Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Good morning :headbang:

Gnat bites suck! But up here we have black flies, substantially bigger with a big bite!
Morning @Talonxracer ...gnats haven't been much of a problem here before but the yellow flies have been....and it's about time for them to start up again, saw my first one yesterday on a walk through of the yard. Last year had a hell of a time laying a small concrete pad with 15/20 of them all vying for skin space. Really puts a damper on getting things done.
Got the side show closet set up and the welly boots noved in last night, gotta remember where I put my mason jars for the 2 in solo cups in case they sprout.
Watched a neat YT vid series on cheap tissue culture propagation last night. Seems a nice enough way to get a lot of plants if your wanting to go full bore into selling the more expensive plants, just takes a long time from start to viable plants you can acclimatize.
Plantsinjars channel on YT if anyone interested.
Found a mutant hillbilly this morning.

Morning a bit of sleep but kept waking up, got hit by a swarm of biting gnats while outside yesterday and itching like crazy where they got past my clothing. Little fuggers. Quick mail check shows my pop up should be in by tomorrow but my damn coleus still sitting in Orlando processing facility. Fingers crossed they'll be OK when they arrive. Only took 3 days on the first batch but at 5 days on these.
Good morning....
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