Lighting Indoor 4x4 Raised bed Under the Scorpion Diablo


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Well, now that I'm back on my feet I'm redoing the open area of the growroom I just assembled and dropped a Grassroots 4x4 raised bed under my Scorpion Diablo lamp. I've started filling it with old rootballs, recycled soil and a 3 CuFt bag of fresh potting mix. I'll be adding some Epsoma Garden Tone organic nutrient blend, a little Blood meal, and some Coast of Maine EWC.
First crop is going to be photo periods and will be a mix of Wedding Cake, and Sunset Sherbet.

Grassroots 4x4 raised bed pic-1.jpg
Been busy ( a nice feeling after having been laid up for so long) but I've been planting! I now have 32 Blue Dragons planted, 4 Sunset sherbet sprouted, and 2 of the Wedding Cake. ost Blue Dragons have been moved to the "x32"x32"x60" tent. I'll change out the Diablo 200 and install the custom Diablo light tomorrow. I should have the raised bed filled to 12" tomorrow. I don't see a need to fill it to 16". I'll mix the soil and top it up. Those rootballs you see in there will get mashed down and blended into the lower layer of new soil. Can't wait to see how this all turns out!

Indoor raised bed - pic1 -4-9-2023.jpg
Alright! overdue update lol! I emptied all my pots into the raised bed probably about 43-40 gallons. I added some Garden Tone, about quart, and about 7 gallons of EWC I made, and mixed it in. By the time I was done, I was done... Was still weak from being inactive for so long. I just now put the 3 Cu.Ft bag of soil in. I mixed a bag of cow compost into it. Then I mixed in a bag of Coast of Maine Quody blend compost, which has Lobster and Crab compost, worm castings and other compost. I sprinkled about a quart of garden lime on it and blended it into the soil. I've got just about 12 inches of soil in there, which is exactly wha I was shooting for. Now there's a bunch of pots I no longer have to deal with!

I transplanted the three Wedding Cake and the four Sunset Sherbet. A couple of the SS are runty but we'll see what they do with all this root space!
As soon as I recover from this work, I'll get some pics!
Time for an update! Seeing them in the raised bed kinda fools you as to their size. They're growing nicely. Even the runt is gainng some size... still a runt though lol! Think I'll abuse her and see what happens........
Now the down side of the raised be is humidity. So today I put down some plastic mulch. I just layed down some strips so they'll be esay to pick up.
I ordered a dripline kit from Dripworks last week and it came in today. And I'm SO glad... this bed is a bitch to water with a watering can! 25 gallon yesterday. I'm cutting down a cheap hose to run from a hose Y on the washing machine faucet to the growroom.

Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake ans Sunset Sherbet pic2 -4-26-2023.jpg

Sunset Sherbet

The Runt
Wedding Cake ans Sunset Sherbet pic3 -4-26-2023.jpg
Wedding Cake ans Sunset Sherbet pic4 -4-26-2023.jpg

Dripworks kit

Drip kit pic1.jpg
Drip kit pic2.jpg
Alright! Things are looking good! I flipped to 12/12 2 days ago. did some light defoliation this morning. Got the rest of the parts I needed for the drip system. I'm going to use a 50 gallon res and a pump, so that i can fill it with RO water. I may also test using my tap water filtered through a sediment filter and 2 carbon filters, maybe I can get the Iron down enough to not hurt my plants.
I'm also doing composting in place, all the leaves removed for defoliation are just left on top of the soil. That's how nature does it! Going to order some Red Wigglers to turn loose in the bed.

I'll get pics from my tents later. The GG that didn't auto is building some nice buds and my poor Mataro Blue are flowering nicely also.
The smaller tents have a few Blue Dragons in small pots. they are doing ok but not the best.

wedding Cake and Sunset sherbet pic1 -5-12-2023.jpg