Cannabis Capsules - A Step-By-Step Guide

For me personally, I have found that decarbing at 250 F. for 27 minutes in an electric range has worked for me well. Again that is just what I have found works good for me.

Yea, just putting them into a pan and cutting them into squares would be perfect. As I'm sure you know it takes a fair amount of meds take make any amount. If you are doing this for pain management, as I do, you may want to try the Green Dragon Tincture, as well. Green dragon...(becareful)
If you do make the Tincture, make it exactly like the recipe says. Like the title states 'be careful'. I have taken too much more than once when I was in severe pain, and it took me to places that I didn't like.

But if you do start to just ingest it rather than smoking it, it is nice to alternate on your meds. Even every other day using just these 2 I am not building up any more tolerance.
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Mmhhh I forgot about green dragon, it seems like itd be more bang for my buck or more servings with GD. Thanks again Stickman