused my attention to the outer rim....+bonus point for who can find the seven differences, hihi
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    Next, I wanted to show my ladies to ya'll :shooty:
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    Almost in flower...But not yet :yay:
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    This one keeps showing these strange colored leaves...But always had everything the same as the others...Must be something I've done. It tickles me that I cannot put my finger on it...
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    The other larger pheno's have done most of their stretching. Preflowers are massively building and preparing for an awesome show
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    Everyone looks healthy and green. Looks like I've got the amount of light just right or at least I'm not burning anything and everyone is happy :bighug:
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    One final top notch looking budsite before you guys settle down in the theater.... @Sawney_bean, buddy...The smell is amazing!!
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    Today's time lapse begins where the previous one ended and took about five days worth of pictures. Oh, also readjusted the camera and forgot to turn it back on...Next visit to the tent I'll start again, so there will be about half a day's worth gap which you guys will be missing out off...:rofl:
    Enjoy :thanks:


    S.o.S. - Day 30 - Early Flower
  • Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

    Were back from our trip through the rabbit hole and most things seem in order. Hope the migration guru's get the smiley's figured out as I like them a lot :woohoo1: Also the new template is a bit of getting used to. :shrug: But all is fine, thank you for taking so much care of us @admins :thumbsup:

    Today my ladies are thirty days old and one can definitely say they have started flowering. This migration took about one whole week to ten days and a lot has happened since then, but more about that in a moment.

    I've decided to give my ladies another boost by mixing up, one level teaspoon Mycotrex, one level teaspoon Bactrex, 10ml Orgatrex and 5ml Bio PK 5-8 together with 2.5L dechlorinated tapwater. After shaking everything up really well I divided everything over the fifteen pots. So each pot got approx. 150ml of the mix. Tonight I'm starting a PK Booster Compost tea brew and Sunday morning I'll be dunking each pot into the mixture as to saturate the soil, then it's straight onto the heatbed under the tray which is set to 24°C. Raising the temperature that high will aid in the development of the bacteria and mycelia. And the carbs inside the Orgatrex will provide the necessary nutrients for them. I will have to watch out for high humidity, but that will already be the case as after the dunking I will treat my ladies to another spraying with the BoomBoom Spray.
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    So yeah...A lot has happened since these beauties started to switch over to flowering. The smaller pheno almost tripled in size, while the larger pheno only doubled it's size barely, which is fine btw as my tent is limited in height :thumbsup:
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    This means that the entire canopy is evening out. Not to say that it is even, but still...We're getting there :pass:
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    Removing all them big dark green fan leaves was a good decision and gave these ladies a fresh start from all that Nitrogen that was provided from the get-go. They do look lush do they not? :thumbsup:
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    Below the canopy everything got cleaned up as well. As some of you might have notice already, I did remove that first node as I really felt that these rarely yield something worth while. What do you think? :welcome:
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    Yes!! my friends!! These ladies are really enjoying life :cooldance:
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    Everywhere you look there's flower sites emerging...
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    Yummie!! :woohoo:
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    Anyway, the time lapse will be for later this evening as I don't like to stop just after a lights out. This gives the clip a dirty ending :eyebrows:
    I'll also update you guys on how I started the brewing process :thumbsup:


    Bob :d5:
    First brew...
  • Good evening y'all, at least it is where I'm at. :chef:

    I promised earlier today, that I would have a new time lapse for you together with an explanation how I brew my PK Booster Compost tea.
    So let's get started...

    1. A bucket filled with tap water (approx. 10L)
    2. An airpump with tubing and an airstone

    1. 10 heaped tablespoons PK Booster Compost Tea
    2. 50ml Orgatrex
    3. 1 heaped teaspoon Bactrex
    4. 2 heaped teaspoons Mycotrex
    5. 10ml Bio PK 5-8 (thanks @snerval)

    1. Aerate the water for at least 24 hours, that way we are absolutely sure there is no chlorine left that can kill the bennies we are about to add...
    2. Measure everything exactly, just like described above *wink* and add it to the water.
    3. If not already running, start the pump.
    4. Wait 24-36 hours and you'll end up with a tea chockful goodies and bennies.
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    To end this post I present you with number 9 in this series of time lapses. Duration = 60 hours, speed = 25fps. Please enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
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