Dutch Passion Mimosa Punch & Trichomes & Cream 2022 Dutch Passion Autoflower Grow & Show 2022 - Auto Mimosa Punch + Auto Trichomes & Cream

OK peeps little while since I posted in this thread,
Week 6ish now
Just a lickle update

So I'm running both marshydro lights now and even tho they are different wattage ( one ts 600 and the othe ts1000 )

I have made the plants very happy,

I did a lite defole and up the feed and used canna boost as a spray and put it in the water tank and boom the combination has worked a treat,

And now have signs of pre flower so here comes the stretch
Happy growing peeps
Hay they look magnificent I think I can smell it from here

What marshydro u got there Bob and tent size my friend
It smells so nice in there...:d5:

I've got the TS-1000 and a 60x60x160 / 2x2x5.2' sized tent. Would have loved a bigger one, but it was all that I could fit in...
Very happy with the entire setup actually. The light is a wee bit oversized for the tent, but that means I can run it at a lower wattage and save some ledtime.
looking good Bobs, nice to you see you as always - oh and thanks for the reps
Little pic update for everyone...loads of tops meanz loads of budz..... hopefully hehe.....loving these gals...both are in wk 10 and happy girls too... pleasure to grow!!

Mimosa punch

Trichomes and Cream.