Hey Guys!
Good to hear taht you have the sane problems as i have ! My first grow was really a trip to hell abd back bec. of the cal/mg issuse ! In the end i get onle 125 g from 4 plants ! Was not what i expecting... So Tng hiw do you handle the problem, you know i was really inspiered by your grows and youre plants never seems to ha e such issues. So how do you handle this ?
a cal/mag problem is something i keep seeing popping up from time to time so its good to see this thread , so nine times out of ten it is best to have some cal/mag on standby to include in the feed??

also earlier in the thread i saw somw one say that MOST nutes are made for HID lighting , so does that mean some nutes are out there that are designed with LED in mind?

Does anyone know what the amount of cal/mag to add to liter of water for foliage spray? maybe i am safe using1 tsp like i would Epson salts?
i figured since the thread was about the issue of def do to my LED, i would get tried methods to help.:) thank you
I checked around and didnt see anything that was real specific
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Hey Guys!
Good to hear taht you have the sane problems as i have ! My first grow was really a trip to hell abd back bec. of the cal/mg issuse ! In the end i get onle 125 g from 4 plants ! Was not what i expecting... So Tng hiw do you handle the problem, you know i was really inspiered by your grows and youre plants never seems to ha e such issues. So how do you handle this ?

Calcium and magnesium are only taken on by the plant above PH 6.5 in soil so I have my soil at 6.8 and my feed is 6.6 I also started feeding 2ml per 1L through flower. I use Plant Magic Magna-Cal,I did use ANs SensiCal but it seems they have stopped producing it.
It's a pretty amazing feeling knowing you inspired someone to start growing.

a cal/mag problem is something i keep seeing popping up from time to time so its good to see this thread , so nine times out of ten it is best to have some cal/mag on standby to include in the feed??

also earlier in the thread i saw somw one say that MOST nutes are made for HID lighting , so does that mean some nutes are out there that are designed with LED in mind?


CalMag is a must for LED growers and as far as I know there are no LED specific nutrients but its only a matter of time as LEDs popularity grows.
I'm in my very first grow and the GN leds are on their way just now so I guess this little cal/mag problem I'm having now is going to get worse? :kitty:

BTW, wrong pH/EC would cause cal/mag, correct? Many people have problems correcting pH/EC so maybe we shouldn't blame leds? Just a thought.
I'm in my very first grow and the GN leds are on their way just now so I guess this little cal/mag problem I'm having now is going to get worse? :kitty:

BTW, wrong pH/EC would cause cal/mag, correct? Many people have problems correcting pH/EC so maybe we shouldn't blame leds? Just a thought.

Low PH will cause a deficiency yes but LEDs do and will increase the plants appetite so even if you PH is perfect if there isn't enough Calmag in the feed or medium the plant will use up the stored nutrients in the leaves hence the brown leaves.
a cal/mag problem is something i keep seeing popping up from time to time so its good to see this thread , so nine times out of ten it is best to have some cal/mag on standby to include in the feed??

I always recommend that a cal/mag solution as well as a PK booster like PK13.14 be kept on hand just in case. Both are relatively inexpensive and having them at the ready can save days waiting for some to arrive. I use Techniflora Magical and start adding it in late veg, around day 35 or so, at the rate of 5 ml per gallon and continue until I start to cleanse the plants.

also earlier in the thread i saw somw one say that MOST nutes are made for HID lighting , so does that mean some nutes are out there that are designed with LED in mind?


Yes, not only are most nutrients made for HPS lighting, they are also made for photo sensitive plants. Autos, and LEDs, have been generally ignored by the nutrient manufacturers but that is changing. Several are looking at producing nutrient lines designed specifically for growing autos.
With all the nutes and cal/mag out there also its hard to balance it by watching others..Mine seems to happen at transition and just wont stop LOLIm going to try to up my soil PH like tang .:High 5:I do like muddy said before and cal/mag a little every feed but i guess it wasnt enough or the ph of the soil is low.Also foliar it too.:stylez rasta smoke:
This is a transpiration/increased uptake issue. Leds create less heat which means they burn off less humidity. Which in turn leads to lower transpiration rates. Basically you plant cant breathe which slows down uptake. Cal/mag issues for me have always been worse in the summer than winter with leds. Also now add the fact that leds cause the plant to be more needy for Cal/mag and Bingo there is the problem. If you can keep humidity below 45% in summer without excessive heat then the problem will lessen. It is also strain specific as well. I use Cal/mag plus at a rate of 2 ml per gallon in winter and 4 ml per gallon in summer. However, certain strains may require specific feedings :2cents:
Ok i have been told another theory as to why we are seeing Cal/mag def under Led... The theory goes like this, because LED's don't give out the same radiant heat as HPS the plants don't transpire as they normally would, this in turn changes how the plant uptakes nutrients. i have been adviced that a way around this, is to increase the temps and the RH in the grow room. this is what i am doing at the moment..running temps between 82-86F and an RH of 70-80%, so far no problems. Will keep you all updated on how this theory works out.