New Grower CF - Do Si Dos and Super Silver Haze.

Clem Fandango

Cultivators Club
Apr 15, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Ok be gentle this is my first attempt at a grow journal. It will probably resemble a dog's breakfast but at least that'll match the grow. Note; I hope the pics are in the correct order. I ran them through a metadata remover which removed the correct time stamp on them. I'll do my best to eyeball the correct sequence.

Set up
Seeds : Zamnesia Do si Dos (auto)
Seed : Zamnesia Super Silver Haze (photo)
Substrate : Coco bricks rehydrated with perlite added.
Tent : 2x4x6
Lights : one Mars Hydro TS 600 + one Mars Hydro TS 1000
Pots 20 litre fabric
Nutrient GH Flora trio

The beginning and first mistake
Put one DSD seed in a glass of tap water didn't check PH then transferred seed into a paper towel and wetted the towel with water from glass. Took a bit to get going, checked PH ...8.45 :doh:

Transferred sprout into 20 litre pot of rehydrated Coco (rehydrated in the same 8.45 pH water, non buffered,non washed :doh:). Slow take off..I wonder why :gassy:.

A week later same procedure with one more DSD seed and one SSH but this time water ph'd to acceptable range and Coco washed and buffered. Faster take off.

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A week later
no exhaust fan yet, only a busted old house fan that I found hiding in a closet. Growth rates can be seen here indicative of the starts they received.
A week later so 3rd week
Mistake 3 , the girls didn't get any food except Calmag and water up to now. Why? Because I'm a genius that's why, now stop asking stupid questions.
The stunted growth and leaf colour shows how awesome the plants thought I was for putting them on this brilliant feed plan. Note; the photo was topped and took my abuse way better than the two Autos. The SSH is a great plant for numbskulls like me.

Week 4-5
Fed the girls properly with the three part, girl one got Calmag as her substrate was unbuffered, the other two just nutrients and water. At this stage my schedule was one feed - one water. This was also a mistake which caused them to start getting hungry and not performing as well as they could. They did try their hardest though despite their hunger.

Week 6
Light distance might have also been an issue as I played around with it a bit to see how the girls reacted. Unfortunately I was still doing one feed one water which just wasn't adequate. I was still adding Calmag at this stage as well to the first DSD as she was struggling a bit with nitrogen and showing light signs of deficiency ie small necrosis on leaf middles. Wasn't really that concerned though.
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Week 7 ish
This is where it gets a bit tricky to find the correct photo. However, I can tell you that I started to have nitrogen burns and clawing on some leaves. It was about this stage I switched to the Lucas formula with the GH as that made sense to me and helped with the nitrogen issues. I'll try to find the correct pic later.

About Week 9
SSH is getting impatient with the autos and started to get pushy. My plan of somehow timing these to work in harmony was not a good one. Solution needed.
Week 10 and Today
Drastic measures taken with the SSH, she'll be going into solitary confinement for 12 each day until autos are finished. Which should be about 3 weeks. Let's hope this works out. Going by my history, it probably won't. There's always hope.

Problems with Autos, Calmag needed. I stopped adding Calmag for a quite a few feeds and they are showing signs of deficiency. Nevertheless still going ok and will provide me with something to put in a jar so meh. :zen::shrug:

So that's it for now. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Good or bad.
